迅速抢修断裂的地下水管阀- 中国减压阀- 中国减压阀- 和讯博客
迅速抢修断裂的地下水管阀 [转贴 2010-05-18 13:17:54]   

(Reporter Zhao Chungang) yesterday afternoon, Changchun City, East Road construction site, an excavator will be in operation underground water Waduan, heap the soil into a mud road, east of the river road to the north of the provincial power pipeline Head out of the factory worker has become very difficult. "Mound on the road more than a month, piled into mountains!" Yesterday at noon, Provincial Power Corporation Mr. Mao pipeline project on East Road in front of the factory is a helpless situation. Here is the long Kyrgyzstan high-iron at the construction site, the construction side of the earth excavated from the foundation pile at the east of the river the whole way, and as far from the intersection of the street east, stretching several hundred meters tonnes of soil, only the provincial power pipe Engineering Corporation, leaving the east entrance of a narrow path. "We usually go here, sunny day a soil, wet mud, and many relations units are reluctant to come to the company potential buyers." Mr. Mao said. At noon yesterday, was dug underground water pipe leak, the water quickly filled the ditch, Changchun Water Group staff rushed to the valve will close, "Waduan is 100 mm diameter pipeline, several factories and residential buildings near the water will be affected! "repair workers said they were scouring the water first trench dry find leak, the water supply will be resumed as soon as possible.

Engineers Battle to Restart Pump to Halt Sewage Flow;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考,以下提供站内导航搜索:


  本报讯(记者赵春刚)昨日中午,长春市河东路施工现场,一辆 挖掘机在作业时将地下水管挖断,堆在路上的土变成了稀泥,让河东路北侧的省电力管道工程总公司工人进出厂区变得非常困难。   “土堆在马路上一个多月,都堆成了山!”昨日中午,省电力管道工程总公司的 毛先生对工厂门前的河东路现状很是无奈。   这里是长吉高铁的施工现场,施工方将从地基挖出的土全堆在河东路上,从与 远达大街的交会处向东,数千吨土绵延百余米,只在省电力管道工程总公司门口东侧留出一很窄的小路。“平时我们走这里,晴天一身土,雨天一身泥,而且许多关系单位都不愿来公司买货。”毛先生说。   昨日中午地下水管被挖漏后,水很快填满了沟渠,长春水务集团工作人员赶到后将 阀门关闭,“挖断的是直径100毫米的管线,附近几家工厂和居民楼供水会受到影响!”抢修工人说,他们 得先把沟内的水淘干后查找漏点,将尽快恢复供水。


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