3 Terms and definitions 术语和定义(3.30-3.45)

3.31 projectile toy without stored energy 无储能弹射玩具

toy with a projectile discharged by energy imparted by a child


3.32 rattle 拨浪鼓

toy that is clearly designed to emit sound when shaken, intended for children who are too young to sit up unaided, and activated by the child or another person


3.33 removable component 可拆卸元件

part or component which is intended to be removed from the toy without the use of tool


3.34 soft-filled toy 软体填充玩具

toy, clothed or unclothed, with soft body surfaces and filled with soft materials, readily allowing compression of the main part of the toy with the hand


3.35 splinter 锐利碎片

sharp pointed fragment


3.36 spring 弹簧

3.36.1 helical spring 螺旋弹簧

spring in the form of a coil, which can be either a compression spring or an extension spring ,see figure 2.

螺旋状的弹簧,可分为压簧和拉簧 compression spring 压簧

spring which returns to its initial state after release of the compressive force

撤销压力后可恢复至初始位置的弹簧 extension spring 拉簧

spring which returns to its initial state after release of tensile force


3.36.2 spiral spring 盘簧

clockwork type spring ,see figure 3


3.37 squeeze toy 挤压玩具

pliable toy incorporating a noise-making feature activated by forcing air through an opening, clearly designed to emit sound when squeezed, intended for children who are too young to sit up unaided.


3.38 suction cup

means of temporarily attaching a toy a smooth surface made of soft,flexible,polymeric, material, normally having a circlar base which adheres to the surface when pressed against it, and in this way creating a vacunm


3.39 table-top and floor toy 桌上和地板玩具

toy that intended to be used on a table or floor(e.g. cars,mechanical animals,large and and bulky toys)

用于桌面或者地板上的玩具(例如 汽车 ,机械动物,大型重型玩具)

3.40 teether 出牙器

toy designed for oral use intended primarily for symptomatic relief of children's teething discomfort


3.41 tool 工具

screwdriver, coin or any other object which can be used to operate a screw,clip or similar fixing device.


3.42 toy scooter 玩具滑板车

free-wheeling ride-on toy which is propelled by the muscular action of the user and may be foldeble or not,intended for children with a body mass of 50kg or less .comprising at least one platform for standing, at least two wheels, and a steering system, equipped with an adjustable or fixed-length steering tube.


note:the define includes ordinary "old-fashinged" scooters as well as foldable scooters.


3.43 magnetic component 磁性部件

any part of a toy which contains an attached or fully or partially-enclosed magnet


3.44 magnetic/electrical experimental set 磁学或电学试验装置

toy containing one or more magnets intended for carrying out educational experments involving magnetism and electricity.


3.45 functional magnet in electrical or electronic components of toys 玩具的部件或者电子玩具的功能性磁铁

any magnet necessary for the function of motors, relays, speakers and other electrical or electronic components in a toy where the magnetic properties are not part of the play pattern of the toy.


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