GTB,后危机时代的金融服务方案- treasuryonline - treasuryonline ...
GTB,后危机时代的金融服务方案 [原创 2010-05-20 17:09:20]   

——访Pierre VEYRES先生(法国巴黎银行全球交易银行部执行董事)




1.       We understand that BNP Paribas has recently re-defined its flow business into 4 main product lines. As its global head, can you tell us about the core value of Global Transactional Banking (GTB) and explain briefly on the 4 main product lines?




GTB was created to address trade financing needs, working capital management and cash management solutions in a coordinated manner as most clients expect leading banks to deliver comprehensive solutions. GTB is therefore an integrated flow business activity and a relationship enhancer. Once we deal with a client it is usually for several years, due to the operational dimension of our business that takes some significant efforts to be implemented.




GTB encompasses 4 product lines - Global Trade Solutions (GTS), International Cash-Management (ICM), Correspondent Banking (CB) and the Transaction Bank Group (TBG).




2.       With the world emerging from the financial crisis, what do you see as the trend of large corporate and how’s these changes affecting the way banks like BNP Paribas operate?




The financial crisis triggered a global liquidity drought. From corporate's perspective, credit has suddenly become expensive if not unavailable. As a result, corporate has placed a greater emphasis on liquidity management to ensure that they have the right fund at the right price at right place at any point in time.




There is also a rethink of the relationship bank, i.e. the bank that will support them through difficult time. Consequently, there is a better appreciation and business award to the core bank.




Thanks to our risk discipline, BNP Paribas has weathered well the financial crisis. We have and we will continue to support our strategic clients. At the same time, we continue to listen to our clients and innovate our product/ services to help them best address their challenges and grow their business. The creation of GTB is an excellent example of our continual innovation.




3. Going back to the newly created GTB, how do you see the 4 main product lines integrating to provide a total solution in response to the new trend observed?




GTB is a holistic model that covers the entire value-chain of a business cycle. By grouping the 4 product lines together, we provide an integrated and comprehensive solution to our customers, not just on solution but also operational efficiency and after-sale support etc. Take for example our Multi-Bank Solution (MBS) and optimised interest Rate Scheme (OIRS). These products deliver an unique and optimal liquidity management solution that is unheard of in the market.




4.       What’s your comment on IT technology bringing improvement to modern banking business?




Generally speaking the improvement that IT technology brings to banking industry is significant. Internet Banking has brought the bank within proximity of the client. Bank is able to provide more responsive, convenient and round the clock services. Processing cost has been reduced, passing on as saving to the client and efficiency has increased while human error has been reduced.




5.       What’s your observation on Chinese banks and what’s the key focus of your alliance strategy in China?




With the phenomenal growth of the country's economy, the Chinese banks will play an increasingly important roles globally speaking. The Chinese banks are developing very rapidly, adapting new technology and introducing innovative solution to the market. We believe in a full cooperation with our Chinese partner bank for mutual benefits, both within China where we need the network support of our local partner while outside of China, we can offer our international network to its Chinese clients.




6. By far, BNP Paribas has been perceived to be conservative in China. How does BNP Paribas position itself in China (after world financial crisis) and what's your ambition for GTB in China?




I prefer to say that BNP Paribas is prudent and focused. This has served us well during the crisis and ride us out of the biggest financial storm in history, relatively unscarred. Without doubt, China is a prime focus of BNP Paribas' strategy.




The bank has demonstrated its commitment over the past decades, even more over the past few years with the incorporation of a local subsidiary, substantial capital injections since then and the roll-out of a broad and sophisticated business lines set-up.




Thanks to the GTB’s professionals, the investments made in our product suite and our execution capabilities, I am highly confident that the initiatives already taken are on the right track so our integrated flow business offer will support successfully Chinese and international clients expansion.




Pierre's Bio




Managing Director

Global Transaction Banking

BNP Paribas







In December 2009, Pierre Veyres has been appointed Global Head for BNP Paribas Global Transaction Banking. He handles on a global basis the Global Trade Solutions, International Cash-Management and Correspondent Banking, business lines active in more than 60 countries.


2009年12月,Pierre Veyres被任命为法国巴黎银行全球交易银行部的全球总裁。他主要负责管辖全球贸易解决方案、国际现金管理和代理银行,业务范围覆盖全球60多个国家。


Prior to this assignment, Mr. Veyres was Deputy Head of Corporate & Transaction Group from 2008 to 2009, his main focus being the development of the flow business lines. From 2006 to 2008 Mr Veyres was Global Head for Global Trade Solutions, business line combining conventional trade finance and supply chain financing.




From 2001 to 2006 Mr Veyres was responsible in New York for several business lines in the Americas region in the trade finance, export finance, commodities areas, from the short-term vanilla trade to long-term structured trade transactions.




From 1993 to 2001 Mr Veyres has held senior positions at the Head Office then in Canada as Chief Operating Officer for BNP Paribas Canada. Prior to 1993 Mr Veyres has been a corporate relationship manager at CALYON in Germany and BNP in France.



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