齐塔人之声:因陆地正在扩张全世界一些地方出现了天坑! - 盖亚的日志 ...


2010-05-20 10:16:48 阅读85 评论0 字号:

Gulf Oil Spill


How long will the oil volcano on the Gulf floor last? When will it run its course? And what caused the volcano in the first place. Those who are watching in horror as the volcano continues to burp oil at a phenomenal pace know the story. The problem started with a blowout, an industry term for an expanding methane gas bubble, which changes shape from a crystalline form to gaseous form as it rises from the cold seafloor, thus expanding within the pipe.


Report: Gas Bubble Triggered Rig Blast
May 8, 2010

The deadly blowout of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico was triggered by a bubble of methane gas that escaped from the well and shot up the drill column. Deep beneath the seafloor, methane is in a slushy, crystalline form. Deep sea oil drillers often encounter pockets of methane crystals as they dig into the earth. As the bubble rose up the drill column from the high-pressure environs of the deep to the less pressurized shallows, it intensified and grew, breaking through various safety barriers.

The rig was installed with a device known as a "preventer", which was supposed to prevent such a methane blowout. Such methane bubbles are not unknown and were fully anticipated. But the preventer failed. The next option was to encase the leak in a large box with a pointed top, to funnel the oil to the surface for collection. This containment method had been used before, but not at such depts. This failed because the methane crystals, prevalent at such depts, kept melting and expanding within the box, causing the box to float rather than settle. This left one option, to drill additional outlets for the pool of oil that is apparently under pressure, and this option could take months.


Stopping Gulf Coast Oil Leak Could Take Weeks
April 30, 2010

Experts still hope to close a stuck valve that's let oil flow into the Gulf of Mexico. But the valve, known as a blowout preventer, is not working. A stopgap plan -- putting a chamber over the well area and sending the oil to a ship - is unproven at that depth and could take four weeks before it's ready. And the ultimate plan -drilling a different well to access the first and close it with concrete - could take three months.

Was this just a series of unexpected mishaps? Blowouts are common and are anticipated. Even the containment method was a known and proven capping method. So what is different about this instance? The pressure the oil seems to be under is new, which is forcing the spill to ooze oil nonstop, and at a strong pace. Per the Zetas, this is caused by the Earth changes that have put the N American continent under stress.


ZetaTalk 5/1/2010: There are several factors involved in the most recent oil rig blowout. One was the pressure the N American continent is under as it is pulled into a bow, the Aleutian Islands pulled toward the tip of Mexico, with the center of the bow at San Diego. We have mentioned this bow many times, and that the pressure will not be eased until the New Madrid slips. What does this do to rock layers, or any pool of oil or gas or water caught within those layers? Just as fault lines have many rock fingers that prevent a fault from adjusting smoothly, rock layers likewise cling to each other. Thus, liquid trapped between layers can come under pressure, and thus is more likely to blow out, the industry term for what occurred at the rig.


Ironically, it was likely the awareness that the US would be suddenly put into an oil crisis by the pending pole shift, forced to rely upon domestic sources, that pushed the Obama administration into approving Gulf Oil drilling in the first place. Self-sufficiency is the mantra, and this includes domestic oil. Corners were cut, in an effort to expedite domestic oil production.


US exemped BP's Gulf of Mexico Drilling from Environmental Impact Study
May 5, 2010

The decision by the department's Minerals Management Service (MMS) to give BP's lease at Deepwater Horizon a "categorical exclusion" from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) on April 6, 2009 - and BP's lobbying efforts just 11 days before the explosion to expand those exemptions - show that neither federal regulators nor the company anticipated an accident of the scale of the one unfolding in the gulf.
2009年4月6日,“国家环境政策法案”的矿物管理服务机构(MMS)做出了决定,对BP石油公司在“深水地平线”的租约给予了“明确排除”(Categorical exclusion) (注:就是指不受本协议约束的对象。)就在发生爆炸前的11天,BP石油公司还在对此作游说努力,以扩大该豁免权。这显示了xx管理机构和该公司都没有预料到海湾会出现如此大的一次事故。
A Containable Accident, then Suddenly a Crisis
April 29, 2010
For days, as an oil spill spread in the Gulf of Mexico, BP assured the government the plume was manageable, not catastrophic. Federal authorities were content to let the company handle the mess while keeping an eye on the operation. But then government scientists realized the leak was five times larger than they had been led to believe, and days of lulling statistics and reassuring words gave way to an all-hands-on-deck emergency response. Now questions are sure to be raised about a self-policing system that trusted a commercial operator to take care of its own mishap even as it grew into a menace imperiling Gulf Coast nature and livelihoods from Florida to Texas.

What will happen? The Zetas say this matter is very much within the hands of man, who has free will and is allowed to pollute the Earth as the Earth is mankind's schoolhouse, a self study schoolhouse. Eventually, per the Zetas, pollutants such as this disburse and nature heals. This will be the case during the coming pole shift, also.


ZetaTalk 1/15/1996: Mankind lives in an uneasy peace with the poisons he has developed. Some of them, such as lead spewed into the air by cars burning leaded fuels or the chloride compounds eating into the ozone layer, seem innocuous until a buildup occurs. Others, such as tankers of acid or jars of caustic lye, are labeled as poisons and treated accordingly. These poisons, stored in bulk where they are manufactured or by the industries that use them, will explode during the massive earthquakes the cataclysms bring, and spread worldwide by the hurricane force winds. How livable will the Earth be, after the cataclysms, when mankind will find all his poisons have spilled in his backyard?


Several factors will be at play during the cataclysms that are not in place during normal times, and these factors change the picture. Poisons, such as acids or caustics, do their worst damage because of their concentration. Diluted, they are essentially harmless. Your stomach acid, in concentration, would eat through your carpet, but diluted is something you are scarcely aware of. Between the tidal waves, the torrential downpours that seem endless after the cataclysms, and the hurricane force winds that accompany the pole shift, dispersal and dilution is very thorough. There will scarcely be any chemical stores that do not rupture and disperse, during the cataclysms. The Aftertime will find mankind with a cleaner environment, due to this, as he will be unprepared and unable to get back into the poison production business for some time.


Pollution can be viewed from several angles. The bottle of chlorine, considered poison, if poured in a pool will create havoc, but this is a local reaction. Some pollution, like PCB's, that are long lived and continuously effect, anew, whatever they contact, are more than a single pollutant, they are an endless pollutant, or so to speak. But others engage in chemical reactions, and thus are self limited. Some heavy metals also effect the area only for a short time, then go where heavy metals do, get buried, or trapped in a chemical bond, to be where they were when mankind first discovered them and engaged them in industrial uses. Thus, when mankind looks upon industrial poisons, maintained in tanks, they assume a permanent cesspool, but this is not always the case. Were the contents of all these tanks to mix, there would be gasses, explosions, and eventually the mix returns to what nature does with these chemicals in the first place.


Sudden Sinkholes


Terra firma, the firm Earth, is something mankind relies upon. But those above a sinkhole, particularly a rapidly sinking hole, lose trust in terra firma. Sinkholes have recently occurred in China, California, and Quebec, a world apart, but all affected by the paths that rock under stress will take. Sichuan Province is being pulled down, as the portion of the Eurasian Plate that houses Indonesia is being pulled down, the snapping point where rock will separate and bend is near the Sichuan Province.


Mysterious Pits Appear in Sichuan Village
May 6, 2010

Experts in southwest China's Sichuan Province are investigating the appearance of 26 huge pits in a village within seven days. The first sinkhole was discovered at midnight of April 27, when a sudden shake and deafening crash awoke the villagers in Yibin City. The largest pit was 40 meters in diameter when it was discovered and grew to 60 meters across by the next day.

This has happened before in China, on in Guangxi Province, where 100 sinkholes suddenly appeared.


ZetaTalk 3/31/2007: To the South and West lies the curve of the Indio/Australian plate, which is being driven under the Himalayas, to the East lies the Philippine plate, which will increasingly lose out during the adjustments the plates make prior to the pole shift, losing ground and eventually disappearing as a discernable plate. The tongue of the great Eurasian plate that holds Guangxi Province also holds much of Indonesia, which will also suffer during the pole shift, crumbling. This tongue is not stable, and much fracturing of rock will occur during the turmoil in the area. This fracturing of rock has already begun!


In California terra firma recently opened up and swolled cars whole. The N American continent is puled into a bow, the Aleutian Islands pulled toward the tip of Mexico, and his tension will not be eased until the New Madrid adjusts. Meanwhile, the center of the bow, in southern California, is distressed.


Crews Scramble To Fix Massive Richmond Sinkhole
April 17, 2010

Crews were still on the scene of a massive sinkhole near an apartment complex in Richmond, planning how to remove two cars that were swallowed in the 40-foot-by-60-foot collapse and create a bypass road for neighborhood residents to get around the hole. The ground gave way shortly after 6:30 p.m. at the intersection of El Portal and Via Verdi.

In Quebec, just 40 miles NE of Toronto and along the Saint Lawrence Seaway, a gigantic sinkhole opened up, swallowing a house and killing several family members who were in the basement of the home at the time. The Seaway, of course, is steadily spreading apart.


Report: At Least 2 in Family Die after Sinkhole Swallows Home
May 11, 2010

Two members of a family whose home was swallowed by a sinkhole were found dead. The condition of two other family members was not available. All four members of the family were found in the basement of the home. Authorities said the home fell 30 feet into the hole when it opened around 9:30 pm. The hole was about 500 yards long and forced the evacuation of five other homes in the town of Saint-Jude, in a rural area near the Yamaska River about 40 miles northeast of Montreal.
天坑吞没了一个家庭的住所后,2名家庭成员被发现已经死亡。另外几位家庭成员的情况不明。该家庭的4名成员都在住所的地下室里被找到。当局说,大致晚间9:30时刻天坑出现,该家庭的屋子跌进天坑达30英尺。该坑洞大约500码长,迫使Saint-Jude镇的另外5个家庭搬迁撤离。Saint-Jude镇是蒙特利尔东北方向约40英里处,亚马斯卡(Yamaska) 河附近的一个农村地区。

The increase in sinkholes is due to the shifting earth plates and the rock strata pulling apart, not the usual excuses given by the establishment. Per the Zetas, to challenge the establishment arguments, looks at statistics!


ZetaTalk 5/10/2008: Are these sinkholes occurring more often or affecting larger areas? If the answer is "yes" then the old tried and true explanations do not suffice. Of course fragile caverns will fracture as the N American continent is put under stress, pulled at a diagonal. If this stress causes bridges crossing the Mississippi River to be fracturing and pulling apart, it obviously will affect fragile caverns.


Media Suppression


Despite increasing earthquakes and bizarre weather, the media continues to reassure us that all is normal. The USGS has been under-reporting earthquakes for over a decade, and dropping them from the database, all so that statistics run up from these databases look normal. But statistics on death and destruction are not suppressed, as they are frankly reported in the media and well known. Thus earthquake statistics show more death and destruction while claiming the same low quake rate. The normalcy claims assert that this is only due to the coincidence that earthquakes are striking heavily populated areas lately. Yeah, sure.

尽管地震在增多,古怪的气候频现,媒体仍在向我们再三保证,一切都是正常的。美国地质调查(USGS )缩小对地震震级的报道已经超过10年了,并且从其数据库中删除了一些地震数据。这样数据库里的统计数据看起来就一切如常了。但有关死亡和毁坏的统计数据没有受到压制,因为这些情况已经被媒体如实地报道了,众所周知。因而地震的统计数据显示了更多的死亡和毁坏,却又声称地震频率同样那么低。宣称一切正常的人说,只是近来地震碰巧袭击了人口稠密的地区(才引起公众的xx)。是的,当然了。

Are All These Earthquakes Normal?
April 7, 2010

Folks who work at the United States Geological Survey Earthquake Center in Golden, Colo., don't just track temblors, they also answer the public's questions via phone and email. The number one question they've been getting lately: "Is this the end of the world?"
CNN - Quake Frequency Normal, Scientists Say
April 7, 2010

Yes, it seems as if there have been a lot of strong earthquakes this year. And no, it's not a signal that the planet is coming apart at the seams, seismologists say. The difference this year is not the frequency or strength of earthquakes, but their occurrence in or near population centers, the scientists say. Major earthquakes in 2010 have caused death and destruction in Haiti, Chile, Mexico and Indonesia, and smaller ones have rattled nerves elsewhere.

Per the Zetas, the media is under instructions to deny, deny, deny.


ZetaTalk 2/16/2008: There are many reasons the media is under instructions to deny the obvious. The establishment knows a pole shift is coming, and that such matters as crop shortages and breaking infrastructure will get worse as this time arrives. When the big quakes and disasters really start hitting, the establishment is also aware that they cannot take care of the citizens who have dutifully been paying taxes all these years. A facade of normalcy is to be projected, at all costs. The goal of those in the establishment who see themselves at the top of the pile is to deny until the last minute so that workers go to their jobs and make few demands of the government. They fear the public demanding well stocked bunkers like those the elite have arranged for themselves. They fear the public ignoring their jobs so that city services are not maintained, a discomfit to the elite. Regardless of how bad things are, media denial will be the norm.


Yet this fa?ade does show signs of cracking, particularly at CNN. Still, ascribing the Earth changes to the presence of Planet X is certainly not yet allowed.


Is The Earth Striking Back?
April 23, 2010

Here, astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the North American and Eurasian plates pull away from each other. As they flow off the land, we are warned, seas rise. Yet something else is lately worrying geologists: the likelihood that the Earth's crust, relieved of so much formidable weight of ice borne for many thousands of years, has begun to stretch and rebound.

Every time a bit of honesty is allowed, there seems to be a countering push back into secrecy and denial. A case in point is the new Jesse Ventura series, which was rapidly gaining in popularity. Suddenly, his series stopped.

每次允许一出现一点点的诚实,看来就会有相反的反弹,又回到保密和抵赖否定之中。该方面的一个例子就是Jesse Ventura 的新系列(电视节目),该节目很快地大受欢迎。突然,这一系列节目停播了。

齐塔人之声:因陆地正在扩张全世界一些地方出现了天坑! - 盖亚 - 探索2012与xx预言
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