Hainan Special Economic Neway activate office market « China ...

20 end of the century, the shadow of the real estate bubble in Hainan, so many developers on the development of office space off the office market in Haikou has subsided fairly long period of time until 2002, after the market showed some signs of warmer, but also waves do not panic and scattered in three or four types of business office property market.

favor the office market is bound to

Hainan has always been known as the agriculture, tourism province. In 2004, Hainan’s economic development can be described as an “inflection point”, Hainan started by high-efficiency tropical agriculture and tourism-based to a large local resource-based processing industries in transition. Industrial development, the tertiary industry will bring prosperity. Statistics show that as at June 2004, the province has 58,256 enterprises of all types, the registered capital (K) a total of 1813.6985 billion. With the development of tertiary industry in Haikou, growth-oriented enterprises and entrepreneurial growth-oriented enterprises are expanding.

as a relatively weak economic base of the island province, Hainan is a typical investment-led economy. To attract outside capital to expand investment in the future for a long time to accelerate the development of the major route of transmission. In December 22, 2004 held in Hainan Province, the economic work meeting, the governor announced Wei Liucheng spare no effort to promote natural gas and natural gas chemical industry, petroleum processing and petrochemical projects, such as 10, with a total investment reached 600 billion yuan.

In recent years, Hainan’s economic development continue to encounter new opportunities. Vigorously promote the work of government investment and the results are remarkable in Guangdong “beads contact the Council”, Hong Kong’s “sea contact the Council” to convene, many enterprises will not only bring capital, it will also provide services for projects related businesses. With China’s entry into the global economy continued to accelerate the integration process, combined with Hainan is located in the center of Southeast Asia, ASEAN cooperation has been continuously strengthened, geographical location, Hainan will be increasingly reflected its superiority, and many foreign countries, foreign enterprises will be Great investment opportunity to seize the occupied Hainan beachhead. Continuous influx of foreign funds, large investment projects, will lead a large number of small and medium-sized funds for follow-up; At the same time, the provincial party committee of this year showed that more fully on the investment environment in the construction of a high degree of attention and a good investment climate to accelerate the development of the firm determination of Hainan. From this we can see the Hainan Special Economic transition signals have emerged. According to experts in the first half of the survey show that our province remains stable economic growth, improve quality and efficiency of operation significantly.

as the economy pick up, local enterprises in Hainan’s economic strength gradually increased, and many powerful enterprises have also begun to focus on establishing the company’s brand and corporate image, office buildings is to show the economic strength and status of enterprises the main vector. Office keep up with economic growth and prosperity of the pulse, the office of a city economy is often a barometer of economic prosperity. With the pursuit of a modern enterprise identity, reputation, image and brand, such as the development of dominant values, office buildings has increasingly become a symbol of the modernization of enterprise management, the demand for office space development will follow. New opportunities and the restructuring of the economy indicates that hainan usher in a new era of economic development, the office market to Hainan enormous room for development, will also lead the region’s sustained economic development.

At present, Haikou, nearly 30,000 registered companies, and are more than 500 per month rate. There is expansion of the requirements of the majority of enterprises are facing the problem is not the Government approval, but wanted to find a new economy in line with the requirements of the times, with the international standards of high quality office space is very difficult.

Hainan’s economic development and the office market changes

office development followed the footsteps of economic prosperity. Changing times, as one element of enterprise production and management of office space, any one of the quality of internal and external changes are reflected in the concept of office product development to enhance, but also reflects the history of regional economic change.

development of the office market in Haikou Up to now, largely through the following four stages:

first phase: the planned economy system, the government’s administrative office and some state-owned enterprises and institutions of the office Building. Color of a single, simple cement exterior, interior space partition is simple, gives a solemn feeling.

the second phase: to build the province, as the implementation of reform and opening up policy, economic activity, investment high, a large number of mainland enterprises to enter the sea, began to emerge of the modern concept of office space, such as: Aki buildings, Huaneng Building , Imperial Building, Nanyang buildings are built at this time, these buildings reflect the higher standards, many companies began to move office, the office market has been greatly.

third stage: Hainan real estate bubble burst, the economic recession, real estate has bottomed out in Hainan, as a large number of such residential buildings in business, therefore, from 1994, the pure business development office investment would no one had. Some enterprises to enter new business office gold hotel, the Mandarin Hotel, International Commercial Building, etc.-star hotel.

fourth stage: With the Hainan Special Economic warmer, the real estate market heating up again, plus the disposal of the backlog of real estate all the preferential policies, to re-attract the developers eye. During this period there is an individual business investment in buildings, such as:鸿联business, new business, international, such as Dominic.

several stages from the above we can see that the sea current office space the main commercial and residential buildings, offices, hotels and other models. One aspect of the senior members of the business sector dominated Referring to the requirements of business-to-office, said the city wants to become an economic leader in the enterprise, must have a world-class office buildings, for it to create wealth to provide gorgeous vector — This is the image of strength, is proof of strength.

market calls for high-quality pure office space

rented hotel office, create a non-continuing operations of non-sense of stability, the staff could not be established in terms of centripetal force, it is difficult for customers the formation of long-term credit, the company should not allow the formation of accumulation brand.

the existence of commercial and residential buildings for the fledgling small companies need to have some, but its mixed with non-chapter is not only difficult to manage state property, and business environment is poor, which will give a modern enterprise day-to-day business activities and image development have serious consequences.

With the advent of the information age, the increasingly high demand for intelligent, experienced veteran of office for too long, relatively backward facilities, modern society has been unable to meet the global synchronization of the high demands of office, the company’s development under great restriction.

a distinct spirit of the office premises, and its noble style lobby is the place feel the spirit of respect is the main vector. With market information office of continuous improvement, supporting a variety of hardware for office space has become a universal standard, new concepts with an impact on office market:-star hotel-style property, business space user-friendly, the ecological environment of the office one after another, the concept of a single office building has been insufficient to affect the whole market.

All in all, a new era has arrived and the sea level and function of the office facilities, have been unable to meet the current needs of the market, the market calls for the economy to adapt to the requirements of a new era of high-quality pure office space.

office product how to respond to market demand

Although haikou the upward trend in commercial exchanges, but the current commercial property Haikou is still in a very embarrassing position, the middle office, business live blocks, hotels, apartments and other large vacant space, and high-grade pure and very little office in Haikou. According to nearly 1,000 copies of the questionnaire show that 39% of respondents consider, mutatis mutandis, some mainland cities, Haikou office overall quality is not high, yet not really be called high-grade office space, as the capital city of Haikou is concerned this may not be not that of embarrassment. At present, Haikou, the development of office buildings still lags behind developed cities in the Mainland, the pace of development, particularly in the hardware configuration, soft-matching services, intelligent building can not meet the grade level of development of office, which to some extent with the regional market for office space entrepreneurs in the pursuit of environmental quality, as well as awareness of intelligent facilities, a great relationship.

office supply and demand imbalances. Haikou, the office market was the polarization of one hand is the commercial and residential real estate-based consumer trends, the other side is pure high-quality office market is very short, single-supply from the market perspective, the net number of business-type office space scarce. The main reason lies in the fact that on one side are the developers to see the regional office market imbalance between supply and demand rather than rashly development, the other side is that most enterprises are non-growth-oriented enterprises, such as trade bodies, offices and so on, in order to lower costs prefer low temporary office space, no one wants to take the initiative to break this stalemate situation.

2004 as the economic development of the “inflection point”, Hainan has entered a new economic era. At present, Haikou surplus office market, plenty of cheap office vacant room. These old-fashioned office building, including commercial and residential, if the update facilities, improve function, increase in parking spaces, it simply can not meet demand for new business office. In plenty of cheap office vacant room at the same time, there are many companies in the rental of expensive four-star five-star hotel office. Seen in this light, economic development in Hainan, a new era of truly able to adapt and meet the requirements of the new economy office products are also not occur.

Hainan in urgent need of high-quality office space, which is to upgrade the city’s business image is critical, the market demand for the birth of a high-quality office properties, is a regional economic development, as well as the level of urban development and the scale of business to broaden the scope caused by an inevitable, the resulting high-quality business premises in the economy, growth-oriented enterprises will of course be a strong support for high-quality commercial office space would greatly increase the quality of demand. With the development of the market economy in Hainan, as the capital city, Haikou possess better high-quality pure business office to office buildings will come into being.

a landmark commercial building, it should carry forward the history of development in the city, representing the city in this era of development achievements, and open the city’s future development. And the development of a city will inevitably lead to the birth of one or more a symbol of their development process and historical symbols of commercial imprint.

office is not only the elements of production and operations, but also the brand image of a city, “spokesman.” New economic era for the development of Hainan’s office and bring about new opportunities, because in recent years, the Group companies and the elite enterprises in Hainan, the scale of investment continues to expand, more and more important business office environment, science and technology and internationalization. Office whether they can provide complete supporting facilities in the internationalization of such enterprises will become the focus of the site; In addition, the hardware facilities and services should also move forward with the times can be long-term customer retention. The industry believes that the current office market is in Haikou ready stage of development. Show the direction of the office development to the international practice of the new trend. This requires developers in product design in addition to meet the realities of the actual needs of enterprises with the provision of integrated facilities and services in order to scale new heights, but also require developers must use a forward-looking vision to build a new generation of Hainan high-end office products, for the enterprise and regional economic sustainable development to provide strong support. To sustainable development embodied the concept of product development for enterprise, the owners as well as regional economic sustainable development responsibilities and obligations, than simply the pursuit of short-term interests have more social benefits, can adapt to the new economic development needs.

(Excerpt from July 22, 2005 “business report” / Journalist sunspots)




海南一向被称为农业,旅游省。 2004年,海南经济发展可以被描述为一个“拐点” ,海南开始了高效率的热带农业和旅游业为基础的大型地方资源为基础的加工工业转型。工业发展,第三产业将带来繁荣。统计显示,截至2004年6月,全省58256各类企业,注册资本(金)共一万八千一百三十六点九八五亿。随着第三产业的发展在海口,以增长为导向的企业和企业家成长型企业正在扩大。


近年来,海南经济发展仍然面临新的机遇。大力推进政府工作的投资成效显着,广东“珠洽会” ,香港的“海洽会”召开,许多企业不仅带来资本,它还将提供服务的项目,相关业务。随着中国进入全球经济继续加快一体化进程,结合海南位于中心的东南亚,东盟的合作不断加强,地理位置,海南将越来越多地反映了其优势,许多外国国家,外国企业将是巨大的投资机会,抓住海南占领滩头阵地。不断涌入的国外资金,大型投资项目,将导致大量的小型和中型基金的后续工作;与此同时,省委今年表明,更充分的投资环境建设的高度重视和良好的投资环境,加快发展的坚定决心海南。从这一点我们可以看到海南经济转型期的信号已经出现。据专家上半年的调查表明,我省仍然是经济稳定增长,提高质量和效益显着的行动。


















尽管海口的上升趋势在商业往来,但目前的商业地产海口仍处于一个非常尴尬的境地,中东办公,商业生活街区,酒店,公寓及其他大量空置面积,以及xx纯很少办事处海口。据近1000份调查问卷显示, 39 %的受访者认为,比照一些内地城市,海口办事处整体素质不高,还没有真正被称为xx办公空间,为首都的海口关注这未必是不是尴尬。目前,海口,发展写字楼仍落后于发达的城市,在内地的发展步伐,特别是在硬件配置,软配对服务,智能建筑不能满足级的发展水平,办事处,其中以一定程度上与各区域市场对写字楼的企业家在追求环境质量,以及认识智能设施,一个伟大的关系。


2004年作为经济发展的“拐点” ,海南已经进入了一个新的经济时代。目前,海口市写字楼市场过剩,大量廉价的办公室空置的房间。这些老式办公楼,包括商业和住宅,如果更新设施,改善功能,增加停车位,它根本无法满足市场需求的新业务办公室。在大量的廉价的办公室空置的房间在同一时间,有许多公司在租金昂贵的四星级五星级酒店办公室。从这个角度来看,经济发展在海南,一个新的时代,真正能够适应和满足新经济的办公产品,也不会发生。



办公室不仅是内容的生产和经营,而且品牌形象的一个城市, “发言人” 。新经济时代发展的海南办事处和带来新的机遇,因为在最近几年,集团企业和精英企业在海南投资规模继续扩大,越来越多的重要的商务办公环境,科学技术和国际化。办公室,他们是否可以提供完整的配套设施的国际化将成为这些企业的重点内容;此外,硬件设施和服务也应与时俱进才能长期留住客户。业内人士认为,在目前的办公市场准备在海口的发展阶段。查看的方向发展,该办事处的国际惯例的新趋势。这就要求开发商在产品设计,除了满足现实的实际需要的企业提供综合设施和服务,以攀登新的高峰,但还需要开发人员必须使用具有前瞻性的设想建立一个新的一代海南xx办公产品,为企业和区域经济可持续发展提供强有力的支持。体现可持续发展的概念,产品开发的企业,业主以及区域经济可持续发展的责任和义务,不是简单地追求短期利益有更多的社会福利,才能适应新经济发展的需要。

(摘自2005年7月22日“商业报告” /记者黑子)

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