孩子喝羊奶和牛奶相比,优点和缺点的? « City life wiki 城市百科





Children to drink goat’s milk and milk contrast, advantages and disadvantages of that?

children to drink goat milk compared with their respective advantages and disadvantages of that?

everyday life, there are many people allergic to milk, not only can not drink milk, and can not eat any food containing milk. Well, they are not with dairy miss out? The answer is: Not necessarily. Dairy family, in addition to our most common milk, there are other members of the goat’s milk. Experts suggest that people allergic to cow’s milk may wish to try goat’s milk.
certain proteins in milk, such as α-S1 casein and β-lactoglobulin is the recognized allergens, under normal circumstances, these two proteins can be digested, but if the body’s inadequate capacity to digest , these two proteins are not digested in the form to enter the human body, can cause allergic reactions. Common symptoms of cow’s milk allergy skin rashes, eczema, as well as abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal reactions. After many years of research scientists, it was discovered that α-S1 casein in milk protein content of 43% of the total protein, while the goat’s milk accounted for only 1% ~ 3%; Secondly, the goat’s milk of β-lactoglobulin content of milk lower than that , and its sequence of amino acids and the milk is different than the milk more easily digested and absorbed. In addition, for infants and young children, pregnant women and the elderly, the goat’s milk has more easily digested advantages.

need to raise awareness that, although goat’s milk in the α-S1 casein protein content has dropped to 1% ~ 3%, and in some processed milk formula where sheep can be reduced to about 0.5%, but it can not be disappeared. Therefore, some people particularly sensitive to physical switch to goat milk powder, has made the possibility of allergies occur.
two kinds of milk ingredients almost all drinkable. But most people choose to drink milk, because of its taste and acceptable, the protein content slightly more than goat’s milk.

now compared with some analytical material,
goat’s milk calcium, phosphorus, and protein and other nutrients,
slightly higher than the milk.05-12-26

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