Real estate management law be changed after the implementation of ...

Tenth National People’s Congress Standing Committee 29th meeting on the 30th vote on amending the Law on Urban Real Estate Management’s decision to authorize the State Council on the collection of state-owned land on the unit, personal housing and relocation compensation to the development of administrative rules and regulations, ensure that objects Right after the implementation of China’s urban demolition laws.

this year March 16, the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress passed the Property Rights Law, the Law on October 1 this year will come into effect. Property Law provides that the first paragraph of Article forty: the needs of the public interest, in accordance with the law and procedures of the authority can impose collective ownership of land and units, individual housing and other real estate.

NPC Financial and Economic Committee said that the city state-owned land on the units and individuals in charge of housing demolition is a policy with a strong work. To resolve the property law comes into force, the city housing units and individuals in the collection and the legal basis for the issue of demolition, in charge of the property before the enactment of the law, by modifying the Urban Real Estate Administration Law, the State Council first authorized the development of administrative regulations are necessary.

Tenth National People’s Congress Standing Committee 29th meeting on the 30th was also adopted without a vote:

anti-monopoly law

employment Promotion Act

law to deal with unexpected events

Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention

[Employment Promotion Law]

■ proposed the establishment of a sound employment assistance system

Tenth National People’s Congress Standing Committee 29th meeting, a vote on the 30th through the Employment Promotion Law stipulates that governments at all levels establish and improve employment assistance system, to take tax cuts and exemptions , loan interest subsidy, social insurance subsidies, job subsidies, through public channels such as the placement positions of employment difficulties priority personnel to help support and focus.

At the same time, the Employment Promotion Act also provides that in accordance with the law without a license and registration bodies, shall not engage in vocational intermediation.

■ subjected to discrimination in employment of workers can be prosecuted

Employment Promotion Law clearly violated the provisions of this Law, the implementation of employment discrimination, workers may complain to the People court proceedings.

Employment Promotion Act also provides that the violation of the provisions of this Law, against the legitimate rights and interests of workers, causing property damage or other damage, according to the law of civil liability; constitute a crime, be held criminally responsible.

■ China’s People’s Government above the county level to establish an early warning system for the unemployed

employment promotion law, people’s governments above the county level to establish an early warning system for the unemployed, the possible The large-scale unemployment, the implementation of prevention, regulation and control.

[to deal with unexpected incidents Act]

■ major emergencies in particular by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee or the State Council to decide whether a state of emergency

Tenth National People’s Congress Standing Committee 29th meeting, a vote on the 30th through the law to deal with unexpected events, the occurrence of major incidents in particular, to take the law and other relevant laws, regulations, rules and regulations to deal with emergencies measures can not eliminate or effectively control and mitigate the serious harm to society, need to enter a state of emergency, by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee or the State Council in accordance with the Constitution and other relevant legal provisions and procedures of decision authority.

■ unity government to be accurate and timely release relevant information

law to deal with unexpected incidents, the unified leadership to fulfill duties or organizations handle emergencies People’s Government should be in accordance with the relevant provisions of a unified, accurate and timely dissemination of related developments in emergencies and emergency disposal of work.

■ All units and personnel shall not report them late, false, concealed, omitted

emergency response law explicitly demanded that any unit or individual is reported sent, the report emergencies information, should be timely, objective, true and not be late, false, concealed, omitted.

[Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention]

■ personal capture wild animals to quarantine before feeding

Tenth National People’s Congress Standing Committee No. 29 meeting to vote on the 30th through the newly amended provisions of the Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention, artificial captured animal diseases likely to spread wild animals should be reported by the capture and quarantine of animal health monitoring body, pass the quarantine inspection before feeding, management and transport.





























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