

近年来,在潮安县古巷镇建设富裕,文明,和谐古巷为目标,建立工业立镇,镇的品牌,技术和质量兴镇城市发展战略,做大做强特色产业的“中国城,{dy}卫生陶瓷”的区域经济发展,加强影响力,逐步扩大提高农村的规划和管理工作,逐步完善城市设施,营造良好的投资环境,加强对省级区域中心城市,城市经济和社会各项事业持续,快速,健康发展的势头。 1至9月,今年的2636万美元的工业产值,这是一个增加百分之38.6,其中包括卫生陶瓷生产值17.550亿元,这是一个增加39%,卫生陶瓷的三千一百三十七点○万美元出口,这是一个生产总值增加百分之28.8。










古巷town of Canton Province committed to the development of sanitary ceramics industry

潮安县古巷brought the town, people will think of sanitary ceramics, ceramic brand filed, it would be the “first town of Chinese sanitary ceramics”国字号this brand, this very high gold content “business card” out of the beautiful , united潮安县古巷town government town committee members for their hard work, but also witnessed the潮安县古巷town from the OEM to develop their own brands to the course of the formation of a regional brand.

In recent years, the town of潮安县古巷to build rich, civilized, harmonious古巷as the goal, the establishment of industrial-li Town, town brand, technology and quality兴镇Town development strategies, bigger and stronger characteristics industries, the gradual expansion of the “China Town, the first sanitary ceramics,” the influence of the strengthening of regional economic development, increase rural planning and management efforts, and gradually improve the urban facilities, and create a favorable investment environment, enhance the provincial town of grade regional centers, town economy and various social undertakings continued, rapid and healthy development trend. January to September this year, industrial output value of 2,636 million, which was an increase 38.6 percent, including sanitary ceramics production value 1,755,000,000 yuan, which was an increase 39%, sanitary ceramics production value of 31,370,000 U.S. dollars of export, which was an increase 28.8 percent.

achieved remarkable results in special industries

When people become more aware of brand building in the importance of economic life, the潮安县古巷brand building in the town have been successes are frequent, 2004 , China Building Sanitary Ceramics Association, the town awarded the “China Ceramic hygiene center” title; Last year, China Building Ceramic and Sanitary Ware Association, the town awarded the “China Town, the first sanitary ceramics” title town古巷exert regional brand, bigger and stronger characteristics industry has shown initial signs are clues.潮安县古巷

sanitary ceramics town of a total of more than 390 enterprises, of which 64 enterprises above designated size, with 13,000 cubic meters furnace, Nissan 45,000 sets of sanitary ware near 130,000, sanitary ceramics in sanitary ceramics production in the country’s total output of about 40%; the town received more than 20 products and above provincial and ministerial level awards or promotion certificate; Products more than 80 enterprises through ISO9000 international quality management system certification; sanitary ceramics reached more than 400 registered trademarks , 98 patented products; two enterprise products as provincial famous brand products, two companies famous trademark was named, three enterprises获省high-tech enterprises, enterprises have been two shipments to the U.S. certification, more than 20 products were above the provincial or ministerial-level National Certificate awards or promotion.

promote the brand to create a solid

years ago, the town of潮安县古巷guide enterprises to establish brand awareness, create brand name subscript activities, fostering the formation of the town from top to bottom brand, brand development, management brand, brand publicity good atmosphere, from holding many “singles champion” to start, hold古巷brand “team title.”

on the one hand, they actively guide enterprises to strengthen the standardized management, cultivating BrandName require ceramic enterprises to establish their own trade mark, brand. At the same time a positive declaration and “China’s first town sanitary ceramics” brand, and increase regional brand propaganda, through the publication of “China’s first town of sanitary ceramics,” special issue, using some of the more famous trade fairs, trade fairs, as well as newspapers, magazines, television, network and other media advocacy, improve the town’s market visibility and business reputation.

the other hand, they also actively encourage enterprises to declare their provincial title of famous brand products and famous trademarks, marked increase in the number of provincial-level famous brand name; guide has been marked provincial famous brand name enterprise reporting in China and the Chinese famous brand products of well-known trademarks title, and strive to brand name in China has marked new breakthroughs, and strive to build up a pool in the market have a greater influence on the corporate brand. At present, the town has reached more than 300 registered trademarks, in which “Europe and the United States Seoul,” “Chang-European”, “Euro”, “Connor”, “China and the United States”, “CD-雅妮”, “Lee-fat,” ” Mellon “,” good dreams “,” Makino “, etc. more than 30 brands in the market enjoy a high reputation.


support measures in place in the increasingly fierce market competition, in the tough trading environment to guide and support the enterprises bigger and stronger and become古巷town committee town government in recent years focus of the work. (07-11-30)

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