绿橙蜂种特色农业成立蚕业发展的大局琼中« oursolo.net


琼中森林覆盖率高,可用土地很少,当地政府因势利导,引导,支持农民发展土地不占养蜂产业,对农民免费培训,养蜂协会成立,越做越大全县养蜂,养蜂全县累计超过2100户,养蜂近1.3万箱(集团),今年,养蜂人高达四百二十○点○○万元低收入农民, ;

大力发展种桑养蚕业,推动今年的2000亩桑树县面积,蚕茧产量100.00万斤,国内生产总值达到九三〇 〇 〇 〇 〇元,经济效益是4倍,水稻植株。灵芝,热带兰花,黎巴嫩和母亲的其他特征雉琼中的农民的农业收入的比例越来越大。

“如果农民不能奔小康,全面小康,就不可能实现琼中。奔小康的农民依靠传统农业,决非仅仅是在因地制宜发展特色农业。 “县委书记董宪解释了琼中的战略选择。




Green orange bee species characteristics sericulture development of the overall situation of agriculture up Qiongzhong

Located in deep forests, the sea is neither a lack of arable land, Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County全面奔小康how to achieve goals? Qiongzhong line with local conditions and characteristics of agriculture as the carrier in order to promote modern agricultural development, blazed a path of development.

through the creation of green food base, declare Products measures such as geographical indications, Qiongzhong Green Orange become well-known brands. County has more than 3000 farmers and more than 20 enterprises in developing plant, this year will be more than 80 million yuan output value. Green orange peasant poverty has become a “cash cow”;

Qiongzhong high forest cover, very little land available, the local government to capitalize on the trend, and guide, support farmers to develop the land is not accounted for beekeeping industry, and free training for farmers , apiculture association set up, growing in volume throughout the county apiculture, bee-keeping farmers throughout the county up to more than 2100 households and 13,000 beekeepers near me (group), this year, beekeepers income of up to 4,200,000 yuan;

种桑养蚕vigorously develop industry, to promote this year’s county area of 2000 acres of mulberry, cocoon production 1,000,000 jin, GDP reached 9.3 million yuan, the economic benefits are 4 times that of rice plant. Ganoderma lucidum, tropical orchids, Lebanon and other characteristics of the mother pheasant Qiongzhong peasant agriculture in the proportion of income is growing.

“If farmers can not be fairly well-off, a comprehensive well-off can not be achieved Qiongzhong. fairly well-off farmers have to rely on traditional agriculture certainly not only the development of agriculture with characteristics in line with local conditions.”董宪county party secretary had explained the strategy Qiongzhong选择. Qiongzhong characteristics

rapid development of agriculture, thanks to the effective dissemination of micro-credit in rural areas. A short span of one year, the county on the issuance of 848 rural micro-credit, loans, the amount of 9,993,000 yuan, an effective solution to the farmers engaged in agricultural funds bottleneck characteristics.

characteristics to the healthy development of agriculture, processing of agricultural products must be supported. Qiongzhong were also put forward a new goal: the construction of agricultural eco-industrial park, planning a total area of 5,000 acres, will include IT services, managing the reception area, tourism and leisure areas and Ganoderma lucidum, green orange, Southern medicine,金钱草, eggs, flower, bee orchid nine production demonstration area. This idea has been supported by the provincial government, eco-industrial park was listed as the provincial government this year’s “海交会” key investment projects.

董宪said, protect the ecological Qiongzhong are a prerequisite for the development of Qiongzhong people, the development of characteristic agriculture, construction, eco-industrial park, not just implement the scientific development, but also throughout the county are fairly well-off an inevitable choice. (07-12-3)

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