(转)电脑病Computers disease_梅心在蕊_新浪博客

头晕、xx、全身酸痛、口干舌燥……长期使用电脑的人都会遇到这些情况。在现代社会中,电脑已经成为人们生活和工作不可缺少的工具,但也越来越成为一把“双刃剑”:它在带给人们诸多方便的同时,也带来了一些病痛,专家认为,上述症状都属于电脑族典型的“压力征候群”。 Dizziness, insomnia, body aches, dry mouth ... ... long-term use of computers people will encounter these situations. In modern society, computers have become indispensable to people's lives and work tools, but also increasingly become a "two-edged sword": it gives people a lot of convenience, also brought some pain, experts say These symptoms are all computer users the typical "stress   syndrome .                                                                                                  ."

 “电脑病”往往是慢慢形成的,爆发性不强,对身体的危害不十分明显,最容易被人们忽视,但是它虽不会造成生命危险,却不容小觑,它会引发身体其它方面的连锁疾病,影响工作和生活质量,它对人体的潜在危害十分大,因此,对必须长期使用电脑的人来说,做好防护工作最为重要。"Computer Disease" is often formed slowly and  the outbreak is not strong, no obvious physical harm and most easily be  overlooked,.Although it is not life-threatening, but can not be ignored, it may induce others chain disease that affects the work and quality of life, its potential harm to  the human body is very large, therefore, for people who must use computers for long-time ,it is very most important to do a good guarding job.



1. 注意保护视力。要定时休息、注意补充含维生素A类丰富的食物,不时远眺,经常做眼保健操,保证充足的睡眠时间。

 To protect their eyesight.  Regular breaks, pay attention to supplement of food containing  rich vitamin A, often overlooking, and regularly do  eye exercises, ensure  get adequate sleep.


.2.  注意补充营养。 电脑操作者在荧光屏前工作时间过长,视网膜上的视紫红质会被消耗掉,而视紫红质主要由维生素A合成。因此,电脑操作者应多吃些胡萝卜、白菜、豆芽、豆腐、红枣、橘子以及牛奶、鸡蛋、动物肝脏、瘦肉等食物,以补充人体内维生素A和蛋白质。平时可多饮些茶,茶叶中含有茶多酚等活性物质,有吸收与抵抗放射性物质的作用。

Attention to nutrition. Computer operators work in front of  the screen too long , the retina rhodopsin which be d by vitamin A mainly would be consumed,. Therefore, the computer operator should eat more carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, tofu, red dates, oranges and milk, eggs, liver, lean meat and other food to supply the of vitamin A and protein for the  body. Usually  drink some more  tea ,and the tea contains polyphenols and other active substances which have the role of  absorption and resistance to  radioactive materials .




 3. 注意正确的坐姿。操作时应将电脑屏幕中心位置安装在与操作者胸部同一水平线上,眼睛与屏幕的距离应在40~50厘米,{zh0}使用可调节高低的椅子。在操作过程中,应经常眨眼睛或闭目休息一会儿,以调节和改善视力,预防视力减退。、

Note the correct sitting position.  When operating,the  center of  the computer screen should be installed  at  the same level with the chest of operator , the distance between eyes and the screen should be 40 to 50 cm, preferably adjustable-height chair. During operation, operator should always blink or close their eyes  for  rest to regulate and improve vision, prevent vision loss.


 4. 注意保持皮肤清洁。应经常保持脸部和手的皮肤清洁,因为电脑荧光屏表面存在着大量静电,其聚集的灰尘可转射到操作者脸部和手的皮肤裸露处,如不注意清洁,时间久了,易发生难看的斑疹、色素沉着,严重者甚至会引起皮肤病变,影响美容与身心健康。Note that keeping the skin clean. Should keep the skin of the face and hands clean, because the surface of the computer screen exist a lot of static electricity, aggregated dust can switch to all parts of the exposed skin of the face and hands of the operator , if  it is  not  be cleaned, over time, susceptible to ugly rash, pigmentation, severe cases may even cause skin lesions, affecting beauty and health.


 5. 注意养成良好的卫生习惯。电脑操作者不宜一边操作电脑一边吃东西,也不宜在操作室内就餐,否则易造成xxxx或胃炎。电脑键盘接触较多者,工作完后应洗手以防传染病。


 Attention to good hygiene habits. Computer operators should not operate a computer while eating ,should not repast in the operating room, or easy to cause indigestion or gastritis. For the person who need greater access to computer keyboard, hand-washing to prevent infectious diseases after finished work.


 6. 注意工作环境。电脑室内光线要适宜,不可过亮或过暗,避免光线直接照射在荧光屏上而产生干扰光线。定期xx室内的粉尘及微生物,清理卫生时{zh0}用湿布或湿拖把,对空气过滤器进行xx处理,合理调节风量,更换新鲜空气。

 Note that the working environment. Computer room light should be fit, not too bright or too dark, to avoid direct exposure to light in the screen caused  interference of light. Periodically remove the indoor dust and bacteria, and clean up with  damp cloth or wet mop, disinfect the air filter processing, reasonable regulation of the air quantity, replacement of fresh air.


 7. 注意劳逸结合。一般来说,电脑操作人员在连续工作1小时后应该休息10分钟左右,并且{zh0}到操作室之外活动活动手脚与躯干,散散步,做做广播操,进行积极的休息,或者在室内做眼保健操和活动头部。

 Note of work and rest. In general, computer operators should have a break for 10 minutes after working 1 hour,  preferably outside the operating room do some  limbs and trunk activity, a walk, do some Guangbo Cao, active rest, or do eye exercises and activities of the head. .


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