

2010-05-18 16:29:30 阅读4 评论0 字号:

对于阀门,不但要会安装和维护,而且还要会操作。 一、手动阀门的开闭 手动阀门是使用最广的阀门,它的手轮或手柄,是按照普通的人力来设计的,考虑了密封面的强度和必要的关闭力。因此不能用长杠杆或长板手来板动。有些人习惯于使用板手,应严格注意,不要用力过大过猛,否则容易损坏密封面,或板断手轮、手柄。 启闭阀门,用力应该平稳,不可冲击。某些冲击启闭的高压阀门各部件已经考虑了这种冲击力与一般阀门不能等冈。 对于蒸气阀门,开启前,应预先加热,并排除凝结水,开启时,应尽量徐缓,以免发生水击现象。 当阀门全开后,应将手轮倒转少许,使螺纹之间严紧,以免松动损伤。 对于明杆阀门,要记住全开和全闭时的阀杆位置,避免全开时撞击上死点。并便于检查全闭时是否正常。假如阀办脱落,或阀芯密封之间嵌入较大杂物,全闭时的阀杆位置就要变化。 管路初用时,内部脏物较多,可将阀门微启,利用介质的高速流动,将其冲走,然后轻轻关闭(不能快闭、猛闭,以防残留杂质夹伤密封面),再次开启,如此重复多次,冲净脏物,再投入正常工作。 常开阀门,密封面上可能粘有脏物,关闭时也要用上述方法将其冲刷干净,然后正式关严。 如手轮、手柄损坏或丢失,应立即配齐,不可用活络板手代替,以免损坏阀杆四方,启闭不灵,以致在生产中发生事故。 某些介质,在阀门关闭后冷却,使阀件收缩,操作人员就应于适当 时间再关闭一次,让密封面不留细缝,否则,介质从细缝高速流过,很容易冲蚀密封面。 操作时,如发现操作过于费劲,应分析原因。若填料太紧,可适当放松,如阀杆歪斜,应通知人员修理。有的阀门,在关闭状态时,关闭件受热膨胀,造成开启困难;如必须在此时开启,可将阀盖螺纹拧松半圈至一圈,xx阀杆应力,然后板动手轮。 二、注意事项 1、200℃以上的高温阀门,由于安装时处于常温,而正常使用后,温度升高,螺栓受热膨胀,间隙加大,所以必须再次拧紧,叫做“热紧”,操作人员要注意这一工作,否则容易发生泄露。 2、天气寒冷时,水阀长期闭停,应将阀后积水排除。汽阀停汽后,也要排除凝结水。阀底有如丝堵,可将它打开排水。 3、非金属阀门,有的硬脆,有的强度较低,操作时,开闭力不能太大,尤其不能使猛劲。还要注意辟免物件磕碰。 4、新阀门使用时,填料不要压得太紧,以不漏为度,以免阀杆受压太大,加快磨损,而又启闭费劲

“ The correct method of valve operation ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 、 、 、 、 等。

For the valves, not only will install and maintain, but also to operate. First, open and close the valve manually Valve is the most widely used manual valve hand wheel or handle it, is in accordance with the ordinary human to design, consider the sealing surface of the strength and the necessary closing force. Therefore can not be a long lever or long board hand to board action. Some people are accustomed to using the wrench, should pay strict attention, do not force too much too fast, or easy to damage the sealing surface, or the board off handwheel, handle. Open and close valves, force should be smooth, not shock. Some of the impact of high pressure valves open and close the various components of this impact has been considered and the general valve can not wait Gang. For the steam valve and open the front, should be pre-heated, and the exclusion of condensation water, turned on, should try to move slowly to avoid water hammer. When the valve is fully open, the reverse should be a little hand wheel so tight between threads, so as not to loose damage. For the next shot valve, fully open and fully closed to remember when the stem position, to avoid the impact on full-time dead. And easy to check whether it is normal when fully closed. If running off valve or valve seal between the debris embedded in a larger, full-closed position when the valve stem must change. Lines beginning with, the internal dirt more, the valve can be Weiqi, using high-speed flow of medium, be washed away, and then gently close (not soon closed, Meng closed to prevent the sealing surface residual impurities crush ), re-opened, so repeatedly, rinse dirt and then put to work. Normally open valve, sealing surface may be sticky with dirt, using the method of closure should be washed away, and then officially shutting. Such as hand wheels, handles damaged or lost, shall be immediately filled and can not be replaced with active wrench to avoid damaging the stem square, open and close not working, resulting in an accident in production. Some of the media, the cooling valve closed so that valve contraction, the operator should be closed at an appropriate time to time, so that the sealing surface without leaving slit, otherwise, medium from high-speed flow through the slit, it is easy to seal erosion surface. Operation, if found too strenuous operation, the reasons should be analyzed. If the packing too tight, may be appropriate to relax, such as stem skew, repair personnel should be notified. Some of the valve, in closed state, close to thermal expansion, resulting in open problems; like to be open at this time, you can loosen the valve cover thread and a half circle to circle, remove the stem stress, and then board the hand wheel. Second, note Temperatures above 1,200 ℃ valve, as installed at room temperature, and normal use, temperature, thermal expansion bolts, clearance increased and must be tightened again, called "hot tight", the operator should pay attention to this a job, or prone to leakage. 2, when the cold weather, long-closed stop valve, the valve should be water exclusion. Valve steam stop, it should exclude condensate. The end of like a plug valve, open the drain it can be. 3, non-metallic valves, some hard and brittle, and some low intensity operations, opening and closing force can not be too much, especially not to Meng Jin. Avoidance of objects should also note that bump. 4, the new valve used, not the weight of packing too tight to not leak for the degree, in order to avoid too much pressure on the stem, to speed up wear and tear, but open and close strenuous

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