温州人造革公司的安全培训,以防止发生意外« oursolo.net


新工厂生产线温革晚200本月员工成为公司的教育和{dy}批学员的培训。 11月15日,在公司礼堂,“安全事故分析与预防”,“生产线设备的安全规则规范”,“办公室和设备科长主任聚集如何加强消防安全意识”,“火学生预防和现场自助“,以在四个方面已明确解释的学生。培训班,与会者一致认为,这项研究不仅增强了自身的安全意识,提高技能,而且也涉及如何工作的正常安全运行,避免事故有很大的帮助。据了解,本月初,该公司还将进行了两次训练。

Wenzhou leatherette company safety training to prevent accidents

Beginning of winter has passed, the dry air-dry, synthetic leather enterprises are facing severe fire prevention work. To this end, Wenzhou leatherette office decided at a meeting held in late November to carry out a comprehensive safety education work in rotation.

new factory production lines温革night two hundred employees this month became the company’s education and training of the first batch of trainees. November 15, the students gathered in the company auditorium, Director of the Office and equipment section chief from the “security incident analysis and prevention”, “production line equipment safety rules norms,” “how to enhance the fire safety awareness,” ” fire prevention and on-site self-help “to students in four areas have been specifically explained. Training class, participants agreed that the study not only enhances their own safety awareness, improve skills, but also how to work normally in safe operation and avoid accidents have a great help. It is learned that the company this month will also be carried out two training. (07-11-30)

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