What are the disadvantages of eating junk food? « Industry info ...

Category:catering food

What are the junk food?

fried foods: such as fried chicken, French fries, hamburgers, bread, biscuits, instant noodles and so on. The delicious food, how terrible will be the killer? ? What is it killing our health? Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Professor Cai Donggeng Nutrition Division, said a large number of eating “fried food” on children’s intelligence, height and development will have a significant impact. Excessive consumption of fried foods can cause obesity in children, while obesity will seriously affect hormone metabolism, especially for glucose metabolism of insulin, if too little insulin secretion, inhibit protein synthesis, protein is the body’s component unit, if it is synthesis of reduced, will the child’s height, especially severe mental effects. Severe dementia may result in serious illness. The child’s growth and development, as well as future developments are extremely unfavorable. One from the Shanghai Institute for Sports Sciences and the Shanghai Municipal Center for Adolescent Health in cooperation constitution and evaluation of a sample survey shows that 66% of children in Shanghai height is not ideal. 66% of children height is not satisfactory, how terrible the data ah! Experts revealed that the culprit for this phenomenon Naishi parents spoil their children and not let children eat the uncontrolled hamburgers, fried chicken, French fries and other fast foods, as well as shrimp and a series of children’s favorite foods, extruded snacks. This has serious implications not only for height but also lead to儿童性早熟. In addition, excessive consumption of these foods will affect children’s intellectual development. Professor Cai Donggeng said that too much body fat in obese children, will have an impact on nerve cells, damage the developing nervous kids channel for children’s mental development cause harm. Fried food not only for the healthy growth of children have a great impact on the adults and the elderly are severely affected. Fried food such as food oils and fats to increase more than the non-digestible factors, often for a very long time in the gastrointestinal Daoli, is a major factor in causing constipation and to promote blood flow and over-stay the gastrointestinal tract, promote body fluid acidity oriented, serious damage to life, health resources allocation principles, can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease and other diseases that modern man is called rich man’s disease. So for the health of killer, we should be near and far of. For a matter of course that we should eat less fried food, it is best not eat

fried food, puffed food,

Reference:pictures do look better ? I also can only come up with these.

1, deep-fried type of food the main hazards are: 1, deep-fried starch lead to cardiovascular disease; 2, containing carcinogenic substances; 3, destruction of vitamins, so that protein denaturation.

2, preserved type of food the main hazards are: 1, leading to high blood pressure, kidney burden is too heavy, leading to nasopharyngeal carcinoma; 2 affect the mucous membrane system (right gastro-intestinal adverse); 3, easy to get ulcers and inflammation.

3, processed meat type food (meat, dried meat floss, sausages, etc.) the main hazards are: 1, containing one of the three major cancer-causing substances: nitrite (the role of anti-corrosion and color); 2, containing a large number of preservatives, increased burden of the liver.

4, biscuit type of food (excluding low-temperature baking and whole wheat crackers) the principal hazards are: 1, edible flavor and color too much burden on the liver function; 2, causing serious damage vitamins; 3, heat excessive nutrients low.

5, soft drinks, cola type of food the main hazards are: 1, containing phosphoric acid, carbonic acid, the body will be taken away a lot of calcium; 2, sugar content is too high, a sense of fullness after drinking affect the dinner.

6, convenient food (mainly refers to instant noodles and puffed food) main hazards are: 1, salt is too high, including preservatives, flavors, damage the liver; 2, only calories and no nutrients.

7, canned food (including fish classes and fruits) the principal hazards are: 1, destruction of vitamins, so that protein denaturation; 2, heat excess nutrients low.

8, plum preserves food (preserved) the principal hazards are: 1, containing one of the three major cancer-causing substances: Nitrite; 2, salinity is too high, including preservatives, fragrance, damage the liver.

9, frozen dessert food (ice cream, Ice Bar and a variety of ice cream) the principal hazards are: 1, containing cream can easily lead to obesity; 2, high sugar content affect the meals.

10, barbecue type of food the main hazards are: 1, containing a large number of “Triphenyl Sibing imidacloprid” (the first three human carcinogen); 2,1 roasted chicken = 60 smoke toxicity; 3, leading to protein carbonization degeneration, increased kidney and liver burden.
1, deep-fried type of food
1, leading to cardiovascular disease culprit (fried starch)
2, containing carcinogenic substances
3, destruction of vitamins, so that protein denaturation
2, preserved type of food
1, lead to high blood pressure, kidney burden is too heavy, leading to nasopharyngeal carcinoma
2, affect the mucous membrane system (right gastro-intestinal adverse)
3, easy to get ulcers and inflammation
3, processed meat type food (meat, dried meat floss, sausage, etc.)
1, containing one of the three major cancer-causing substances: nitrite (anti-corrosion and color effects)
2, containing a large number of preservatives (heavier burden of the liver)
4, biscuit type of food (excluding low-temperature baking and whole-wheat biscuits)
1, food flavor and color too much (a burden on the liver function)
2, serious damage to vitamin
3, the heat too much, low-nutrient
5, soft drinks cola type of food
1, containing phosphoric acid, carbonic acid , will take away a lot of calcium in vivo
2, sugar content is too high, a sense of fullness after drinking, affecting
six meals, convenient food (mainly refers to instant noodles and puffed food)
1, salt is too high, with preservatives, flavors (liver damage)
2, only calories and no nutritional
7, canned food (including fish classes and fruits)
1, destruction of vitamins, so that protein denaturation
2, too many calories, nutritional ingredients low
8, plum preserves food (preserved fruit)
1, containing one of the three major cancer-causing substances: nitrite (anti-corrosion and color effects)
2, overly salty, containing preservatives, flavors (liver damage)
9, frozen dessert food (ice cream, Ice Bar and a variety of ice cream)
1, with cream easily cause obesity
2, high sugar content affect the
10 meals, grilled food
1, contains a large number of “三苯四丙吡”(三大致癌物质之首)
1. That these foods are high-calorie fried foods containing high fat and oxidation of material, often eating easily lead to obesity; hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease led to the most dangerous food. In the frying process, tend to produce large amounts of carcinogenic substances. Studies have shown that people who eat fried foods, some of their cancer incidence is much higher than eating fried foods do not eat little or no crowd.

2. Canned foods, whether canned fruit, or canned meat, in which the nutrients have been a lot of damage, especially in all kinds of vitamins virtually destroyed. In addition, the canned products in the denaturation of proteins often appear to be greatly reduced the rate of digestion and absorption, nutritional value greatly “diminished.” Also, a lot of canned fruits contain high sugar content, and to fluid intake as the carrier is the human body, so that glucose absorption rate can be gained from significant increases in Le blood sugar after eating a short time led to a sharp rise, the pancreas increased load. At the same time, due to higher energy, it has led to obesity too.

the best food for the World Health Organization List (list)

3. Preserved foods in the curing process, the need for a large number of salt, which will lead to excessive concentration of such food in salt, resulting in the consumption of preserved foods are often the burden of kidney occur an increased risk of high blood pressure. Also, food in the process of curing a large number of carcinogenic substances can produce nitrosamines, leading to the incidence of cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer risk increased. In addition, due to high concentrations of salt may be serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract mucosa, Gu Chang who eat preserved foods, gastrointestinal inflammation and ulcers have a higher prevalence.

4. Processed meat products (ham sausage, etc.) these foods contain a certain amount of nitrite, it may lead to cancer of the potential risks. In addition, the addition of preservatives, hyperchromic agent and color retention agent, resulting in human liver burden. Also, the ham products are mostly high-sodium foods, a large number of eating can lead to excessive salt intake, resulting in fluctuations in blood pressure and renal function impairment.

5. Visceral fat and animal foods, although it contains a certain amount of quality protein, vitamins and minerals, but the visceral fat and animal foods which contain a large number of saturated fat and cholesterol, has been identified as causing a heart attack two of the most important dietary factors . Is now clear that eating large quantities of animal offal food group can be substantially increased risk of cardiovascular disease and malignant tumors (such as colon cancer, breast cancer) the risk of the occurrence.

6. Products eat butter cream kind of product can lead to weight gain, and even elevated blood sugar and blood lipids. Before meals, eating cream cakes and so on, but it also reduces appetite. High-fat and high-sugar ingredients often affect gastrointestinal emptying, and even lead to gastroesophageal reflux. Many people cream products on an empty stomach after eating acid reflux, heartburn and other symptoms.

7. Instant noodles is a high salt, high-fat, low in vitamins, minerals, a low-class food. On the one hand, due to the high salt content increase in kidney burden will rise hypertension; the other hand, contains a certain amount of man-made fats (trans fatty acids), on the cardiovascular considerable negative impact. In addition contain preservatives and flavor, such as the liver may have potential adverse effects.

8. Grilled foods contain strong carcinogens triphenyl Sibing imidacloprid.

9. Frozen desserts including ice cream, ice cream. Such foods are three major issues: Due to the cream contains a high, easily lead to obesity; due to high-sugar, can reduce appetite; may also be due to low temperatures to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

10. Preserved fruit, plum and candied foods containing nitrite, in the human body can be combined to form potentially carcinogenic amine nitrite amine; contain flavor additives, etc. may damage the liver and other organs; contain relatively high salt content may lead to high blood pressure, and kidney burden.

References: http://news.xinhuanet.com/health/2005-01/13/content_2453233.htm
WHO identify the best foods and junk food
World Health Organization in the past three years, for people diet were involved in a variety of food analysis and research, selected the best vegetables, the best fruits, the best meat, the best cooking oil, the best soup food, the best brain food, six kinds of retaining the most healthy food. At the same time, fried foods, preserved foods, processed meat, biscuits, carbonated beverages, convenience foods, canned food, preserved fruit, frozen desserts and barbecue food, also “selected” the Top10 junk food.
the best food:
Best Fruits: papaya, strawberries, oranges, ganzi, kiwi, mango, apricot, persimmon and watermelon.
the best vegetables: sweet potatoes not only rich in vitamins, but also anti-cancer experts, for all vegetables, the first place. Followed by the asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, beets, carrots, shepherd’s purse, Flammulina velutipes, potherb mustard, Chinese cabbage.
Best Meat: goose, duck close to the chemical structure of olive oil on cardiovascular benefit. Chicken was known as “the best source of protein.”
Best brain food: spinach, leek, onion, broccoli, Cai Jiao, peas, tomatoes, carrots, small vegetables, garlic, celery and other vegetables, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, pine nuts, almonds, soybeans and other shell foods, as well as brown rice, liver and so on.
the best soup Food: chicken soup the best, especially the mother chicken soup also combat colds, bronchitis role, especially suitable for winter and spring to drink.
the best cooking oils: corn oil, rice bran oil, sesame oil, etc. better.
junk food:
three types of junk food: World Health Organization “wanted” in the top three is a junk food fried foods, preserved foods, and processed meat category. Think about it, it is almost three food meals that we tonne will appear, but the intake of too much but it will increase the burden on the body.
convenience foods do not seek convenience: convenience foods have more additives, instant noodles, salt content is high, eat more prone to high blood pressure, but also damage the kidneys; biscuit flavor and pigment inside the excessive heat too much vitamin destruction, but also would be a burden on the liver function; puffed food with high sugar, high-fat, high-calorie, high-high four characteristics of monosodium glutamate levels, eating more nutritionally balanced would undermine not say, but also likely to have a sense of fullness, affecting children’s normal to eat.
BBQ equivalent to smoking Toxicity: barbecue, the meat directly on the barbecue under high temperature, will produce a carcinogen called benzopyrene. The United States reported that a research center, eating a chicken leg is equivalent to smoking 60 cigarettes toxicity, while the women eat barbecue, the risk of breast cancer than women who do not like barbecue food twice .
three types of non-staple food should not eat: canned food, preserved fruit and ice cream are also not eat food. Processed canned food, fruit and fish destroyed their own vitamins, make protein denaturation, nutrient content is very low, but also particularly large number of calories; preserved, there are, one of the three major cancer-causing substances nitrite; ice cream, ice cream inside easily cause obesity, high sugar content also affected the dinner, want to lose weight eating better.

tube fed

junk food on the body not much benefit. Too much junk food natural person no appetite, would stomach injury, deep-fried foods cause cancer, the recent reports that the latest child-bearing women did not use excessive fried foods may lead to infertility! Everyone is still at arm’s length. I wish you good health!

high-fat … detrimental

kending bad

oil too much, high blood lipids.

…….. people can ask questions out of 0 points, Annie Baby’s words are too many to mention bar


类别: 餐饮食品


油炸食品:如炸鸡腿,炸薯条,汉堡,面包,饼干,方便面等等。这些美味的食品,怎么会是可怕的杀手??它又是怎样杀害我们的健康的呢? 第二军医大学长海医院营养科蔡东耿教授说,大量食用“油炸食品”对儿童的智力、身高发育会产生很大影响。过多的食用油炸食品会造成儿童肥胖,而肥胖将会严重的影响xx代谢,尤其是用于代谢血糖的胰岛素,如果胰岛素分泌过少会抑制蛋白质合成,蛋白质是人体的构件单元,如果它的合成减少了,就会对孩子的身高尤其是智力造成严重的影响。严重的可能造成痴呆等严重的病症。这些对孩子的生长发育以及将来的发展都极为不利。一份由上海体育科学研究所和上海市青少年健康体质与评价中心合作的抽样调查显示,上海市66%的孩子身高不理想。66%的孩子身高不理想,多麽可怕的数据啊!专家披露,造成这一现象的罪魁祸首乃是家长对孩子溺爱而不加控制地让孩子食用汉堡包、炸鸡、炸薯条等快餐食品以及虾片等一系列儿童爱吃的膨化小食品。这不仅对身高有严重影响而且还会导致儿童性早熟。 另外,过量食用这些食物还会影响儿童的智力发育。蔡东耿教授说,肥胖儿童体内脂肪过多,会对神经细胞产生影响,损害孩子正在发育的神经通道,对孩子的智力发育造成伤害。油炸食品不仅对孩子的健康成长有很大影响,对成年人以及老人都有严重影响。 像油炸食品这类多油脂的食物增加了不易消化的因素,往往要在胃肠道里呆很长时间,是造成xx的主要因素,并促使血液超量流入并滞留胃肠道,促使体液酸性化,严重破坏生命资源健康配置原则,带来肥胖、糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、心脏病等现代人称为富贵病的疾病。所以对于健康的杀手,我们应该近而远之。对于油炸食品我们理所当然应该少吃,{zh0}不吃












1、导致心血管疾病元凶( 油炸淀粉)
1.油炸食品 此类食品热量高,含有较高的油脂和氧化物质,经常进食易导致肥胖;是导致高脂血症和冠心病的最危险食品。在油炸过程中,往往产生大量的致癌物质。已经有研究表明,常吃油炸食物的人,其部分癌症的发病率远远高于不吃或极少进食油炸食物的人群。

2.罐头类食品 不论是水果类罐头,还是肉类罐头,其中的营养素都遭到大量的破坏,特别是各类维生素几乎被破坏殆尽。另外,罐头制品中的蛋白质常常出现变性,使其消化吸收率大为降低,营养价值大幅度“缩水”。还有,很多水果类罐头含有较高的糖分,并以液体为载体被摄入人体,使糖分的吸收率因之大为增高牞可在进食后短时间内导致血糖大幅攀升,胰腺负荷加重。同时,由于能量较高,有导致肥胖之嫌。


3.腌制食品 在腌制过程中,需要大量放盐,这会导致此类食物钠盐含量超标,造成常常进食腌制食品者肾脏的负担加重,发生高血压的风险增高。还有,食品在腌制过程中可产生大量的致癌物质亚硝胺,导致鼻咽癌等恶性肿瘤的发病风险增高。此外,由于高浓度的盐分可严重损害胃肠道粘膜,故常进食腌制食品者,胃肠炎症和溃疡的发病率较高。

4.加工的肉类食品(火腿肠等) 这类食物含有一定量的亚硝酸盐,故可能有导致癌症的潜在风险。此外,由于添加防腐剂、增色剂和保色剂等,造成人体肝脏负担加重。还有,火腿等制品大多为高钠食品,大量进食可导致盐分摄入过高,造成血压波动及肾功能损害。

5.肥肉和动物内脏类食物 虽然含有一定量的优质蛋白、维生素和矿物质,但肥肉和动物内脏类食物所含有的大量饱和脂肪和胆固醇,已经被确定为导致心脏病最重要的两类膳食因素。现已明确,长期大量进食动物内脏类食物可大幅度地增高患心血管疾病和恶性肿瘤(如结肠癌、乳腺癌)的发生风险。

6.奶油制品 常吃奶油类制品可导致体重增加,甚至出现血糖和血脂升高。饭前食用奶油蛋糕等,还会降低食欲。高脂肪和高糖成分常常影响胃肠排空,甚至导致胃食管反流。很多人在空腹进食奶油制品后出现反酸、烧心等症状。

7.方便面 属于高盐、高脂、低维生素、低矿物质一类食物。一方面,因盐分含量高增加了肾负荷,会升高血压;另一方面,含有一定的人造脂肪(反式脂肪酸),对心血管有相当大的负面影响。加之含有防腐剂和香精,可能对肝脏等有潜在的不利影响。

8.烧烤类食品 含有强致癌物质三苯四丙吡。

9.冷冻甜点 包括冰淇淋、雪糕等。这类食品有三大问题:因含有较高的奶油,易导致肥胖;因高糖,可降低食欲;还可能因为温度低而刺激胃肠道。

10.果脯、话梅和蜜饯类食物 含有亚硝酸盐,在人体内可结合胺形成潜在的致癌物质亚硝酸胺;含有香精等添加剂可能损害肝脏等脏器;含有较高盐分可能导致血压升高和肾脏负担加重。


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