由顾客受伤召回1000万台,宜家折叠椅床和沙发床« Reuse world

召回的品牌是为床和沙发床,编号700-326-82和900-326-81,分别莱克塞勒席位。这两个折叠床源于法国,保加利亚,罗马尼亚和中国,主要在美国销售的领土。 06.9.4

Injuries sustained by patrons recalled 10 million units IKEA folding chair beds and sofa bed

According to the United States Consumer Safety Commission said this morning, due to the existence of a customer’s finger has ripped or cut the risk of injury, IKEA (see map)the two folded床被ordered the recall. It is reported that so far, IKEA has received customer complaints, the customers try to open the folding-bed device, a finger injury which led to the implementation of the fingers had to cut off the surgery.
The recalled brands are莱克塞勒seats for the bed and sofa bed, number 700-326-82 and 900-326-81, respectively. These two folding bed origin has France, Bulgaria, Romania and China, mainly in the territory of the United States sales. (06-9-4)

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