闽江路污水提升泵站项目获得批准立项- 中国磁力泵- 中国磁力泵- 和讯博客
闽江路污水提升泵站项目获得批准立项 [转贴 2010-05-19 16:34:11]   

日前,闽江路污水提升泵站项目获得了市发改委批准立项。 该项目是我市10大新区城市建设重点项目之一,也是 新区的一项重大城市基础设施。项目批准建设规模为日提升污水1.8万吨,占地10余亩,估算总投资388.73万元。 下一步,市住房和城乡建设局将抓紧时间开展项目规划和土地征用等前期工作,争取项目早日建成使用,确保南部综合功能服务区的污水顺利排放和收集处理。

“ Minjiang Road sewage lifting pump station project approved project ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Recently, the Minjiang River Road Sewage Pump Station project to enhance access to the City Development and Reform Commission approved the project. The project is the city New 10 key urban construction projects, is also a major new area of urban infrastructure. Approved the scale of construction projects to upgrade sewage 18,000 tons for the day, covering 10 acres, estimated total investment of 3.8873 million yuan. Next, the municipal housing and urban and rural construction will seize the moment to carry out project planning and land acquisition and other preparatory work towards the early completion of the project to use, to ensure an integrated functional service area south of the smooth discharge of sewage and the collection and processing.

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