Qingdao sketched “Eleventh Five-year” blueprint for the ...

Accelerate high-efficiency ecological agriculture, ecological industry, modern service industry and other related industries, ecological experiments and demonstrations to speed up recycling economy development and application of technology to further improve the urban water reuse, rainwater collection and utilization, waste resources, utilization of renewable resource recycling the use of the system and strive to build an initial five-year period and environment-friendly city. Recently, the city government this year in the form of document No. 5, issued the “views on the development of circular economy,” lucid outline the next five years, a blueprint for economic development in the city cycle.

the “Opinions” put forward for the next five years, the city of circular economy development goals and key indicators, namely, sustainable development and recycling economy concept as a guide, from the “point circle, line cycle, surface cycle” start, in the key enterprises, industry and the first breakthrough in the field, with five years or so, building economic characteristics in line with recycling requirements, and regional economic development, then the industry is relatively ecology, green consumption, technology innovation, policy and regulations, building an industry, link a number of high-level model projects and demonstration projects, promote the city’s cycle of rapid economic development, resource utilization efficiency indicators approach or reach the advanced international level over the same period, the initial build competitive industries and local resources relative to the integration of the economy with local characteristics, socio-cultural and natural environment consistent with the industrial structure is reasonable, social harmony, environmental-friendly city. 2010, the city’s resource efficiency and utilization of renewable resources significantly improved yuan GDP energy consumption fell to 0.72 tons of standard coal; million GDP quantity of water control in less than 50 cubic meters; industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization rate of up to 98 %; comprehensive utilization of agricultural straw, 85%; urban sewage centralized treatment rate and wastewater treatment and reuse rate of 80% and 20%; municipal solid waste resource utilization rate of 40%; discarded appliances, discarded tires and other major utilization of renewable resources to 60%.

To achieve these goals and targets, the city will be the promotion of industrial ecological experiments and demonstrations to speed up the recycling economy development and application of related technologies, improve the urban resource recycling system, and actively advocate green consumption, the establishment of sound regulatory policy to promote mechanisms for five areas proceed to accelerate recycling economy. In the industrial ecology in which the pilot and demonstration areas, will focus on development of eco-gardening and efficient ecological agriculture, construction industry and the development of eco-tourism, commerce and trade, exhibition, logistics, culture and other modern service industries, will be major oil refinery project “leading”, extending to expand industrial chain, construction of a resource recycling-based chemical industry base. To City Beixin industrial base, international environmental Jiaonan Industrial Park, Qingdao Export Processing Zone to focus on building a comprehensive recycling economy demonstration parks. In addition, the city will be circulating through the economy into school programs at all levels to carry out green procurement, green portfolio to create, etc., raise awareness of society’s resources recycling.

It is understood that the next five years to speed up the city will also focus on a number of circular economy demonstration projects. Which in the agricultural sector, will focus on the building of 2000 solar energy - planting - cultivation - methane, “four in one” eco-sheds, 10000 in rural areas, “a pool of three reform” household biogas digesters, livestock and poultry farms in 20 large and medium sized biogas engineering, 3 to 4 fish farming demonstration bases, 200 pollution-free agricultural products base, 10 eco-agriculture demonstration zones, and 16 beautiful towns, 100 villages and beautiful environment. In the industrial sector, focusing on building toward the Pak Nai “zero discharge” of the United alkali process transformation, gas recovery power generation demonstration projects, construction, the use of steel slag and fly ash production of new materials, chromium slag iron making in water recycling, desalination and other demonstration project, the completion of 100 cycles of economic enterprise, economic and ecological characteristics of 10 industrial demonstration park. In the service industry and other areas, focusing on pushing forward into a digital information platform for intelligent transportation systems, wastewater treatment and reclaimed water use, new residential rainwater harvesting and utilization of domestic waste generation or composting, incineration or composting of municipal sewage sludge, construction waste recycling use and discarded appliances, discarded tires, waste plastics, waste paper, used batteries and other renewable resources, recycling of construction of demonstration projects, as well as clean fuels, wind power, solar energy development and sea-water source heat pump air-conditioning systems and other clean energy projects. (Reporter Huofeng)



“意见”提出了未来5年,循环经济发展目标和主要指标,即可持续发展和循环经济的概念为指导,从“点,圈,线循环,表面周期”开始的城市,在重点企业,行业和首次突破与在外地的5年左右,建设与循环经济特征的要求,与区域经济发展,则该行业相对生态,绿色消费,技术创新,政策和法规,建筑行业,联系高层次的示范项目和示范项目,促进城市循环经济快速发展,资源利用效率指标接近或达到先进同期国际的水平,初步建立具有竞争性的行业和地方资源相对于经济具有地方特色的融合,社会文化和自然环境与产业结构相一致,是合理,社会和谐,环境友好型城市。 2010年,全市资源利用效率和可再生资源的利用大大提高万元GDP能耗下降到0.72吨标准煤,万元国内生产总值的水量控制在不到50立方米,工业固体废物达98%综合利用率;综合利用农作物秸秆,85%,城市污水集中处理率和污水处理和再利用的80%和20%的税率;城市固体废弃物资源利用率40%,废旧家电,废旧轮胎和其他可再生资源的主要利用60%。


据了解,未来五年,加快城市也将重点放在循环经济示范项目。在农业部门,将集中于2000年太阳能-种植-种植-沼气,“四个建设一个”生态大棚,在农村地区10000,“一池三改革”户用沼气池,牲畜和家禽在农场20个大中型沼气工程,3至4家鱼类养殖示范基地,200个无公害农产品生产基地,10个生态农业示范区和16个美丽的城镇,100个村庄,环境优美。在工业部门,在对白泥“零排放建设为重点的联合国碱工艺改造,煤气回收发电示范项目,建设,利用钢渣和粉煤灰灰的新材料生产”,铬渣炼铁的水的回收利用,海水淡化等示范工程,对100经济企业,10个工业示范园区和生态特色经济周期完成。在服务行业和其他领域,就推到智能交通系统,污水处理和再生水使用数字信息的平台,重点推进,新的住宅收集雨水和生活垃圾发电或堆肥,焚烧或城市污水污泥堆肥利用,建筑废料回收利用和废旧家电,废旧轮胎,废塑料,废纸,废电池等可再生资源的回收利用示范工程建设,以及清洁燃料,风能,太阳能开发和海水源热泵空调系统和其他清洁能源项目。 (记者火峰)06.2.5

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