湖北襄樊谷物和食用油价格城继续略有上升« oursolo.net

进入第四周11月,襄樊市,在粮食和石油价格的季节性波动的市场特征明显。 11月29日,襄樊市,平均粮油(每公斤收购价,下同),小麦一点四三元,1.57在晚籼稻分别为人民币,较0.02元,0.05元月初。对2.13元格特一粉批发价格上涨0.03元,比年初增加;标中晚籼稻米12.49元,以基本上相同的开始。十点〇三元批发价格菜籽油,大豆油9.80元,分别比0.78元,年初上升1.00。襄樊市


Xiangfan City in Hubei cereal and edible oil prices continued to rise slightly

To enter the fourth week in November, Xiangfan City, the market characteristics of seasonal fluctuations in grain and oil prices significantly. November 29, Xiangfan City, the average grain and oil acquisition price (per kilogram, the same below), wheat 1.43 yuan, 1.57 yuan in the LATE INDICA RICE, respectively, compared with early by 0.02 yuan, 0.05 yuan. Wholesale price of 2.13 yuan Zweigert one powder, rose 0.03 yuan more than the beginning; subscript 1 in LATE INDICA RICE meters 2.49 yuan, with basically the same as the beginning. 10.03 yuan wholesale prices of rapeseed oil, soybean oil 9.80 yuan, respectively, compared with 0.78 yuan in early rising, 1.00. Xiangfan City

autumn grain harvest this year, to the acquisition by the end of November LATE INDICA RICE 667 million kilograms, accounting for the acquisition is expected to amount 900 million kilograms of 74.1 percent. Although the Xiangfan City粮源adequate, but the recent volatility in grain and oil prices are seasonal fluctuations. First, from the New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year soon approaching, processing enterprises actively preparing for the catchment; Second, oil prices, transportation costs increase, resulting in increased grain and oil costs; three country are affected by food price increases affect the auction; four are oil prices rising sharply, with to oil costs. (07-12-3)

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