板式家具机械封边机的重大技术革新-胶线厚度只有传统封边的十分之几-来 ...

      2010年国际板式家具机械封边机的重大技术革新-胶线厚度只有传统 封边的十分之几-封边机的{zx1}技术



No more glue on the panel but on the edge. Stefani presented the new SLIM LINE technology at Technodomus 2010. This edgebanding technology is simple, economic and ensures excellent quality.
SLIM LINE is the result of one year's research, design and testing by Stefani research and development department. The result is a patent ensuring maximum finishing quality for edgebanding process of straight and softformed profiles. 

不需要再涂胶在面板上而是在其边缘上。Stefani在2010 Technodomus(木材技术展览会)上展现出新的SLIM LINE(薄线)技术。这种封边技术是简单,经济的,以及又能确保其{zy1}品质。SLIM LINE 是stefani研发室一年的研究,设计及测试的成果。这项成果是一项专利,以确保{zd0}限度的完成高品质质量。


SLIM LINE is much more efficacious than traditional edgebanding with glue pot. Distribution is more uniform because the problem of panel porosity is eliminated during application and the more uniform surface of the edge enables far less glue to be used compared with traditional edgebanding: 75% less with hot-melt glue and 50% less with polyurethane glue.
This translates into a glue layer thickness of a few hundredths of a millimetre compared to tenths of a millimetre with traditional edgebanding. Furthermore less glue means lower heating times and therefore greater efficiency and production readiness.

 SLIM LINE比传统带有熬胶锅的封边技术更加有效。因为面板孔隙度的问题被xx了,所以分布是更加均匀,而与传统的封边技术相比,在涂抹时和更均匀的边缘表面能上够更少的使用胶水:少用75%的热熔胶和50%聚氨酯胶。




Using less glue saves on the cost of materials and the energy required to melt the glue . Furthermore the slot distribution system has eliminated the glue pot and the various mechanical components of traditional gluing units, thus reducing maintenance costs and eliminating downtime . Both of which have considerable influence on production costs.


It is shown that a SLIM LINE panel processed with polyurethane glue has the same cost of a panel processed with traditional edgebanding using hot-melt glue (see example below).

它展示了SLIM LINE 用聚氨酯胶进行面板加工与使用热熔胶进行传统封边的面板加工有着同样的消耗。(请看下面的实例)



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