
1. 常见故障:暖气整体不热。排除方法:打开进回水阀门。 2. 常见故障:暖气不热(阀门已开)。暖气半截不热。暖气内有水响声。排除方法:暖气内可能有气,需放气。 方法一:先将进水阀门关闭。打开跑风放气门排气,有水溢出,关闭放气阀。 方法二:将进水阀门关闭3/4,再将回水阀门关闭后,打开放气门排气,有水溢出时半闭放气阀。 提醒您:操作后,故障仍不能排除时,通知维修人员。 3. 常见故障:暖气管路温度不够,室温过低。排除方法:进水温度低,提高进水温度。由物业检查系统。 4. 常见故障:进回水阀门以里(靠近暖气方向)漏水。排除方法:关闭进回水阀门。通知安装队维修。 5. 常见故障:进回水阀门以外(靠近主管路)漏水。 排除方法:通知物业半闭系统阀门;通知安装队进行维修。

“ Regulating valve quickly ruled out the five common failure Heating ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国气动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。

1. Common faults: Heating overall not hot. Remedy: Turn into the backwater valve. 2. Common faults: Heating is not hot (the valve has been opened). Heating is not half hot. Heating the water within the sound. Remedy: Heating in air may be required to release gas. Method 1: Put the water valve closed. Wind up running the exhaust valve opens, water overflow, close the release valve. Method 2: Close the inlet valve 3 / 4, then backwater valve closed, exhaust valve opening play, when the semi-closed water overflow release valve. Note: It is done, the fault can not be eliminated, notify maintenance staff. 3. Common faults: inadequate heating pipe temperature, room temperature is too low. Remedy: water temperature is low, raise water temperature. By the property inspection system. 4. Fault: into the backwater valve to inside (near the heating direction) leakage. Remedy: Turn off into the backwater valves. Notify the maintenance team to install. 5. Frequently failure: backwater valve into the outside (near the head of Road) leakage. Remedy: notification of property semi-closed system valves; notice installation team for maintenance.

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