热拉尔高林:中国葡萄酒开拓个性« oursolo.net




Gerard Gaolin: China wine to tap personality

“China is a country with a long history of wine country, but the wine renaissance in China only 20 years. Wine consultant in China for 10 years, I have seen the Chinese wine industry’s rapid development, and many other New World wine country As in the grape plant and process also takes time. “French Bordeaux region grapes and wine, senior experts, the Government of Penglai wine consultant Gaolin Gerard said.

live in China for many years Gaolin French wine experts talk about the status quo China Wine said: “The Chinese consumer awareness of wine consumption growing wine consumers of raw materials, quality, safety and price than have a relatively rational knowledge, which required Chinese wine enterprises in the processing of raw materials and production processes more transparent. I think the Chinese wine in the raw materials, production processes, food safety, as well as exchange of information also need to continue to improve, because these decisions the key to wine quality ‘not the best, only better’. “

for China’s development and future of wine, high-lam said that the wine is China’s sunrise industry, whether it is plant grapes, or wine market there is enormous potential. However, as the future of a new world wine big country, the whole of China wine industry to find his own personality, including the growth of grapes suitable for producing personalized, soil differences and suitable for Chinese people’s taste. Chinese production concept, the concept of hierarchy, as well as wine winery wine concept is not very strong, in fact, China’s nine major producing areas, each with characteristics can be based on the characteristics of areas excavated their own personality, making a top wine . China’s wine market

the great potential of making China the world’s major wine-exporting countries occupied first to market. The world’s top French Chateau Laffite had been built in Penglai Winery, Australia, Europe and many other countries supporting the wine business have come to China to build factories. This gives China’s domestic wine industry is not a small impact. For such shocks, high-Lin said: “The entry of foreign wine is a good thing, it can promote the development of Chinese wine. The rest of the world wine surplus in terms of price and quality of China have a direct impact. As far as I know At present, many Chinese consumers are more inclined to foreign wines. I think this is a good thing because it will be beneficial to the quality of Chinese wine are ever-increasing crisis will have greater emphasis in all aspects improve, and better mining China wine’s personality, continuously upgrade the quality of wine. “(07-12-3)

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