???? 橙盒科技长期专业提供C8051F064等C8051F系列单片机解密服务。针对较高难度的IC芯片解密型号,我们可提供专业、高效、可靠的解密服务;同时,针对国内外市场上还不是很成熟的部分高难度IC解密型号,我们也可提供解密试验方案,经过对空片的免费反复试验研究和验证,有九成把握后即可为广大客户提供专业的解密服务。
??? 若客户对C8051F065或其他C8051系列单片机有解密需求,请按下面的联系方式与我们去的联系,橙盒将为您提供{zy}质的服务:
??? 橙盒科技芯片解密咨询电话:0755- 82221641,82175584
??? 咨询QQ:1258381957,1315031281
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?Analog Peripherals
Two 16-Bit ADCs
-±0.75 LSB INL; no missing codes
-Programmable throughput up to 1 Msps (each ADC)
-1 external input each; programmable as two single-ended or one differential ADC
-DMA to XRAM or external memory interface
-Data-dependent windowed interrupt generator
Three Comparators
-16 programmable hysteresis values
-Configurable to generate interrupts or reset
Internal Voltage Reference
Precision VDD Monitor/Brown-out Detector
On-Chip JTAG Debug & Boundary Scan
-On-chip debug circuitry facilitates full speed, non-intrusive in-system debug (no emulator required)
-Provides breakpoints, single stepping, watchpoints, stack monitor
-Inspect/modify memory and registers
-Superior performance to emulation systems using ICE-chips, target pods, and sockets
-IEEE1149.1 compliant boundary scan
High-Speed 8051 霤 Core
-Pipelined instruction architecture; executes 70% of instructions in 1 or 2 system clocks
-Up to 25 MIPS throughput with 25 MHz system clock
-Expanded interrupt handler
-4352 bytes data RAM
-64 kB Flash; in-system programmable in 1024-byte sectors (1024 bytes are reserved)
Digital Peripherals
-24 port I/O; all are 5 V tolerant
-Hardware SMBus? (I2C? compatible), SPI?, and two UART serial ports available concurrently
-Programmable 16-bit counter/timer array with six capture/compare modules
-5 general-purpose 16-bit counter/timers
-Dedicated watchdog timer; bidirectional reset
-Real-time clock mode using timers or PCA
Clock Sources
-Internal oscillator: 24.5 MHz, 2% accuracy supports UART operation
-External oscillator: Crystal, RC, C, or Clock
-Can switch between clock sources on-the-fly
Supply Voltage: 2.7 to 3.6 V
-Typical operating current: 18 mA at 25 MHz
-Multiple power saving sleep and shutdown modes
64-Pin TQFP
Temperature Range: –40 to +85 °C
?? 以上为橙盒为大家提供的关于简单介绍,欲了解解密详情请与我们取得联系。
?? 橙盒科技芯片解密咨询电话:0755- 82221641,82175584
?? 咨询QQ:1258381957,1315031281