Apollo Photonics FOMS 1.3b (光纤和光纤设备设计分析):
Fiber Optical Mode Solver (FOMS)是一款用于光纤和光纤设备设计和分析的计算机模拟软件。它包括标准版和高级版等两个版本。标准版可用于模拟普通光纤的特性模拟。高级版则增加了参数选择等特性。
加拿大Apollo Photonics Inc.公司出品的光电子全套模拟xxxx,其中包括光波
导、器件和集成光路分析设计软件APSS, 半导体激光模拟xxxxALDS,以及光纤和光
纤光栅模拟xxxx包FOGS-BG/LG与FOMS, 代表了目前国际上光电子器件和波导分析的
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FDTD, BPM等)对复杂的波导、器件与光路的特性进行分析和设计
Apollo Fiber Suite has three modules that can be used together or independently: FOMS, FOGS-BG, and FOGS-LG.
Fiber Optic Mode Solver (FOMS) is a simulation tool to enables designers to simulate their new opotical fiber designs. FOMS is particularly useful in optical fibers that requires complex index profiles and material despersions.
Fiber Optical Grating Simulator-Bragg Gratings (FOGS-BG) is a powerful simulation and optimization tool used to design and analyze fiber optic device based on Bragg gratings. The program performs four types of tasks:
Parameter Scanning
Parameter Extraction
design optimization
Fiber Optical Grating Simulator-Long Period Gratings (FOGS-LG) is an advanced software package used for the modeling and simulation of fiber optical based on long period (transmission) gratings. For purpose of parameter entry, the program is divided into four main modules:
Phase Shift