
那些掩埋于地板、瓷砖以及水泥下面的错踪复杂的管道和阀门,到底能够经受住多高的温度以及多大的压力考验?地热,作为埋在地下的“隐蔽工程”,自然会使很多人心存疑虑,虽然人们正在试图通过各种渠道去了解、学习地热的有关知识,但却往往难以如愿。 选分水器 实际年限6年左右 作为地热系统一个必不可少的组成构件,分水器的使用年限也决定了地热的“使用寿命”。以目前沈阳市面上普遍使用的铜材质分水器为例,其材质中含铜量的多少将直接决定分水器的使用寿命,按照国家现阶段标准要求生产出来的分水器{zg}可以使用10年。“但是这个数据只是理论上的,并没有考虑各地区的水质差异等具体情况的影响。”一位地热从业人员告诉记者,目前行业内部约定俗成的标准是分水器使用寿命在6到8年之间。地热供暖系统中各个阀门的使用寿命也决定于其内部阀体采用的材质,虽然按照国家现阶段标准要求应该使用10年,但分别有铜质、钢制、塑料等材质制成的阀体,寿命肯定各不相同。“一般情况下,作为行业内公开的秘密,包括分水管在内的一些地热阀门,实际使用寿命大概就在6年左右。” 分水器选择方法 分水器作用材质使用如何选择使用寿命 按功能可划分为手动型和智能型分水器(1)将进水按需要进行流量分配,保证各区域分支环路的流量满足供暖热负荷要求。同时,将各分支的水流汇集回水主干管,实现循环运行。(2)接驳各种调控动能件(手动调节阀、内置阀芯,电热阀、流量计等),便于实现建筑多功能区域(房间)各分支环路按需供热的调节与控制。 按材质可分为铜质分水器、PPR分水器、不锈钢分水器和铝合金分水器。 根据所选用的地暖管材(PE-Xa、PE-RT、PPR)与分集水器连接后对铜质的化学腐蚀不同,应区分使用。当选用PE-X系列管材时,上述三种分集水器都可以选用。当选用PE-RT或PPR管材做地暖时,则必须选用铜质镀镍或镀铬的分集水器。 {dy},应注意分集水器主杠管壁的厚度和抗压强度; 第二,应注意铜材质中铜的含量是否符合国家有关标准; 第三,应注意与主杠相连接阀门内阀芯的材质(铜质、铁质或塑料); 第四,应注意其抗腐蚀及抗氧化的性能。 内外表面应光洁,不得有裂纹、砂眼、冷隔、夹渣、凹凸不平等缺陷。表面电镀的连接件色泽应均匀,镀层牢固,不得有脱镀的缺陷。分集水器总进、出水管内径一般不小于25mm,5-10年。 算一笔账 安装需要多少钱 那么,安装地热到底需要多少钱呢?杨立斌告诉记者,以100平方米的住宅为例,实际铺设地热管线的面积大约在70平方米左右。 {dy}种安装费用14000元左右:地热安装的市场价格高低不等,就沈阳目前市场行情,安装一个造价{zg}的智能型地热供暖系统每平方米需要200元左右。 第二种安装费用7000元左右:如果xx按照正常的国家施工标准来安装,包括回填的费用,每平方米应该在100元左右。 第三种安装费用4900元左右:按照辽宁省内通常的安装标准,使用质量能够保证的地热管材,每平方米在70元左右,这也是能够让用户稳定使用的标准。 实际上,有些报价低于每平方米60元的安装人员也声称自己使用金德、伟星等xx地热管材,就很值得怀疑。“目前市场上还有低于50元的安装价格,虽然不能xx认定这个价钱安装的地热不合格,但是其质量究竟能够达到什么样的标准,可能连安装人员自己也不能确定。”杨立斌表示:“地热管材安装企业或者个人获得利润的高低,将直接决定售后服务的好坏,这个说法是有一定道理的。” 清洗地热 {zh0}一年一次 “地热供暖系统{zh0}一年清洗一次。”辽宁省地暖协会会长王芳介绍,地热管路在运行一个采暖期之后会淤积1-1.5毫米厚的污垢、粘泥,使管路缩径,水流量变小,并相应使室内温度也会降低3-6摄氏度,水质差的地区更加严重。当地热系统运行超过两年以上时,由于地热管内常年积水,水里所含的微生物、杂质等,在一定条件下会产生生物粘泥,附着在管内壁,使热阻增大,影响传热。如果管路长期得不到有效清洗,会使水流减小、流速变慢,室内温度明显下降,严重时会造成管路栓塞,无法疏通,导致地热管路{yj}失效,不可逆转。“清洗地热管的时间间隔应视地热系统实际运行使用情况而定。一般来说,夏季是清洗地热的{zh0}时机。”王芳说。 目前,沈阳市场上清洗地热的方式有很多,采用最多的清洗技术是气压脉冲管路清洗。但是这种清洗方式的收费也最混乱,平均来说大约是每平方米收费5元。 再就是所谓PSI,是以压缩空气作为动力,利用PSI发射器向管路中发射一颗大于管内径10%-20%的特制射弹,使射弹沿管线高速运动并与管路内壁充分摩擦,达到清洁管路的干式物理清洁技术。目前沈阳市场上使用的PSI管路清洁设备都来源于进口,所以清洗的费用也{zg},清洗一个回路的费用在100元左右。 此外,过滤器是用来防止杂物进入地热管内造成系统堵塞的装置,其内置过滤网会因杂质塞满后增加水的阻力,影响流速而影响散热。可以根据室温变化情况适当予以清洗。 对于很多市民和一些水暖工用自来水冲洗地热管线的方式,王芳和杨立斌都认为这是最不合理的清洗方式,“这是一种大量浪费水资源的做法。另外,由于自来水本身的水压不超2个压力,还没有供暖管线中的压力大,所以不能对管内壁的锈垢和积存物进行冲击和震荡。” 4月28日,辽宁省装饰协会地热分会将在辽宁大厦召开“用地热、品地热、为您解读地热”大型公益活动,“我们将向广大用户免费发放由协会编写的《地热用户必读》手册,来自国内的地热专家,将在现场就地热的安装使用做深度解读和知识普及。”辽宁省装饰协会地热分会副会长杨立斌这样告诉记者。 地热管材 10年是个分水岭 对于地热的寿命是多少的问题,从事地热行业的人员都会告诉你:“50年!”那么埋在地下的地热管材真的能用50年吗?据资料记载,世界上最早使用地热供暖的欧美等国家是从上世纪70年代才开始使用塑料管材,距今也只有40年左右的历史。这意味着,关于地热能使用50年的理论年限还无法得到现实生活的验证。“目前沈阳使用的地热管材由于使用年限远远没有达到50年。”杨立斌告诉记者,行业内部普遍认定的标准是两个采暖期,这也就意味着只要地热管材使用超过两个采暖期而不发生问题,正常使用的年限就至少可以超过10年甚至更久。 杨立斌介绍,xx地热管材在出厂前,都是先研究出一个生产配方,再按照这个配方生产出来化学管材,经过8760个小时冷热水循环后,确信地热管材不会发生任何问题,才被认为是合格产品。沈阳市场上的地热管材分为PERT、PEX、PB、PPR等几种,从理论上分析,这几种管材的使用寿命都能达到50年。其中,号称可以使用一百年的PB管,在摄氏95度的使用条件下,至少可以使用70余年。 虽然这几种管材都能使用50年,但在实际应用中还是有所区别的。杨立斌介绍,人们比较熟悉的PPR管材,由于其散热效果不如其他几种管材,目前市场上使用的比较少。 目前沈阳地热安装市场上使用最多的就是PERT、PEX两种管材,而这两种管材的区别在于后期维修上。PERT管是可以再生的管材,其不耐高温的特点,决定其只能在70摄氏度以下的水温下运行,但优点是在发生意外损坏后可以使用热熔维修;而PEX管由于是一种不可以再生的管材,虽然其具有耐高温、超强的记忆复原能力和抗应力破坏性,但其在损坏后不能维修。另外,PEX管不环保。 而号称使用年限最长的PB管,不但能耐高温,而且还能耐低温,这种其他三种管材不具备的特性,使得PB管不怕冻。但由于其造价高,安装成本大,目前只在北京等城市比较流行,还没有在沈阳市场上大面积使用。“地热管材使用50年是有前提条件的。”辽宁省地热协会会长、华源暖通工程有限公司董事长王芳说,地热属于低温地面辐射采暖系统,按规定其供水温度不应高于60℃,工作压力一般为4个压力(0.4MPa),{zd0}不宜大于8个压力(0.8MPa),“压力的高低和水温的高低,将直接影响塑料加热管的管壁厚度、使用寿命、耐热性能和价格等一系列因素。目前,沈阳民用建筑供水温度大约在55℃左右,工作压力一般为4个压力,理论上xx能够保证地热化学管材50年的使用寿命。” 记者在市场调查中注意到,市面上除了有金德、伟星、日丰、金牛等众多众多知名品牌外,还有很多知名度不太高的地产地热管材。对于这些市场价格在2元钱上下的地热管材,杨立斌的评价是:“也能用!只要这些厂家在生产过程中,能够保证使用正规的生产原材料。” 偷工减料 最少多赚1700元 “在材料保真的前提下,只要施工单位在施工过程中搞一些‘花样’,比如测量时多出一些米数,或是在安装过程中没有遵照管线安装间距不少于200毫米的行业规定,那么每平方米‘增收’5元钱是很简单的事。”这样,一处100平方米的房子按照70平方米的地热面积计算,这一项就可以增加350元的收入。 业内人士介绍,除此之外,仅以小品牌地热管材贴牌冒充大品牌管线来说,每延长米2元到3.2元不等的假冒金德管材,就能让施工企业获利至少300元到700元的“利润”。 而分水器每个回路的价格也能降到70元左右,比照136元的标准价格,这一项可以省下396元。 使用的阀门每平方米也能减低2元钱的成本,就连回填使用的水泥也能每平方米节省下5元钱的成本。“这样计算下来,每平方米至少还可以增收10元钱。地热面积70平方米的房子就可以省下700元。”业内人士介绍:“要是施工单位使用回用料生产的劣质管材安装,获利将更加可观。” 这样算下来,安装一处地热面积70平方米的房子,地热公司最少可节省成本1746元。 改装地热 注意五大问题 王芳会长指出,目前,采用地热供暖方式能够达到的温度效果是有具体标准的,以沈阳为例,室内温度标准为主卧22℃,客厅餐厅22-24℃,卫生间、浴室25℃。 而造成地热温度无法达标的主要原因有以下几个方面:供暖主管道工作压力未达到设计要求或循环不畅;主管道与分集水器前过滤器堵塞或地暖管内有积气;与系统连接的主或支管道有堵塞,或阀门未xx开启;回填层混凝土过厚、面层地板材质或厚度产生的热阻过大;房间内家具占面积过大,有效散热面积小。 王芳提醒那些热衷于改装地热的用户还要注意五大问题。 注意问题之一:不应直接将地热管与采暖供回水管道相接 暖气的供回水温度一般是70至95℃,地热的供回水温度不能高于60/50℃。如果整个小区是暖气采暖,只有某一层想改造地板采暖,为确保加热盘管使用寿命,通常做法是在供回水进户处增设板式换热器或混水降温装置,把采暖系统高温水置换成低温水,不应直接将地热管与采暖供回水管道相接。 注意问题之二:不要在原暖气系统增设加热盘管 地热的阻力要比暖气大很多,如果盲目在原暖气系统增设加热盘管,可能导致循环资用压力不足,热水循环不起来,室内温度难以保证。 注意问题之三:环路长度不宜超过100米 地热盘管越长,阻力越大,运行费用越高。 注意问题之四:同一组分水器最多不超8个回路 一组分水器上的各个环路的地热盘管长度差不要超过10%,同一组分水器最多不应超过8个回路。 注意问题之五:选择一家好的地热施工企业 一看地暖资质,是否具有建设部门颁发的《建筑业企业地暖专业施工资质》和《安全生产许可证》;二看专业证书,是否具有地暖工程安装的“ISO9001国际质量体系认证”、保险公司的“产品责任保险单”等;三看施工现场,是否有现场管理措施、施工日记、工人是否统一着装,是否按图施工等;四看服务措施,是否有切实可行的售后服务及培训方案,是否有客户档案记录等。

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Those buried in the floor tiles and cement following the wrong track complex pipes and valves, in the end how much can withstand the pressure of the test temperature and how much? Geothermal, buried in the ground as the "hidden work" would lead to doubts about a lot of people, although people are trying through various channels to understand, learn knowledge about geothermal, it is often not too successful. Select manifolds Real life is about 6 years Geothermal system as an integral component, water separator service life of the geothermal also determine the "life." Shenyang on the market at present widely used in copper water separator, for example, the materials in the amount of copper content will directly determine the manifold of life, according to state standards at this stage produced the highest water separator can be used 10 years. "But this data is only theoretical and do not take into account regional differences in the specific case of water quality impact." A geothermal employees told reporters that the current standards within the industry convention, life in the water separator 6 to 8 years rooms. Geothermal heating system in the life of each valve within the valve body also decided to use their material, although at this stage in accordance with national standards should be used for 10 years, but were copper, steel, plastic and other materials made of valve physical, life certainly different. "In general, as an open secret within the industry, including a number of points, including geothermal water valve, the actual life of about 6 years on." Water Separator Selection Manifold role of material used to choose life According to the functions can be divided into manual-based and intelligent manifold (1) influent flow distribution as necessary to ensure the flow of the regional branch of the loop to meet the heating load requirements. Meanwhile, the main branch of the water pool return water pipe for recycling operation. (2) connection to the kinetic energy of the various pieces of control (manual control valve, built-in valve, electric valves, flow meters, etc.), easy to implement building multi-region (room) the branch loop regulation and control of heating demand. Press material can be divided into copper manifold, PPR water separator, stainless steel water separator and aluminum manifolds. According to the selected floor heating pipe (PE-Xa, PE-RT, PPR) and after sub-catchment to connect different copper chemical corrosion, the use should be distinguished. Elected to use the PE-X series pipe, the sub-catchment of the three devices can be used. Elected to use PPR pipe PE-RT or when to do to warm, you must use copper plated nickel or chrome-plated sub-catchment devices. First, sub-catchment should be noted that the thickness of the wall for main bars and the compressive strength; Second, should pay attention to the content of copper in copper meets the national standard; Third, care should be connected with the main bar inside the spool valve material (copper, iron or plastic); Fourth, we should pay attention to its anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation performance. Internal and external surfaces should be clean, no cracks, blisters, cold shut, slag, uneven surfaces and other defects. Surface plating of the connector color should be uniform, firm coating, not plating defects are off. The total catchment into sub-device, outlet pipe diameter is generally not less than 25mm ,5-10 years. An account balance How much is installed So, how much money to install geothermal in the end it? Bin Yang told reporters, with 100 square meters of housing, for example, the actual laying of the pipeline geothermal area of approximately 70 square meters. The first installation cost about 14,000 yuan: geothermal installed high and low market prices, the current market conditions in Shenyang, the highest cost to install a geothermal heating system, intelligent need 200 yuan per square meter. The second installation costs about 7,000 yuan: If fully in accordance with the normal state construction standards to install, including the cost of backfill, 100 yuan per square meter should be about. The third installation costs around 4,900 yuan: Liaoning province in accordance with the usual installation standards, use quality to ensure that the geothermal pipe, at 70 yuan per square meter, this is to allow users to use the standard stability. Indeed, some offer less than 60 yuan per square meter installers who claimed to use the Kinder, Wei magnitude famous geothermal pipe, very doubtful. "There are currently on the market price of less than 50 dollars to install, although not fully recognized the price of geothermal installation failed, but its quality can be achieved exactly what kind of standard, may not even install the officers themselves are not sure." Bin Yang said: "Geothermal pipe installation company or individual profit level will directly determine the after-sales service is good or bad, this argument is a grain of truth." Cleaning of heat Preferably once a year "The best geothermal heating system cleaned once a year." Liaoning Province introduced to warm Association Fang, geothermal pipes running after a heating period will deposit dirt 1-1.5 mm thick, sticky mud, so pipe necking , water quantity is small, and accordingly will reduce the indoor temperature 3-6 degrees Celsius, even more serious in areas of poor water quality. Local thermal systems run more than two years, due to perennial water heat pipe, the water contains microbes, impurities, etc., under certain conditions will produce bio-slime, attached to the tube wall, so that thermal resistance increases, affecting transmission hot. If the pipes are not effective long-term clean water will reduce the flow rate slows, the indoor temperature decreased, and in severe embolism caused by pipeline, not clear, leading to a permanent heat pipe failure, irreversible. "Cleaning of the time interval should heat pipe geothermal system operation, as the case may be used. Generally speaking, summer is the best time to wash in hot." Fang said. At present, Shenyang market clean way to heat a lot, with the largest pipeline cleaning technology is the pressure pulse cleaning. However, this cleaning method, also the most confusing fees, average fee of about 5 yuan per square meter. Then there are the so-called PSI, is compressed air as the driving force, using PSI launcher to launch a pipe inner diameter greater than 10% -20% of the special projectile to high velocity projectile along the pipeline wall with the pipe full friction, to clean the pipeline dry physical cleaning technology. Shenyang, the market currently use PSI pipe cleaning equipment from imports, so cleaning up the costs, the cost of cleaning a loop of 100 yuan. In addition, the filter is used to prevent debris into the heat pipe causes the system to plug the device, its built-in filter will increase due to impurity, after filled with water resistance, impact velocity and impact of heat. Temperature changes can be cleaned properly. For many people, and some plumbers flush with running water pipes to heat the way, Wang Fang and Li-bin, that this cleaning method is the most unreasonable, "This is a huge waste of water resources approach. In addition, because water itself is not pressure Super 2 pressure, no pressure in the heating pipes, it can not rust on the canal wall and accumulation of material for shock and vibration. " April 28, Liaoning Province Decoration Association Geothermal Branch of the Liaoning Building, held a "space heat, chemicals, geothermal, for your interpretation of geothermal" large-scale public event, "We will be the majority of users distributed free of charge by the Association for the preparation of the" geothermal Users must-read " Manual, geothermal experts from China will be installed on site to do the hot spot deep reading and literacy. "Liaoning Province branch Decoration Association, vice president of geothermal Bin Yang told reporters. Geothermal Pipe 10 years is a watershed For the life expectancy of geothermal issues, personnel engaged in the geothermal industry will tell you: "50 years!" Then buried in the ground to really heat pipe can be used for 50 years? According to historical records, the world's first use of geothermal heating in Europe and the United States and other countries 70 years from the last century began to use plastic pipe, about 40 years ago, only history. This means that geothermal energy use on the theoretical life of 50 years can not be verified in real life. "At present, Shenyang pipe used in geothermal far as service life of 50 years." Bin Yang told reporters, generally recognized standards within the industry are the two the heating period, which means that as long as the pipe used to heat the heating period and not more than two problem, the normal use of the life on at least more than 10 years or even longer. Bin Yang introduced genuine geothermal pipe in the factory, a production formula is first developed and then produced according to this formula chemical pipe, hot and cold water cycle after 8760 hours later, satisfied that the geothermal pipes will not be any problem, was the view that is qualified. Shenyang market geothermal pipe into PERT, PEX, PB, PPR, etc. Some, from the theoretical analysis, these types of tubes can reach the service life of 50 years. Which claims to use a hundred years of PB pipe, the use of 95 degrees Celsius conditions, at least you can use more than 70 years. Although these types of pipe can be used for 50 years, but in practical application, or differentiated. Bin Yang introduced, people familiar with PPR pipe, because of its cooling effect as several other pipes on the market use less. Currently installed in Shenyang geothermal market is the most used PERT, PEX two pipes, while the difference between the two pipe late maintenance. PERT pipe can be regenerated in the pipe, its not the characteristics of high temperature, to determine its only 70 degrees Celsius below the water temperature in the run, but the advantage is damaged in an accident you can use hot melt maintenance; and PEX pipe is not as The pipe can be recycled, although the high temperature, superior resistance to stress resilience and memory of the devastating, but can not repair its damaged. In addition, PEX pipe is not environmentally friendly. The longest known life span of PB pipe, not only temperature, but also the capability at low temperature, this pipe does not have the other three characteristics, making PB pipe plumbing. But because of its high cost, installation costs and a currently popular in Beijing and other cities, there is no market in Shenyang, a large area to use. "Geothermal pipe is used for 50 years preconditions." Geothermal Association of Liaoning Province, Huayuan HVAC Engineering Co Fang said, are low-temperature geothermal ground radiant heating system, according to the provisions of the water temperature should not exceed 60 ℃, working pressure is generally four pressure (0.4MPa), the maximum pressure should not be greater than 8 (0.8MPa), "the pressure of the high and low and high and low water temperature will directly affect the plastic heating pipe wall thickness, service life, heat resistance and price range of factors. At present, water temperature in Shenyang civil about about 55 ℃, working pressure is generally four pressure, in theory, can fully guarantee the geothermal chemical pipe service life of 50 years. " Reporter noted in market research, market, in addition to Kinder, Wei Xing, Japan Feng, cows and many other well-known brands, there are many well-known real estate is not too high to heat pipes. For these market prices up and down in two dollars of geothermal pipe, Bin Yang's assessment is: "Can too! As long as these manufacturers in the production process, to ensure regular production of raw materials used." Jerry Earn at least 1,700 yuan "In the material under the premise of fidelity, as long as the construction units engaged in the construction process of some 'tricks', such as more number of measurements in meters, or during the installation process did not comply with spacing of not less than 200 mm pipe installation industry requirements , then every square meter 'income '5 dollar is very simple to do. "Thus, a house of 100 square meters 70 square meters according to the geothermal area, in which one can increase the income of 350 yuan. To industry insiders, in addition, only a small white label brand to impersonate the big brands heat pipe pipeline, each extension of m ranging from 2 yuan to 3.2 yuan counterfeit Kinder pipe, construction companies can make profits at least 300 yuan to 700 dollars "profit." The manifold price of each loop can be reduced to around 70 yuan, 136 yuan mutatis mutandis, the standard price, this one can save 396 yuan. Valve used per square meter can reduce the cost of 2 dollars, and even the use of cement backfill also under 5 yuan per square meter, the cost saving. "Calculating this way can increase per square meter, 10 yuan at least. Geothermal area of 70 square meters of the house can save 700 yuan." Insiders: "If the construction units back to the production of poor quality pipe materials installed by profits will be even more impressive. " So doing, to install a geothermal area of 70 square meters of houses, geothermal company at least save the cost of 1,746 yuan. Converted to heat Attention to five issues Fang, president pointed out that, using geothermal heating temperature effect can be achieved with specific standards, Shenyang, for example, indoor temperature standard for the master bedroom 22 ℃, living room dining 22-24 ℃, toilet, bathroom 25 ℃ . Geothermal temperature caused the main reason for not compliance with the following areas: heating, Road work pressure is not competent to meet the design requirements or impeded; director of Road and sub-catchment devices to pre-filter plugging or product within the warm-air; connected to the system the main or branch pipes are blocked or the valve not fully open; backfill layer of concrete is too thick, the surface layer thickness of the floor material or excessive production of thermal resistance; room furniture accounts for too large an area of small effective heat dissipation. Fang remind those interested in conversion to heat the user should pay attention to five issues. Note problems: not directly to heat pipes and the heating supply and return water pipelines connecting Heating supply and return water temperature is 70 to 95 ℃, in heat supply and return water temperature is not higher than the 60/50 ℃. If the estate is heating heating, and only want to transform a layer of floor heating, to ensure the heating coil life, common practice is to return water into the household Department for additional heat exchanger, or mixing with water cooling device, the hot water heating system replaced by low-temperature water, not directly to heat pipes and the heating supply and return water pipelines connecting. Note that second question: Do not add in the original heating system, heating coil Geothermal heating much larger than the resistance, if the blind addition of the original heating system heating coil, loop information could lead to insufficient use of pressure, hot water circulation is not up, the indoor temperature is difficult to guarantee. Note Issue 3: Loop length not more than 100 meters Coil to heat the longer the greater the resistance, the higher operating costs. Attention to the problem of Four: water heater up to the same components over eight loop A component of water every device on the loop length difference geothermal coils should not exceed 10%, water heaters up to the same component should not exceed 8 loop. Attention problems five: choose a good geothermal construction enterprises A warm look to qualification, whether the building department issued a "construction enterprises to warm professional construction qualifications" and "safe production license"; second look at the professional certificate, whether floor heating installed "ISO9001 international quality system certification", insurance companies "Product liability insurance policy," and so on; 3 look at the construction site, whether on-site management, construction diary, the worker's uniform dress code, if according to the drawings, etc.; four service measures to see whether there are practicable after-sales service and training programs, whether a customer profile records.

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