Japan's mobile phone recycling waste introduced new regulations ...

Recently, the Japanese economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of the Environment introduced the mobile phone and other small home appliances consumer waste recycling and reorganization of the relevant provisions. Developed to provide mobile communications sales and service retailer for 2009 will have to sell mobile phone products to fulfill the statutory obligations of the principle of recycling, and will proceed to promote the city, town and village to carry out small-scale waste home appliances such as digital cameras, electronics recycling pilot projects. As the various types of waste of small household appliances (electronic) products contain large quantities of gold and rare metals such as Guer being called “urban mines.” Therefore, as to build a recycling-oriented society “Environment nation” as part of the basic national policy to promote re-use of rare metals resources, research, legislation, industry have become Japan’s economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of the Environment 2 an important part of the work of the provincial government.

2000 years, the Japanese government has unveiled a relevant television and other large household appliances, automotive, construction, food and other resources recycling laws. However, for small-scale waste home appliances (electronic) of recycling has been no explicit legal restrictions. In recent years, engaged in mobile phones and other small home appliances retailers of electronic products, mostly recycling operations carried out independently, but, according to Telecommunications Carriers Association survey, the total recovery of 07 years only 7 years ago, less than half, significantly reduced to 644 million mobile phone sales in Japan in recent years, the gap is growing.

due to resource prices, metal resources, the protection of Japan’s economic development, one of the biggest issues, after production, environment, the depth of the two provinces had to collaborate in order to alleviate the increasingly serious resource shortages.





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