强大的合成革行业分析,环保,重量« Reuse world

随着环境立法和环境监测工作的严重污染,作为合成革产业之一工业不断加强深化面临日益严峻的环境考验。从最初的技术开发,项目审批,到中期的生产长期排放,技术创新,产品的后期检测,绿剑悬时刻。生活空间,利润大小,可持续发展的能力,直接受到环境因素的左右。今天,中国合成革产业,环保将越来越重系数,环保政策和措施,一直探索和实践已经实施,并逐步改善,生态,环保,循环发展的综合皮革行业的时代潮流。 06.9.5

Analysis of strong synthetic leather industry, environmental protection, weight

With the deepening of environmental legislation and environmental monitoring efforts to the continuous strengthening of heavily polluting industries as one of the synthetic leather industry is facing increasingly tough environmental tests. From the initial technical development, project approval, to the production of medium-term emissions, technological innovation, to the late detection of the products, green sword hanging moment. Living space, the profit size, capacity for sustainable development, are directly affected by environmental factors around. Today, China synthetic leather industry, environmental protection will become more and more weight coefficient, and for environmental protection policies and measures, has been the exploration and practice have been introduced and gradually improve, ecological, environmental protection, the cycle is the development of synthetic leather industry trend of the times. (06-9-5)

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