什么是冬季最有营养的食物? « Live in China 混在中国





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2004-10 - 10 9点51分19秒





饮食调养三个愿望:一愿粥,米,冬季的深处古老的健康促进清晨家人被告知喝Rezhou。 “吃饭是要”的,因为在适当的冬衣温阳xx羊肉粥。应在稀饭和加拿大的日期,红豆(Hongdou)点使人们感到全身温暖,能源一倍。私营部门有冬季吃豆腐粥,腊月初八吃“腊八粥”,腊月二十五吃“米饭布丁(米)”的习惯。冬季易狮杨悉嗯楚帆粥消食化痰萝卜粥,补肺益胃固精的核桃粥养山的阴,脾茯苓粥,红枣粥xx养阴调整开胃的玉米粥,胃,滋养肝脏和肾脏甘薯粥和等等。 2应温暖的货物,以取得长期阴阳生的意义。如果宜吃牛肉,羊肉,狗,龙眼肉,日期,蛋,山药,猪血,大米,韭菜等。每年冬天,晚餐喝一小杯酒,右,老人尹提升。脂肪热胶的柏忌Feigan渥美。在卢医坚果3,冬季多吃核桃,栗子,松子,花生,葵花籽,芝麻,黑豆,黑米等。

冬天,对诗巫阳羊,鸡等热点项目的偏见是适当的。对没有足够的食物茵偏袒鸭,鹅是好的。随着家庭食品利(Mueloliva)率谱“,”指出:鸭,“自5内部的阴,清器官消费热,水血行,羊为盛肌嗯。” “本草纲目”指出:鹅血,“李五脏,解五脏热,糖尿病只是,”人也有“喝鹅汤,吃鹅一年四季不咳嗽”的谚语。那些从患有心血管脑动脉硬化症,饮食要注意“低盐,低糖,低脂肪,低胆固醇,高蛋白,高维生素”的原则,近年来,国内外专家证实,多吃鱼,妥善茶油,玉米油,米糠油,黑木耳,是抗动脉硬化,xx脂质过氧化,长寿的一个重要措施。

俗语说,“39凑成一个冬天和来年,无痛苦。”在冬天适当的补品可以提高人体的抗病能力。此时的皮肤紧张,出汗少摄取的营养素,也容易储存,为明年春天来了,甚至整个一年的健康打下良好的基础。 “补”针时间一般是“体质虚弱”和老年人,“体弱多病”应根据其气虚,血虚,阳虚,阴虚和其他适当方法,对徐郑施选定的补充,才能收到良好的效果;老年人多以肾为主,所以肾脏尤为重要。有两种主要方法的营养,其中诗巫,第二次xx补充。在冬季转会照片诗巫尤其重要。冬季补品可预防疾病,健康保健的目的,因为“黄帝”,并说:“让那些隐藏在罚款,温暖的春天是不是生病了。”也就是说,冬季补品,使“精气”在体内储存的春天不会生病。在冬季补品同时,我们要坚持有权参与体育,让能促进新陈代谢,加快全身血液循环速度,提高消化和吸收的营养胃肠道,以便它能够被人体更好使用,以配合受益的目的。




4,约45分钟- 1小时后,盐,干净锅生








What is the most nutritious food in winter?

What is the most nutritious food in winter?

to be reasonable with what everyone has to eat, so that only a comprehensive nutrition.

eat radish, the saying goes, winter eat eat ginger summer, do not have a doctor prescribe.

winter diet regimen

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2004-10 -10 9:51:19

winter weather is cold, all the body s physiological activities, energy consumption, basal metabolic need more heat to maintain. Winter is the body of hiding when a certain degree of energy stored in the body for the coming year, Chun-sheng summer-long ready for it. Lord of the winter cold gas, because the most vulnerable to assault Yinxie strength, it is often said in winter, cold of winter, is the human body by a sudden cold wave attack, makes the body produce the energy crisis. At present, China is still starch-based carbohydrate calories, often in the cold of winter can not satisfy the body s thermal energy needs, likely to cause recession and resistance to diseases of the lower body, such as colds, asthma, bronchitis, etc., and relapse. So, in winter the daily diet, may be appropriate to more Feigan Atsumi, food, but not too much. Furthermore, the body s digestive function in winter than in spring, summer and autumn are active, increased secretion of gastric juice, acidity increased, appetite increase, which reflects the needs of the winter to increase the body s heat. When the body is in a cold environment, to maintain body temperature balance, it is necessary to increase the body s metabolic rate, thereby increasing food requirements, especially for better absorption of fatty foods, eating the right amount of fat, have better cold tolerance Frozen role, but not too much to prevent the occurrence of hyperlipidemia and obesity diseases.

cold winter season, and the body hidden in a sealed state, yang will not jump to the leaks, the spleen and stomach function compared with healthy and vigorous, so, when it is an opportune time nourishing Yin. Traditional Chinese Medicine that the winter Yin which not only unfit for human consumption of raw materials, but also unfit for human consumption of goods, dry and hot, the most desirable food Zi-yin Qian Yang, a high calorie diet is appropriate. Such as soft-shelled turtle, black fungus, lotus root, sesame seeds and other items are beneficial food. In order to avoid vitamin deficiency should be intake of fresh vegetables. Such as carrots, cabbage, spinach and green bean sprouts and so on. Nourishing diet the best winter season, people have tonic in winter, spring fighting the tiger, the proverb, especially the best tonic after the winter solstice. Because of the winter solstice is the dividing line between the winter climate change in March, after the chi began to fade from the winter solstice, yang gradual recovery, in the closed reservoirs contain lively vitality. At this point tonic, the drug is easy to play the effectiveness of reserves is the weakness of the body the best opportunity for recuperation.

the nutritional characteristics of the winter diet, an increase of heat, heat production in the three major nutrients, protein intake may need to remain at normal levels, heat increase for some, should improve the intake of sugar and fat to be guaranteed. Mineral requirements should be maintained or slightly higher than the usual number. Increase the heat can choose a higher fat content of food. Vitamin supply, special attention should be to increase vitamin C content. Can eat vegetables such as radish, carrots, peppers, potatoes, spinach and oranges, apples, bananas and other fruits, while increasing the animal liver, lean meat, fish, eggs, beans, etc. in order to ensure the body s vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other needs.

winter is the Master of the kidneys, the kidneys main salty, bitter heart Lord, salty, bitter to win. Therefore, proactive笺4:00 tune, pointed out: Winter of renal water taste salty, and fear of water, fire, it should raise heart. Therefore, the diet should reduce salty taste bitter to support their heart growing gas, to protect the heart and kidney intersect, food Xin heat of the goods, in order to Sim the main bitter, so that direct lung, solid-solid kidney qi. Although the appropriate hot food in winter, but the thing must not be too dry and hot food, do not eat onions, so as not within the V Yu and yang of heat. Avoid eating sticky winter, hard, cold food, such belong to yin, the yang easy to stomach injury, such as the kidney-yang deficiency are often easy to land subsidence caused by the gas, cold limbs, diarrhea and other illnesses Qing Gu.

diet to restore three wish: a wish to congee, Mi, the ancient health promotion of the depths of winter early morning family was advised to drink Rezhou. Eat a meal was about to in that the lamb porridge in winter clothes appropriate to prescription for warming yang. Should the points in the rice porridge and Canada dates, red bean make people feel whole body warm, energy doubled. The private sector have the winter to eat bean porridge, the twelfth lunar month eighth day to eat, laba porridge , the twelfth lunar month 25 to eat, rice pudding (rice) habits. Winter Yi Shi Yang Xin Chufan porridge Xiaoshi phlegm radish porridge, Bufei Yiwei mountain ones for nourishing yin Gujing walnut porridge, Spleen Stomach of Poria porridge, porridge Yiqiyangyin of jujube , adjusting the appetizer of polenta, nourishing liver and kidney of the sweet potato porridge and so on. 2 should warm the goods, in order to obtain long yin yang meaning of Health. If Yichi beef, mutton, dog, longan meat, dates, eggs, yams, pig s blood, rice, leeks and so on. Every winter dinner drink a small cup of wine, right, the elderly Yin boost. Body fat hot glue those bogey Feigan Atsumi. 3 of Lu Yi nuts, the winter Eat more walnuts, chestnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, black beans, black rice and so on.

winter, biased towards the Sibu yang sheep, chicken and other hot items is appropriate. Biased towards people with insufficient food Qiyin duck, goose is good. With the interest rate spectrum of home food, pointed out: duck, Zi-five internal organs of the Yin and Qing Consumption From the heat, the blood line of water, Yang Wei Sheng Jin. Compendium of Materia Medica, pointed out: goose blood, Lee five internal organs, relieve five internal organs heat, Diabetes only, people also have goose drink soup, eat goose all year round is not coughing, the proverb. Those suffering from cerebral arteriosclerosis cardiovascular, diet should focus on low salt, low sugar, low fat, low cholesterol, high-protein, high-vitamin principle, in recent years, domestic and foreign experts confirm that more fish, proper tea oil, corn oil, rice bran oil, black fungus, are anti-arteriosclerosis, eliminate lipid peroxidation, an important measure for longevity.

the saying goes, 39 make up one winter and the coming year, no pain. The appropriate tonic in winter can increase the body s disease resistance. At this point the skin tight, sweating less intake of nutrients is also easy to store up for next year s spring and even the health of the whole year and lay a good foundation. Tonic is generally needle time weak constitution and the older people, and physically weak should be in accordance with their qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yang deficiency, yin deficiency and other appropriate methods were selected for Xu Zheng Shi added, can receive the good effect; older persons make more use of kidney-based, so kidney is particularly important. There are two main methods of nutrition, one Sibu, second drug added. Sibu in the winter transfer photo is especially important. Winter tonic-preventable diseases, to health care purposes, as the Yellow Emperor and said: let those hidden in fine, warm spring is not sick. Means that winter tonic, enabling fine gas stored in the the body, to the spring would not be sick. Winter tonic at the same time, we should uphold the right to participate in sports, so that can promote metabolism, speed up the systemic blood circulation, enhance the gastrointestinal tract for digestion and absorption of nourishment, so that it can be the body make better use of, to complement the purpose of benefiting from .

you can look at http://www.fx120.net/shbj/bjzt/djbj/djys/lm3192_1.htm
specialized knowledge of a winter diet

my parents do not physically very good, I always worry about what to do to give them to eat in winter. This is what I am doing one of a family recipe that you first try, it is easy to do.

stewed lamb chops
material: fresh lamb row of a 1.5 kg, white radish half, clove 6,
cinnamon 1, Chinese prickly ash oil 1 teaspoon, salt 1.5 tsp, onion
half-root, ginger 8.

practice: 1, small lamb chops Zhan Cheng-inch segment, with washed clean, white radish to
skins, a vertical cut, cut each into 1 cm thick slices, green onions
cutting-inch segment, salt, 2 tsp.
2, the lamb chops over what oil, blood came out, put the pot boiling
, the other about 5 minutes later with a spoon to write
Xue Mo.
3, until soup brighter after the turn into the clove, cinnamon, ginger
films, green onions and white radishes, boil 5 minutes back cover
fire on the lid, turn into a small fire.
4, about 45 minutes - 1 hour after the salt, clean wok-sheng
large bowl.

Note: Salt can not be put back, otherwise not easy to Dunlan.

experience: Mutton and white radish is the autumn and winter, the best mix for fortification. After eating the whole body nice and warm, but it did not like to eat ginseng hot, very comfortable.



cabbage. Red radish are economical and nutritious

kelp Jimgalbi

can eat eat04-12-29

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