Sprinkler system is of little effect ah? And fire-fighting system ...


spray system is of little effect ah? And fire-fighting system What is the difference ah?

fire sprinkler system is part of the system type, it has several terminologies, the general name for full title should be: “Automatic fire sprinkler system.” It is usually installed on the top floor, multi-layered construction, and each floor has a sprinkler system pipe network, the pipeline network in the floor where they are needed are distributed, and the possession on the road there are a number of branch pipes pick out branch pipe terminal equipped with a sprinkler head, and each head of an effective sprinkler spray coverage of 4 square meters; in each layer of the water supply pipe network is generally installed on the end of “end of the water-test equipment.” Usually normal, automatic sprinkler pipe network is always maintained within a certain pressure (typically 2-4KG / square centimeter), when a floor area of a fire accident in the region’s air temperature will rise, When the temperature is over 68 degrees, in the region of the spray head of the “temperature control” on the decrepitation when that happens, spray the water on the red pipe to the sprinkler head to open the valve plug, the water Take the umbrella mulching spray, to carry out fire sprinkler parts, while the value for pressure automatic spray system replenishment equipment (spray pumps and value-pressure pump) to start, maintain the sprinkler system pipe network pressure.
As for the difference between and fire systems, it should be said to be automatic fire sprinkler system is and the whole system (including fire control center system, fire hydrant systems, fire alarm systems, smoke control systems, ventilation systems, escape instruction systems, etc.) with as a whole, and its movement, will have the signal back to the fire control center, if necessary, can be linked to other fire-fighting equipment to start (such as fire hydrant pumps, smoke control system, etc.).


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