Change of water recycling and reuse wastewater « industry business

is located in Wenzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Binhai Park, a sewage treatment plant project was officially put into use. Its opening, allows enterprises of emissions of industrial waste has become an A standard of clear water, not only for agricultural irrigation, afforestation and landscape water use, it enables the development zone into a virtuous cycle of treatment to improve the investment environment.

It is reported that a total investment of coastal sewage treatment plant 3 million yuan, in December 2004 started construction of a project dealing with capacity of 20,000 tons \) that will enable the park synthetic leather, metal products, clothing and so on for nearly 50 The sewage treatment companies. Handling capacity of 30,000 tons \) day of the second phase project will be completed by the end of this year, when 50,000 tons per day of sewage treated to meet emissions standards.

production enterprises with the coastal zone gradually put into production, a gradual increase in the amount of sewage discharge, the park was implemented in 2003, a temporary emergency treatment approach has been unable to meet the processing requirements, on the Tong River bring some negative impact on the environment. Coastal sewage treatment plant to take diatomite process, and then treated with BAF, so that the compound treatment of industrial waste water effluent standards up to the national “urban sewage treatment plant pollution standards.” Upon completion, not only can increase water use efficiency, and to improve the park has played an active role in the investment environment. Huang Chunxiu





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