Guangzhou Nansha petrochemical EPA does not rule out support for ...

yesterday, Canton first meeting last year the quality of the environment briefing. When asked about the Nansha petrochemical project, Guangzhou City Environmental Protection Bureau Chief Engineer, of the press spokesman for the willow first made it clear that support for the project located in Nansha.

“Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau is encouraged by the attitude of our”

willow said that the issue of Nansha, Guangzhou city government than any government should be concerned about , Guangzhou City Environmental Protection Bureau than any other environmental authorities should be concerned about. Its full name is the Branch joint-venture refinery integration projects, touched the hearts of countless people, the Guangzhou environmental protection department, besides being mindful of its lines will not do, are more concerned about it when we do, this is a responsible attitude.

“We note that the provincial Environmental Protection Bureau held a news conference at the time, Chen Guangrong, deputy director of the representative of a state省局table, he said welcomed the petrochemical project located in Guangdong, which we are a encouraged. Gave me at least two messages, first of all, this is a good project, it is critical to our energy security, industrial restructuring, is a good project, not to mention it to our socio-economic development benefits. More importantly, information, and its pollution, the impact on the environment can be controlled. “

” leadership position is not racking their brains in “

It is reported that this year the city of the” two sessions “and the country” two will be “period, Guangzhou City Environmental Protection Bureau, et all and the Mayor of Guangzhou Zhang Guangning, respectively, made a statement on the Nansha project. DING Hong-all, the project will be “the highest international standards in accordance with the EIA”; and Zhang Guangning explicitly expressed support for the project.

willow said Mayor Zhang Guangning meaning can be summarized into one word, by improving the technology for the control of sewage, by the total replacement to reduce pollutant emissions. “Both have DING Hong Zhang Guangning Secretary or the Mayor’s position is not racking their brains, are widely listened to the views of experts, including positive and negative listened extensively to the current research results. All the media reflect the views of experts, are good reminder. This is a very important foundation and support. Some experts such as yesterday in the newspaper referred to radioactive, the problem of soft ground, all of these in our environmental impact assessment, including regional evaluation, industry evaluation, project evaluation, are limitless. “Salicaceae stressed.

“After the completion of the project to be useful to improve the environment”

“the evaluation of such an important, if not all the possible impact on the environment Factors taken into account, it can through expert assessment it? The approval of relevant government departments through it? Even if the adoption of simple, but also pass the requirements of the people, this is the most important. “Willow said, as the city of environmental protection departments, the same set up to support this project in Nansha, at the same time more concerned about how to more scientifically rigorous manner to push forward the environmental impact assessment work, put forward and implement pollutant control measures; in this project completed, how to carry out supervision; how to protect not only the city of Canton will not adversely affect the quality of the environment, but also generally useful for improving the quality of the environment. Not stressed the importance of technical details, such as the Mayor Zhang Guangning pointed out that the “total replacement”, which are experts after a very careful study concluded.

Guangzhou City Environmental Protection Bureau welcomed the questioning voice of

previously Experts have pointed out that absence of Nansha and Shenzhen are relatively close, geographically sensitive, it is recommended in Guangdong choose another built a petrochemical project. Yesterday, too, has responded to Willow, he said that the Nansha Pearl River Delta is indeed a relatively central place, this kind of pressure, but also us to better promote the incentive to work. With a project regardless of where their pollutant emissions are the same. The key is what measures to take control, if that is a sensitive area, the work to be done more and more stringent. For example, the issue of emission factors, the old fossil is 13,14, the new three points must be controlled to a few, this is not a numbers game, involving every screw, valve. These efforts we will do a good job, scientific development, and environmental priorities in mind in the heart of our philosophy.

the voices of those questioned, willows are welcome. He said: “For example, professors have made the air pollution problem, I talk seriously with him three hours, including experts in Beijing, we will listen to their views. They take a very scientific, very responsible attitude to remind us what kind of work to be done, all these proposals, will remind us to listen carefully. Take it into the various segments of the entire project in. Please continue to pay attention to environmental protection departments of Guangzhou Nansha project to promote the course of the work done. “

■ they say,” Nansha “

mentioning some of our comrades on the development of industry fear that the petrochemical industry in particular, are untouchable collision, which may be some misunderstanding of the Nansha petrochemical project. Pollution control, environmental protection, we support this project is one of the reasons why. “

— 3 14, the National People’s Congress, Guangzhou Mayor Zhang Guangning the first time in the group discussions in response to the controversial Nansha petrochemical project.

up to now, Nansha I can only say that this project is a case, there is no building, has not been permitted, and there is no final report on the feasibility study. States did not approve the project construction. “

— National Development and Reform Commission deputy director Zhang

more large, more advanced projects, the higher environmental standards, environmental protection technology is also more advanced. If, after the EIA过不了关, none of us do. “

— director of the provincial Development and Reform Commission李妙娟

” Nansha petrochemical project also EIA process. EIA results will be the provincial Environmental Protection Bureau of first instance, and gives preliminary views, the re-submit the State Environmental Protection Administration. By then, the Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau will be widely integrated public opinion, not rule out the possibility to convene a hearing to seek public opinion. “

— Province, Chen Min, deputy director of the Environmental Protection Agency

professors have made the air pollution problem, I talk seriously with him three hours, including Beijing experts, we will listen to their views … … all the recommendations will be seriously reminded us to listen to … … please continue to pay attention to environmental protection departments of Guangzhou Nansha project to promote the course of the work done. “

— Chief Engineer, Guangzhou City Environmental Protection Bureau, the press spokesman for the willow

Chinese version:广州环保局支持南沙石化 不排除开民意听证会

























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