“Car” to lift the embargo to be energy-saving legislation ...

Limited to a small or a lifting of the ban, the three factions do not give two

Beijing during the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission DING Xiang-Yang, director of the media, Chang’an Street, will open up for smaller cars, will know in the first half of this year. This is currently against the Beijing Development and Reform Commission, “the possibility of a small low-emission car Chang’an Street,” to speak only add that it is coming from Beijing, two messages, one of the most suspense.

1 4, the State Development and Reform Commission and other six departmental below, to local governments before the end of March this year, we should abolish all for energy-saving environmentally friendly vehicles with low emissions discriminatory restrictions, and to policies to encourage energy-saving environmentally friendly small-displacement car consumption policies and measures. Two sessions for Beijing Mayor Wang Qishan said in the report that Beijing will focus on the future development of energy-saving environmentally friendly cars, the majority of members felt that such a statement reflects the Government’s emphasis on the development of the automotive industry at the same time pay attention to energy conservation and environmental protection. However, with regard should be given a low-emission vehicle ban, the views of members is not very uniform, the basic can be divided into “strong support” factions, “the steady development of school”, there are few “opposition.”

China Financial and Economic Publishing House Publishing Center yearbook editor An Jianjun members and the Foreign Economic and Trade University professor Liu Yaowei member is lifted with the strong advocates of low-emission vehicles, Liu is an important member of one of the initiators. In 2003, he submitted to the Municipal Political Consultative Conference, a proposal asking that the municipal government lifted restrictions on small cars. Late last year, He also this year’s CPPCC session has once again made this request.

“I think this is mainly based on two reasons, first I think that from the public is concerned, people’s needs is a multi-level, in people’s living rising, many people want to buy a car, maybe some people are very much money, you can buy a Mercedes-Benz, Audi, but many members of the public economy is not wealthy, nor so many people to sit, hoping provincial money, hoping to buy a small displacement of the car that can travel with enough home, this they have the right to choice is voluntary and market behavior, the Government does not need to limit. Second, the state is concerned, it advocates the construction of a conservation-oriented society. Comrade Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao have both made a speech, Comrade. “lifting of the ban referred to the low-emission vehicles, Liu Yaowei members with fervor and assurance.

“Here I put forward three proposals: first publicly announced as soon as possible revocation, repeal in 1999 set limits on the small cars the legal provisions; second prompt revocation of the relevant sections, including Chang’an Avenue, the Second Ring three-ring on the related marks, because of the signs you are taking the road that is illegal; third is to open up the field of economy in the taxi cars and vehicles with low emissions. provided that they meet safety and environmental protection targets, the Government has no power to enforce the restrictions. “Liu member said.

An Jianjun members from the technical level, limited to small to make recommendations on the lifting of the ban. He believes that only come from the emission limit is not appropriate. He put forward a principle: should the safety performance of vehicles, environmental performance, energy consumption, etc. to assess the extent, if is not up to this standard, regardless of what cars should be restricted. As long as they meet the standards, no matter what kind of car should be liberalized. His other point is: to encourage people to use small cars at the same time limiting the number of organs and units with large displacement cars. “I think small cars are now the biggest advantage is energy conservation, saving society from the point of view, we should advocate and encourage families to use smaller cars, abolition of restrictions on the provisions of small cars is the trend.”

the “steady development” represented “the development of smaller cars should be considered together, the overall arrangement. small cars are not necessarily energy-efficient.” Anqing Heng Tan Road, small cars cheap car does not mean that Japan has a row of volume of 670 milliliters of the car, it has a high level of technical and manufacturing requirements, while not cheap. “Developing low-emission car has four points to note: First, the current Beijing and 1 liter below the level of automobile manufacturing technology, compared to 1 liter or more are not yet ripe, and now small-displacement cars fuel consumption is not ideal; 2, due to the long neglected, resulting in low-emission vehicles manufacturing and technical level of development is limited by the current high rate of vehicle kinds of failure, if Beijing sudden increase in low-emission vehicles to increase vehicle malfunctions, will aggravate traffic congestion; three, small displacement safety of these vehicles to be poor is an indisputable fact that, when banned ’surface’, the right of small displacement cars worthless, no one should put it as a flower; 4 and can not look at the issue in isolation, the small row of the amount of cars driving slow start and a large number of Sheung will lower the average pass rate of the road, reduce speed carts will make the fuel, the final total energy-saving effect from the social perspective, may cause even greater waste. “

make us feel the charm of small-displacement cars is the CPPCC session, “strongly support the faction” representatives of Mundell International University of Entrepreneurship principals, municipal CPPCC Ji Shiying with the “no” camp had a heated debate.

“poor performance of the current low-emission vehicles, not to promote.”

“it should intensify research and development efforts and accelerate development.”

“more R & D needs of high investment, at present a small row of volume car market is limited, difficult to support high-input. “

” This requires us to actively guide the purchase, low-emission car market expanded, and can there be a better model performance occurs. “

energy saving not only the may be incorporated into legislation, there will be “police” to monitor

“energy conservation” has become the consensus of the whole country, both in Beijing and director of the Standing Committee work report wave of the National People’s Congress this year, legislation is proposed for energy conservation Let us see a harmonious society Beijing to build energy-saving environmental determination.

the future, shopping malls air temperature adjusted too high, the office is also open during the day will receive energy-saving fluorescent lamp out of the police to open a “ticket.” Beijing Vice Mayor Zhang Mao in Beijing’s Haidian 12 session of the Fourth Session of the NPC delegation group hearing revealed that the first half of this year, Beijing will have 20 to 30 energy-saving police officers took positions on the city’s energy use patterns in supervision of punishment.

Zhang Mao said, the city government called on the city’s energy savings for a long time, but did not complete the supervision and management in place, so that energy conservation is only a slogan.

“We are now prepared to do in consultation with the City, to set up the first half of this year, saving 20 to 30 police officers, specifically responsible for the supervision and management of energy use and associated energy-saving standards and regulations will be introduced simultaneously. so as to ensure energy-saving police in law enforcement to really legal basis. “

Zhang Mao introduced energy-saving police force is established, and inspection will change significantly. For example, a mall in winter air temperature exceeded, in the inspection process, before the inspectors can only tell them to “the need to reduce the temperature down” with the result in the end by not reducing or by the store manager to decide, while the energy-saving police and the after the introduction of legislation that “must” to be cut down, while also be punished.

and energy-saving police, accompanied by a new industry there are energy-saving doctor.

This year, Beijing will carry out energy-saving medical ranks. Plan to first go through an intermediary service agencies to implement energy-saving energy-saving medical ranks. Zhang Mao said that Beijing there are many professional intermediaries can be energy-efficient office buildings, large shopping malls and other energy-saving situations, “diagnosis”, and gives several sets of energy-saving programs. Energy-saving doctors popular in foreign countries for many years, I believe that Beijing would be welcomed. As a result, doctors can help design energy-saving energy-saving programs to ensure that from the source to achieve energy-saving, and energy-saving police are responsible for monitoring and punishment, and ensure that the process does not cause energy waste, two-pronged approach in order to jointly create a conservation-minded society.

in a group deliberating the government work report, Li Jing, Chaoyang District People’s Congress on the spot lights pointing to the conference room, “the fix”: “Report on page 17 explicitly mentioned the need to establish a resource-saving society. but We raised his head and take a look at five years, this conference room has been using a 300-watt lamps, now replaced with 80 10-watt energy-saving lamps, add up to a total of 800 watts, not only failed to energy-saving, but a waste of energy. “

Joseph Lee, said, now includes government agencies buildings, hotels and restaurants many of which are such a situation, the meeting room into an incandescent hundred only energy-saving lamps, and even toilets are also equipped with 20 energy-saving lamps strange phenomenon. “I think the Government should take the lead in a solid way energy efficiency, rather than seeking to form energy-saving.” Representative of the words of Joseph Lee, tells the people’s aspirations.

relevant requirements of government departments were left CPPCC Li-chen. He suggested that Beijing should speed up the popularization and application of solar collectors and wind power generation technology, set up development and promote the use of “clean energy” of the organization and leadership system, and to develop specific regulations and implementation plan. Li-chen members on the left, according to the city nearly 90% of the needs of primary energy supply, most of which rely on coal-fired electricity is achieved in more than 90% of the coal transferred from the outside. He suggested that speed up the popularization and application of solar collectors and wind power generation technology.

It is gratifying that, at present this proposal has already caused concern about the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, municipal environmental protection bureau, said the history of defending the people, it is proposed the development and utilization of new energy into the work agenda in 2006, as a very key aspect to implementation.

to defend the history of China, said the development of new energy technologies and transformation of applications, the Government will give vigorous support and policy support, and the technology research units and related products manufacturing enterprises, to give policy support.

submitted for the sessions would discuss the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” (draft), it is also right next five years, Beijing carried out a detailed plan for energy development.

less, according to Environmental Protection Bureau deputy director Du described, Beijing will actively participate in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places electric power development and construction, the completion of Beijing-Tianjin-Tang Tai Wan network construction. Improve the 500 kV ring network, increasing the supply of electricity access, when the 500-kilovolt substation will be Supplying central city; and construction of Caofeidian source of liquefied natural gas and other gas projects, high-voltage transmission and distribution projects Sixth Ring Road, the Center City, transmission and distribution system expansion project Gas Consumption in mid-2010 and strive to reach 70 billion cubic meters, started construction of new city gas projects to promote the natural gas pipeline network to the rural urban development; and construction of oil pipelines Sixth Ring Road, the expansion Changxindian oil depot, Shunyi, oil depots, oil Shahe library, the building Yanhua to the Beijing Capital International Airport’s jet fuel pipeline, and aviation fuel tank farm.

Du revealed, according to “planning”, Beijing’s downtown terminal would be phased out coal, a ban on new coal-fired facilities in the city’s coal consumption in 2010 and strive to control the 25 million tons. At the same time, new energy and solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass and other renewable energy sources to gradually increase the proportion of total consumption, “Eleventh Five-Year” late to reach 4%. Accelerate the development and utilization of renewable energy.

referred to the delegates to reflect a strong problem of air pollution control, Du Shaozhong that the atmospheric environment in Beijing environmental governance, the most difficult one point.

and abroad, occur in phases over a hundred years a variety of air pollution are different types of pollution in Beijing in a very short period of time appeared: the coal-burning pollution, vehicle exhaust, construction sites dust, industrial pollution, etc., are all is a major source of pollution in Beijing.

Du revealed that Beijing authorities are studying currently formulating appropriate economic policies, speed up the renovation of old high-emission cars out, and strive to completely phased out before 2008 put into use before 1995, the high-emission vehicles (including private cars ), so should be able to effectively control vehicle exhaust pollution.

yellow standard for high-emission vehicles, Du Shao-described, and now Beijing’s Second Ring Road has been limited to the yellow line marked vehicles. “Eleventh Five-Year” period air quality in Beijing would be based on conditions and weather conditions, according to Environmental label management requirements, adhere to high-emission vehicles limit lines or ban existing measures.

In addition, the “Eleventh Five-Year” plan proposed in 2008, Beijing will advance the implementation of Article Ⅳ stage of motor vehicle emission standards to further improve fuel standards, to speed up the pace of high-emission vehicles out. Of this plan is responsible for fuel supply to the China Petroleum, Sinopec has raised new demands and challenges.




1 4,国家发展和改革委员会等6部门下,前3月底当地政府在今年,我们要取消所有能源,节能低排放的歧视性限制环保车辆,以及政策鼓励节能环保型小排量汽车消费的政策和措施。两种北京市市长xxx在会议报告中,北京将集中于能源的未来发展节能环保型汽车说,大多数委员认为,这种说法反映了政府对汽车行业的发展重点在同一时间注重节约能源和环境保护。不过,对于应给予低排放汽车的禁令,委员的意见,不是很均匀,基本可以分成“保障有力”派系“,学校稳步发展”,很少有“反对”。

中国财政经济出版社出版中心年鉴编辑的建军成员,对外经济贸易大学教授刘要崴成员与低排放车辆的强烈主张取消,刘是发起人之一的重要成员。 2003年,他提交给市政协,提案,要求市政府取消对小型车的限制。去年年底,他还今年的政协会议上再次提出这一要求。



从技术水平的建军成员,但xx于小是就解除禁令的建议。他认为,只有从排放限制来是不恰当的。他提出了一个原则:如果车辆的安全性能,环保性能,能耗等,评估的范围内,如果达不到这个标准,无论什么车,应加以限制。只要他们达到标准,没有什么样的车应该开放的问题。他的另一点是:鼓励人们使用相同的限制机关单位大排量车的时间,小型车。 “我认为,小型车是目前{zd0}的优势是节约能源,节约从社会的角度来看,我们应该提倡和鼓励家庭使用小排量汽车,对小型车的限制规定,取消是大势所趋。”

的“稳步发展”代表“的小型汽车的发展,应该一并审议,整体安排。小型车不一定能效。”安庆市恒谈道,廉价小型车的车并不意味着日本拥有了670毫升的汽车数量行,它有一个高层次的技术和生产需求,而不是廉价的。 “发展的低排放汽车有四点需要注意:首先,目前北京和1以下的汽车制造技术水平升,而1升或以上的时机尚未成熟,现在小排量轿车的耗油量不理想2,由于长期被忽视,在低排放汽车的生产和发展的技术水平是有限的目前各种车辆故障率高,如果北京低排放车辆突然增加,以增加汽车发生故障,加剧造成的交通挤塞; 3,这些小排量车辆的安全是穷人,是不争的事实是,当禁止’面’,小排量轿车的毫无价值的权利,任何人都不应把它作为国花,4,不能看孤立的问题,对驾驶起步较慢和大量的常会降低道路的平均合格率小排车的数量,减少的速度将车的燃料,{zh1}总的节能从社会角度的影响,可能会造成更大的浪费。“















李静,朝阳区人民法院当场指着会议室灯大会“的解决办法”:“第17页的报告明确提到要建立资源节约型社会。但是,我们抬起头,看看5年的观察,这个会议室一直采用300瓦灯泡,现在改为80 10瓦节能灯,加起来为800瓦,不但总不节能,但能源的浪费。“

李敬志表示,现在包括政府机构的建筑物,酒店和餐馆,其中许多是这种情况,到1 100只白炽灯节能,会议室灯,甚至厕所还配备有20个节能灯的怪现象。 “我认为政府应该采取扎扎实实的能源效率{lx1},而不是寻求形成节能。”对约瑟夫先生的话代表,讲述了人民的愿望。










黄色标准高排放车辆,杜少介绍,现在北京的二环路已被限制在黄线标志的车辆。 “十一五”期间北京的空气质量将根据条件和气候条件,根据环保标志管理的要求,坚持高排放车辆的界线或禁止现行措施。


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