Harmonious Development: Towards Eco-Industrial « industry business

in three eyes of steel, iron and steel plant is everywhere underground treasure in heaven. As long as pay attention, just put it as a resource, can be used to play. Is not only the sky can be made floating in the air of oxygen, argon gas, gas to generate electricity heating change “fortune”; is the ground slag, iron-containing dust and mud and so on through the comprehensive utilization, are also worth a hundred times.

According to statistics, in 2004, three full-year steel produced 911.2 thousand tons of industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization volume of 88.8 million tons. “Resources - Production - Consumption - renewable resources”, which is upholding the three-saving production of steel in the environment and the economy in pursuit of the harmonious development model. To achieve this model, the core material and energy systems is a closed loop, not only to try not to discharge waste outside, but also turning waste into treasure, the waste of resources into renewable resources. In this model, three steel face of the many factors that reduce profits, but it can profit of 330 million yuan, it is not surprising.

3 Steel to explore the road to saving the pace of development did not stop. At present, three steel to create the provincial goal of circular economy demonstration zone has been established, will produce the various iron and steel products, slag, gas, oxygen, water and energy for system integration, implementation of the region, “co-generation, centralized gas supply , waste heat recycling, “the formation of iron and steel materials, chain, chain, gas and water chain, the energy chain, chain, such as the circulatory system of social services, prompting three steel from traditional industries to energy-saving and environment-friendly eco-industrial transformation. (Xinhua correspondent Yuxing Zhuang Xiang Xie Zhenhua Star)



据统计,2004年,三年全年生产911200钢工业固体废物八千八百八十零点零万吨综合利用量吨。 “资源-生产-消费-再生资源”,这是坚持三个节水和环境的和谐发展模式,追求经济的钢铁生产。为了实现这一模式的核心材料和能源系统是一个封闭的循环,不仅是为了尽量不排放污水外,也把废为宝,成为再生资源的资源浪费。在这种模式下,三个诸多因素减少利润钢铁脸,但它可以盈利3.3亿元,这并不奇怪。

3钢探索的道路,节约发展的步伐并没有停止。目前,三钢创建循环经济示范区省的目标已经确立,将产生的各种钢铁产品,渣,气,氧气,水和系统集成,该地区实施“共同能源发电,集中供气,余热回收“的钢铁材料,链条,链条,燃气及水链的形成,能源链,链条,如社会服务循环系统,促使传统产业,能源三钢节约型,环境友好型生态工业转型。 (新华社记者裕兴庄乡解振华星)

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