British newspaper reports that the text about how to take measures ...

Britain’s “Financial Times” recently published article pointed out that the situation of rising oil prices, all countries should take measures to deal with, and specifically the United States as an example on how to take measures to reduce dependence on oil issues its recommendations are as follows Zhaibian :

more than a year ago, we helped the United States a large number of groups organized a campaign to arouse public concern about two become more prominent, it may drag down the global economic trends. The impact of these two trends in energy prices and supplies are: China, India and other emerging markets oil demand growth than expected; the Persian Gulf oil supplies are interrupted by the danger of terrorist attacks. Projections indicate that oil prices once again drop to 50 U.S. dollars less than a distant hope.

the oil reserves “peak” in the new round of debate, highlighting the national government and the oil industry a clear understanding of these two trends. Oil reserves “peak” represents the world’s oil reserves, bell-shaped curve to the top, once they reach peak oil production is followed by reduced prices. Most experts believe that we will be in 25 to 30 years to reach this peak.

the growth in demand and supply due to the impact of falling long-term, governments cautious response to these factors, not taken any significant measures is not surprising. However, from Tokyo to London to Washington, political leaders have failed to respond to a threat to Gulf oil supply disruptions, which had more confusing.

For example, if major oil processing center of Saudi Arabia Ras Tanura to attack the market of oil a day would be about 400 million barrels, oil prices will be much more than a night, one hundred U.S. dollars a barrel. This dramatic interruption of the supply may last a year, almost entirely because of Japan’s oil imports, so the economy will collapse within a few weeks, shortly after other industrialized economies will implode.

This is not alarmist speculation, oil industry experts and governments have to reach that consensus. That being the case, why does not the U.S. government to develop a positive route to find a solution then? Fair to say that President Bush had frankly pointed out that the risk of dependence on foreign oil, and put forward a number of response measures. The core of these measures has so far revolved around the supply of conventional oil, an increase of the United States in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and other known U.S. production of overseas oil and gas storage areas. But the fact that these measures not enough to make the United States from dependence on foreign oil.

The good news is that there are a large number of technologies have been proven feasible, will allow the United States in 20 years, completely free of dependence on foreign oil, while also significantly restrict other dependence on oil-importing countries. Specifically, the United States should take four steps to achieve energy independence.

First, we must rely solely on gasoline, ethanol and methanol and gasoline turn to the mixed fuel. Brazil has shown that when oil prices of more than 45 U.S. dollars a barrel, the ethanol extracted from sugar cane in the stations are very competitive. Today, the majority of cars in Brazil use of ethanol and gasoline mixed fuel, its production cost of about 1.75 U.S. dollars per gallon. Methanol can be extracted from coal, the cost is about 50 cents per gallon, while the U.S. coal reserves comparable to Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves. Diesel engines using diesel should come from renewable resources and coal.

Second, the cars and trucks should be designed that can use a variety of fuel models. This technology already exists for a long time. New cars sold in Brazil, half of you can use a variety of fuels. Only about 150 U.S. dollars, a car can have this function.

Thirdly, we should transition to the use of hybrid electric vehicles. In the United States on the road 150 million cars and trucks, half a day just driving 20 miles. To hybrid electric vehicles fitted with larger capacity, cutting-edge battery technology, plug in the power it at night “full”, the price is equivalent to only 25 cents per gallon of gasoline, so cars can travel 20 miles excellent condition, without additional gasoline.

Fourthly, we should re-assembly of the United States automobile manufacturing capital of Detroit, that the use of lighter, more robust carbon composite material. The next 20 years, if all U.S. vehicles are the basic carbon composite material, then oil imports could be reduced 52%, the vehicle will become stronger, lighter, more secure.

can be imagined, in the automotive and energy industries, has been the resistance of the existence of these technologies, but it is the issue of access to safe and cost answer. Alternative fuels at reasonable prices, Japan’s Toyota and other carmakers are proving the practicability of this automotive technology. Within two years, Japan is likely to introduce plug-in hybrid, and away from the hands of Detroit for more market share.

Even with all of these measures will take another 20 years to replace the U.S. 150 million on the road to vehicles. However, if do not take action, the cost may be disastrous. In 2005, there had been encouraging the U.S. Senate and House bipartisan spirit of cooperation, both sides agreed to implement most of these ideas. In this spirit that formed the atmosphere, the president’s recent State of the Union speech in the proposed corresponding measures.














即使这些措施都将采取20年,以取代道路上的车辆,美国1.5亿美元。但是,如果不采取行动,费用可能是灾难性的。 2005年,出现了令人鼓舞的美国参议院和众议院的两党合作的精神,双方同意执行这些想法大多数。本着这一精神,形成氛围,总统的建议在相应的措施,最近的国家联盟发言。06.1.28

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