头发可以吃什么? « Live in China 混在中国










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What can eat hair?

what can eat hair?

beauty, the pursuit of the United States, is everyone s nature. Of a person s appearance was beautiful, in addition to congenital factors, acquired the meticulous conditioning and maintenance is very important. Beauty experts believe that the key to the United States should come from inside the body, and many beneficial to human body-building food, on a person s body-building will play an unexpected role. To this end, relevant foreign bodybuilding nutritionist to make the following recipe, people follow the do it, will make women more Liang, men were more Jun, modern life is more beautiful, fun.

Hair: Human to 30 a 40-year-old, and her hair has begun to age. The hair is beautiful the key to bodybuilding, adolescence is necessary to give appropriate conservation. Sulfur-rich eggs, eat four eggs a week can make the hair glossy. Zinc and vitamin B family can delay hair growth. Protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, etc. Coupled with the fresh vegetables, thick hair on it will play an important role, since 97% of hair is composed by keratin.

beauty: Beauty Sculpt and anti-aging Fangshuai are inseparable. Sunflower seeds are rich in zinc and South, the human zinc deficiency may lead to skin health wrinkles quickly. To this end, it is not fresh every day chewing sunflower or pumpkin seeds, make the skin smooth, slow down the formation of wrinkles. At the same time, sooner or later each day to eat a kiwi fruit, kiwi fruit rich in vitamin C, helps blood circulation, better delivery of nutrients to the skin. Vitamin A make skin elastic, slow relaxation, animal liver, milk contains a lot of vitamin A.

eyesight: bright and in God s eyes, can increase a person s natural beauty and rhyme. Eat three times a week using the carrot of vegetable oil to burn. Carrots are rich in vitamins A, E, can enhance vision, play a role in eyesight. To do with the flour with wheat bran bread contains a lot of selenium, eat this bread, make eyes-free Road, bacteria, viruses, after clear abuse, will help hedge against eye diseases. Vitamin C can improve vision, often to eat citrus fruits will help eye protection. Show

A: beautiful nails can add charm to women, science diet, women will have a pair of bright colorful Yu Zhi. To promote nail growth of yogurt containing protein, drink a bottle of yogurt a day of good. Eat nuts and peanuts can help prevent nail breakage, walnuts and peanuts are rich in auxin make nails strong.

Guchi: a neat and white teeth, and give people a beautiful feeling. Eat 150 grams of cheese, and add a lemon, cheese inside of calcium make teeth strong. Vitamin C can kill mouth bacteria that cause dental caries. In addition, more fish and poultry, will also benefit for dental protection, because these meat products have Guchi of phosphorus in the combined elements.

walnuts, black sesame

walnuts, black sesame seeds to burn sugar, fleece-flower root fungus Angelica can

http://www. toufa.com/htm/hair/010/10-24-10661.htm

presented here a very detailed

dried fruit category are hair effects. peanuts, melon seeds, walnuts, almonds can be , but often eat only play a role.04-12-28

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