爱马仕盛装舞步日期逆跳日历手表« oursolo.net

爱马仕爱马仕,一马具,皮具精品集团在法国开始后,170年的历史,传统的家庭,包括皮具,香水,服装,珠宝,手表及许多其他产品,知名的xx品牌。 2006年,爱马仕爱马仕沃谢弗勒里耶运动与瑞士工厂成为合作伙伴,以巩固机械表的技术,奠定了坚实基础,进一步拓展高级钟表等领域。


瑞士钟表厂沃谢和集中优势手表零件制造质量,只有极少数的服务和独特的口味要求的客户,可以是精密机械的{ldz},但与爱马仕爱马仕还强调,手表最终质量更好的主意。 2006年,爱马仕爱马仕投资沃谢植物的运动,并取得25%的股份,更多的机械手表重点应设计和制造。爱马仕沃谢弗勒里耶同的盛装舞步日历表的第三代移动推出{dy}家工厂,沃谢弗勒里耶制造高度精密的自动机芯生产设备,严格按照传统的钟表制造,整个运动329个路段总请按制表大师以纯手工组装零件,完成后,连同盛装舞步刚强独特的外观,内外。第三代




盛装舞步是第三代铂日历表,玫瑰金表两种材料,生产的只有170名,附有独立编号的手表,每年约四点四〇 〇万美元左右的价格。

Hermes Dressage date calendar watch inverse jump

Hermes Hermes, a horse harness, leather goods boutique group started in France, following the 170-year tradition of family history, involving leather goods, perfume, apparel, jewelry, watches and many other products, a well-known luxury brand. 2006, Hermes Hermes Vaucher Fleurier movement with the Swiss factory to become partners, to consolidate in the mechanical watch technology, a solid foundation to further expand the fields of Haute Horlogerie.

Following in 2005, Hermes Hermes launched “Dressage phase of the moon watch the second-generation”, this year with the Swiss Hermes Hermes Vaucher Fleurier movement side by side to complete the first plant is a big surprise for — equipped with automatic movement of the chain “Dressage third generation of the date of inverse jump Almanac watch”, but also the complexity of performance Hermes Hermes table section, add new brilliance. This calendar form, inherited Dressage Series watch fine watchmaking tradition, combines precision technology and Hermes has always attached importance to the art of design, perhaps the most exquisite technology and excellent design integration Athens.

Swiss watch factory Vaucher and concentrate superior manufacturing quality watch parts, only a very small number of services unique and demanding tastes of customers, can be a leader in precision machinery, but also with the Hermes Hermes stressed that the ultimate quality watches Better idea. 2006, Hermes Hermes investment Vaucher plant movement and achieved 25% of the equity, more focused on mechanical watches shall design and manufacture. Hermes Vaucher Fleurier movement with the launch of the first plant of the third generation of Dressage calendar watch, Vaucher Manufacture Fleurier devices produced by highly sophisticated Automatic movement, strictly follow the traditional manufacturing of watches and clocks, the whole movement a total of 329 sections In parts, with a tabulation by the Master to a purely manual assembly completed, together with Dressage Gangqiang unique appearance, both inside and outside. third-generation

Dressage Calendar Dressage Series watch the continuation of the sound has always been elegant temperament, highlights the brand’s unique style, to prevent reflective sapphire crystal table底盖, hand bevel cutting panels, rhodium plated and decorated the main splint H letters have 22K gold designs before thallium, distribute irresistible charming demeanor. In addition to table adoption of Vaucher manufacture Fleurier Automatic movement, in the table ear design, the extension of modeling with two stirrups. Ingenious extension of the surface圆浑curve, so that more slender circular dial, and dial leather strap with a unique link between the use of the way, it is an immediate association to the stirrup leather components.

practices used implicitly reserved for the texture of matte satin smooth polished watchcase and the outer ring, creating the effect has embraced. The surface of horseshoe shape in order to show the date of inverse jump shows that week and the month with two disks, in the movement strict precision timing at the same time, but also show full of swing dance aesthetic, is a senior Swiss watchmaking technology integration, traditional and creative excellence for the.

Dressage means “equestrian show”, represents the calm, elegant and refined equestrian spirit, must concentrate on every detail, and “delicate stringent” is an essential element, as Hermes Hermes Dressage watch precision turning, fine motor impeccable. And Hermès craftsmen has shown is the traditional high degree of respect and work ethic. Hesitate to spend time, not make things simple, seamless success every timeless classic.

Dressage calendar watch with third-generation platinum and rose gold watch two kinds of materials, the production is only 170, each with an individually numbered watches, priced at about 44,000 U.S. dollars or so. (07-12-3)

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