苹果美化版Win 7(FTP高速下载,一G带宽高速种子)_电脑技术学习交流_ ...

软件名称:[B]苹果美化版Win 7(FTP高速下载,一G带宽高速种子)[/B]
软件大小:2.34 GB
官方主页:Home Page

苹果美化版Win 7(FTP高速下载,一G带宽高速种子)
基于MS Windows 7 x86 x64的Mac OS X v 1 (2010/Eng)
此版本是基于原始图像的Windows 7专业版N 7600,修改后的界面类似于Mac上全新安装style.Opt。
Name of Program: Windows 7 x86 / x64 Mac OS X项目名称:Windows 7的86 / 64位系统的Mac OS X
Program Version: 1程序版本:1
Developer: Microsoft开发商:微软
The author builds: NewAge-OS笔者建立:新时代的操作系统
Interface Language: English界面语言:英语
Treatment: Complete待遇:完成
Type of medicine: RemoveWAT药品类型:RemoveWAT
Size: 2.35 Gb (x86) 2.88 Gb (x64)大小:2.35千兆(x86)的&2.88千兆(x64)的
System requirements:系统要求:
- 1 GHz processor (32 – or 64-bit); - 1 GHz处理器(32 - 或64位);
- 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit system and 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit; - 1 GB的RAM用于32位系统和64位2 GB的RAM;
- 16 GB of free disk space for 32-bit and 20 GB of free disk space for 64-bit; - 16 GB的可用磁盘空间为32位和64位20 GB可用硬盘空间;
- The video card supports DirectX 9 with the driver WDDM 1.0 or higher. - 视频卡支持DirectX 9与司机的WDDM 1.0或更高。
Added updates:新增更新:
Windows6.1-KB971468-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB971468-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB972270-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB972270-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB973525-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB973525-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB974431-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB974431-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB974571-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB974571-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB975467-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB975467-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB975560-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB975560-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB976972-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB976972-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB977074-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB977074-x86/x64.msu
Windows6.1-KB978251-x86/x64.msu Windows6.1-KB978251-x86/x64.msu
Pre-Installed Software:预安装的软件:
MSN MAC style by Razorsedge陆委会的MSN风格的 Razorsedge
Special Firefox Mac style by Neuropass特别 Firefox的Mac风格的Neuropass
7-Zip_4.65 7 - Zip_4.65
Flash 10闪光10
Flash10 Activex Plugin Flash10 ActiveX插件
iTunes X64 iTunes的支持X64
Quicktime 766 Quicktime的766
Rocket Dock By Buster67火箭船坞Buster67
Safari 4.0.5 Safari浏览器4.0.5
UltraISO_Premium UltraISO_Premium
WinRAR 3.80 WinRAR的3.80
TuneUp Utilities 2010 2010年热身公用事业
Windows Post Installer:视窗后安装程序:
Aero PowerShell – Makes the window PowerShell Glass航空PowerShell的 - 使窗口PowerShell的玻璃
Aero Shake – Disabling Aero Shake (feature that lets you close all inactive applications by mouse movement. For its activation is sufficient to capture the title bar and a little “shake” left-right).航空摇 - 禁用航空摇(功能,让您移动鼠标关闭所有不活动的应用程序。足以捕捉标题栏和一个小的“震动”左,右)在其xx。
Auto Restart Shell – fixes conductor on error自动重新启动壳牌 - 修复上的错误指挥
Boot Optimize – Optimize system files at boot time (default is off).启动优化 - 在开机时间(默认是关闭的优化系统文件)。 Performing necessary, in a few days (after optimization) is accelerated to boot.表演需要在几天后的优化(,)是加速启动。
Ctfmon fix – Restore the Language bar Ctfmon修复 - 还原语言栏
Cleartype – Enable Cleartype ClearType的 - 启用ClearType
Desktop and Shutdown – Disabled low disc space checks, Disabeds internet open with, Changes time wait to close programs on shutdown,桌面和关机 - 禁用低磁盘空间检查,Disabeds互联网开放的,变化的时间等待关闭的关闭方案,
Speeds up menu show delay,加快菜单显示延迟,
Disable Action Center禁用行动中心
Disable Administrative Shares禁用管理共享
Disable automatic reboot when BSOD禁用自动重新启动时蓝屏
Disable automatic updates禁用自动更新
Disable Auto Play禁用自动播放
Disable DEP – Function DEP is disabled for the entire system, regardless of hardware support for DEP.禁用DEP - 功能被禁用DEP的整个系统,无论硬件DEP的支持。 Can prevent departures in BSOD (blue screen of death).可以防止在蓝屏(死亡蓝色屏幕班)。
Disable Disk Space Check – Disable checking free disk space禁用磁盘空间检查 - 禁用检查可用磁盘空间
Disable file association web-service禁用文件关联网络服务
Disable grouping of system tray icons禁用分组系统托盘图标
Disable Hibernate禁用休眠
Disable IPv6 – Disabling protocol IPv6.禁用的IPv6 - 禁用协议IPv6。 It can speed up the network and the Internet它可以加快网络和互联网
Disable Libraries – Allows you to remove all references from the Explorer to the folder Library禁用图书馆 - 允许你从资源管理器中删除该文件夹的所有引用图书馆
Disable Remote Registry禁用远程注册表
Disable screensavers禁用屏保
Disable The NTFS Last Access Time Stamp禁用 NTFS的{zh1}访问时间邮票
Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links禁用跟踪断掉的快捷链接
Disable Teredo – Disable proxy Teredo.禁用 Teredo的 - 禁用Teredo的代理。 It can speed up the network and the Internet.它可以加快网络和互联网。
Disable UAC notify禁用UAC的通知
Disable User Account Control UAC禁用用户帐户控制UAC功能
Disable Web Services禁用Web服务
Disable Windows Defender startup禁用Windows Defender的启动
Disable Windows Media Player AutoUpdates禁用Windows媒体播放器自动更新
Do not Use large icons on Start Menu不要使用大图标开始菜单
Dont mark new applications不要商标新申请
Dr. Watson Disable – Disable kernel debugger Dr.Watson.沃森博士禁用 - 禁用内核调试器Dr.Watson。 Frees system resources, slightly faster system performance.释放系统资源,速度稍快的系统性能。
Enable addition Avalon effects – Enables Avalon transition effects此外阿瓦隆效果启用 - 启用亚瓦仑过渡效果
Enable DVD in Media Player Value Yes启用DVD 媒体播放器的价值是
Enable Glass Effect (DWM) without a supported card使玻璃效果器(DWM)无卡的支持
Enable MP3 Encoding from right-click while browsing使MP3编码右单击浏览时
Enable slow-motion window effects min max 3dflip by holding down Shift key启用慢动作窗口效应分钟通过按住Shift键{zd0}3dflip
Enable Status Bar in all windows在启用状态栏上的所有窗口
Enable Status bar in Notepad在记事本中启用状态栏
Fix for games – Allows you to install games require SP1, SP2 or SP3.修正了游戏 - 允许你安装游戏需要SP1中,SP2或SP3。
Flip3D – Places in the context menu function Flip3D.的Flip 3D - 在上下文菜单中的Flip 3D功能的场所。 Flip3D lets see a picture of each running application in a reduced form and switch between them.的Flip 3D可以看到一个简化形式运行的应用程序的每个图片和它们之间切换。
Get rid of the Windows Mail splash screen邮件的Windows启动画面去掉
Give your self permission to modify all给你的自我修改所有的权限
Hiber off – Turn off hibernation Hiber关闭 - 关闭休眠
Hover Time speed – Accelerating the opening menus and windows preview applications.悬停时的速度 - 加快开放的菜单和应用程序的窗口预览。
Icon Streams clear – Remove obsolete elements in the system tray图标清晰流 - 删除过时的内容在系统托盘
IRQ8 Priority – Increase the priority of interrupts IRQ8 (increases the speed of the system). IRQ8优先 - 增加了中断优先IRQ8(增加了系统的速度)。
Large System Cache – Streamline (increase) system cache.大系统缓存 - 流(增加)系统缓存。 Include only if volume more than 1GB of memory如果只包括体积超过1GB内存
Last Access – Start recording the last access to the files (default off).上次访问 - 开始录制{zh1}访问文件(默认关闭)。 Need to see the last time they access the file.需要看到他们{zh1}一次访问该文件。
Logon Changer – Changes the background of the login.登录更换 - 更改登录背景。
Make the text white in command windows使文本显示在命令窗口白色
Make the Windows registration with Microsoft unnecessary同微软Windows的注册不必要
Mice settings-Speed up mouse hover time小鼠设置,鼠标悬停时间加快
No Arrow – Removes the arrows on shortcuts没有箭头 - 删除快捷方式的箭头
Notepad saves window position记事本保存窗口位置
Open folders in New Window在新窗口中打开文件夹
Open NFO files with notepad用记事本打开NFO文件档案
No Report – Do not send to Microsoft error reporting不报 - 不要错误报告发送给微软
No Shortcut – Do not add “Shortcut to …” when creating new shortcuts.没有捷径 - 不要添加“快捷方式...”当创建新的快捷方式。
Paging Executive – Leaving the system kernel in memory (not to throw in the paging file is disabled by default).寻呼长官 - 离开系统内核在内存中(而不是扔在分页文件是默认情况下禁用)。 Speeds up the system, reduces the number of disk accesses加快制度,减少了磁盘访问次数
Prefetch – Cache files at boot time (optimal).预取 - 在开机时间({zj0}的缓存文件)。 By default, everything is cached默认情况下,一切都被缓存
Remove Libraries Icon from Explorer从资源管理器中删除图书馆图标
Remove Shortcut Suffix from shortcuts从快捷方式删除快捷方式后缀
Remove Take Ownership删除取得所有权
Scandisk – Reduce the time to start the disk check at system startup (Scandisk) to 5 seconds.磁盘扫描 - 减少的时候开始在系统启动(磁盘扫描),以5秒磁盘检查。 By default, 10 seconds默认情况下,10秒
Set Control Panel on Classic View and small icons设置控制面板的经典视图和小图标
SFC Scan – Starts the test maintain the integrity of system files and possibly corrects damaged or modified files证监会扫描 - 启动测试维护系统文件的完整性和纠正可能破坏或修改的文件
Show all hidden devices in device manager显示所有隐藏的设备在设备管理器
Show detailed Device settings in device manager在设备管理器显示详细的设备设置
Show hidden files and folders – Shows hidden files and folders but not protected files and folders显示隐藏文件和文件夹 - 显示隐藏文件和文件夹,但没有保护的文件和文件夹
Show The full path in minimized explorer windows显示在资源管理器窗口最小化的完整路径
Show Windows classic folders显示Windows传统风格的文件夹
SmartClick – Allows you to put in the context menu of any program or folder. SmartClick - 允许你把任何程序或文件夹的上下文菜单。
Speed up shell response加快壳反应
Speed-up Access to AVI Media Files提速访问文件的AVI媒体
Super Hidden – Show hidden files.超级隐藏 - 显示隐藏的文件。
Taskbar Jumplist – Allows you to create your own jumplist with any content on superbar任务栏Jumplist - 允许你创建的任何内容上的superbar自己jumplist
Thumbnail Cache – Disable caching of images (thumbnails)缩略图缓存 - 缓存禁用的图像(缩略图)
Turn off start menu balloon tips关闭开始菜单打开气球提示
UAC off – Disabling UAC (User Account Control) without having to reboot UAC功能关闭 - 禁用UAC(用户帐户控制),而不必重新启动
Universal TCPIP Patch x64通用的TCPIP补丁支持X64
Unlock the taskbar解锁任务栏
Up and Download – Accelerate Download and Upload.和下载 - 加快下载和上传。 It speeds up the network and the Internet (especially on high-speed connections)它加快了,特别是网络和高速互联网(连接)
Use Small Icons使用小图标
VHDMount – Allows you to connect and disconnect virtual VHD-drives VHDMount - 允许你连接和断开虚拟虚拟硬盘,驱动器
VirusTotal Uploader – Allows you to send files to a known resource virustotal.com using the context menu when you click “Send”. VirusTotal中上载器 - 允许您将文件发送到一个已知的资源virustotal.com使用上下文菜单当您点击“发送”。 You can send a suspicious file for review, 41 anti-virus and get a full report on the results of verification你可以发送一个可疑文件进行审查,41反病毒并获得了关于核查结果的报告全文
Windows Calendar – Calendar from the Windows Vista, fully working in Windows 7 Windows日历 - 从Windows Vista的日历,xx工作在Windows 7
20 ms Mouse Hover Time鼠标悬停时间20毫秒
500ms Delay Aero Peek延迟500毫秒航空皮克
Add Copy File List Clipboard新增剪贴板复制的文件列表
Add Admin Auto Hotkey添加管理自动热键
Add 'Control Panel' Option添加'控制面板'选项
Add Copy Contents To ClipboardTXT添加复制内容要ClipboardTXT
Add Copy To添加复制到
Add 'Event Viewer' Option添加'事件查看器'选项
Add God Mode in Bottom of Desktop Context Menu添加桌面上下文菜单的底部上帝模式
Add God Mode in Desktop Context Menu上帝在桌面添加上下文菜单模式
Add God Mode in Top of Desktop Context Menu添加桌面上下文菜单的顶部上帝模式
Add Hide File新增隐藏文件
Add Move To新增移动到
Add Name In Context Menu添加在上下文菜单名称
Add new CMD file to right click添加新的CMD文件点击右键
add program and features in right click of computer icon在计算机中添加图标右击程序和特点
Add 'Programs' Option添加'程序'选项
Add register unregister to the context menu for.添加注销登记的情况下菜单。 Dll files dll文件
Add 'Registry Editor' Option添加'注册表编辑器'选项
Add Remove Admin Auto Hotkey添加删除管理自动热键
Add Remove Copy Contents To Clipboard添加删除复制内容到剪贴板
Add Remove Options添加删除选项
Add Remove Run option添加删除运行选项
Add Remove Search Option添加删除搜索选项
Add 'Services' Option添加'服务'选项
Add 'Task Manager' Option添加'任务管理器'选项
Add Unhide File添加取消隐藏文件
All items have an edit on right-click sending to notepad所有项目有一个编辑右键单击发送到记事本
Allow renaming and removing of Recycle Bin允许重命名和删除的回收站
Allows installing PlexTools Upgrade as full version允许安装升级为正式版本PlexTools
Cache more Icons缓存图标
Change the Clock to 24 Hour time format更改时钟为24小时时间格式
Default Value Aero Peek默认值航空皮克
Disable Aero Shake禁用航空摇
Disable Autorun禁用自动运行
Disable Default Hidden Shares禁用默认情况下隐藏股份
Disable kernel paging Optimize Core System Performance禁用内核传呼系统性能优化的核心
disable usb message This device can perform faster此消息禁用USB设备可以快速地执行
Disable window animations on minimize maximize关于禁用{zd0}化最小化窗口的动画
Disables Preview of Movie file formats (allowing you to move rename delete without errors)禁用预览电影文件格式(允许你在没有错误的重命名删除)
Do not allow Windows to turn off Network Adapters不要让Windows以关闭网络适配器
Do not save encrypted pages to disk不要将加密的页面上
Do not show 'Default Programs' on Start Menu不显示'默认程序就开始菜单
Do not show Devices and Printers on Start Menu不显示开始菜单设备和打印机
Do not show 'Games' on Start Menu不显示'游戏'开始菜单
Do not show 'Help and Support' on Start Menu不显示'帮助和支持'开始菜单
Enable Aero Shake启用航空摇
Enable Dreamscene启用的DreamScene
Enable Tools Folder Options启用工具文件夹选项
Force keep positive entries in DNS Cache for only 4 hours instead of the default 24 hoursxx继续在DNS缓存只有4而不是默认的24小时积极的条目
Increase Network Throughput增加网络吞吐量
If an Administrator attempts a protected action – Silently Succeed如果管理员试图一个受保护的行动 - 静默成功
Increase RPC Packet Size增加的RPC数据包大小
Kill hung services after 5 seconds杀死红5秒钟后服务
Libraries Restore Default Settings图书馆还原默认设置
Logon Screen Text Default登录屏幕文本的默认
Logon Screen Text no shadow登录屏幕文字没有阴影
Logon Screen Text shadow登录屏幕文本阴影
Open HTA files (used for WPI) with MSHTA.EXE开放的HTA文件(WPI的使用)与Mshta.exe 中
Remove Open With Notepad用记事本打开删除
Remove Options, Remove 'Recent Items' from Start Menu删除选项,删除'最近的项目'从'开始 '菜单
Remove warning about showing hidden system folders发出警告,删除,显示隐藏的系统文件夹
Remove File List Clipboard删除的文件列表剪贴板
Restore mouse hover time to default鼠标悬停时间恢复为默认
Show Encryption Commands on the Shortcut Menu在快捷菜单显示命令加密
Show the real CD-recording speed in Nero显示真正的CD -记录在Nero速度
Stop caching negative responses停止缓存否定响应
Turn off system beeps关闭系统关闭蜂鸣声
Type Long File Names In DOS形式在DOS长文件名
Uninstall 'Control Panel' Option卸载'控制面板'选项
Uninstall 'Device Manager' Option卸载'设备管理器'选项
Uninstall 'Event Viewer' Option卸载'事件查看器'选项
Uninstall god mode卸载上帝模式
Uninstall 'MSConfig' Option卸载'MSConfig的'选项
Uninstall 'Programs' Option卸载'程序'选项
Uninstall 'Registry Editor' Option卸载'注册表编辑器'选项
Uninstall 'Services' Option卸载'服务'选项
Uninstall 'Task Manager' Option卸载'任务管理器'选项



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