[螺杆空压机]机械行业标准规范英汉对照表(三)_天涯博客_有见识的人都 ...


  42 GB/T 5661-1985 轴向吸入离心泵机械密封和软填料用的空腔尺寸 End-suction centrifugal pumps--Dimensions of cavities for mechanical seals and for soft packing
  43 GB/T 5662-1985 轴向吸入离心泵 (16 bar) 标记、性能和尺寸 End-suction centrifugalpumps (rating 16 bar)--Designation, nominal duty point and dimensions
  44 GB/T 5773-1986 容积式制冷压缩机性能试验方法 The methods of performance test for positive displacement refrigerant compressors
  45 GB 5842-1996 液化石油气钢瓶 Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders
  46 GB/T 5905-1986 起重机试验规范和程序 Cranes--Test code and procedures
  47 GB/T 5973-1986 钢丝绳用楔形接头 Cuneiform conector for use with steel wire ropes
  48 GB/T 5974.1-1986 钢丝绳用普通套环 General purpose thimbles for use with steel wire ropes
  49 GB/T 5974.2-1986 钢丝绳用重型套环 Heavy thimbles for use wire steel wire ropes
  50 GB/T 5975-1986 钢丝绳用压板 Clamping plates for fixing steel wire ropes
  51 GB/T 5976-1986 钢丝绳夹 Wire rope grips------本文系陕西维尔泰克空压机整理,想了解更多空压机资料请搜索"陕西维尔泰克压缩机"!
  52 GB/T 6067-1985 起重机械安全规程 Safety rules for lifting appliances
  53 GB/T 6068.1-1985 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 一般要求 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--General requirements
  54 GB/T 6068.2-1985 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 合格试验 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Conformity test
  55 GB/T 6068.3-1985 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 稳定性的确定 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Determination of stability
  56 GB/T 6068.4-1985 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 结构试验 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Structure test
  57 GB/T 6070-1995 真空法兰 Vacuum flanges--------本文系陕西维尔泰克空压机整理,想了解更多空压机资料请搜索"陕西维尔泰克压缩机"!
  58 GB/T 6071.1-1985 超高真空法兰结构型式 Ultra-high vacuum flange--Types
  59 GB/T 6071.2-1985 超高真空法兰尺寸 Ultra-high vacuum flange--Dimensions
  60 GB/T 6071.3-1985 超高真空法兰用铜密封垫 Ultra-high vacuum flange--Copper seal gaskets
  61 GB/T 6247-1986 凿岩机械与气动工具名词术语 Terminology of rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools
  62 GB/T 6374-1986 凿岩机械与气动工具尾柄和衬套配合尺寸 Shanks for rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools and fitting dimensions of chuck bushings

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