欧盟委员会发出警告,甬台温形势婴儿玩具出口« Reuse world


7月初塞浦路斯贸易,工业和旅游部通知欧盟:试验结果表明,在中国的婴儿6个玩具小零件封装起源很容易脱落,在不符合符合EN - 71 - 1号玩具安全标准,例如如婴儿吞咽一直窒息的危险。为了消费者的安全,塞浦路斯主管竞争和消费者保护机构的保护已下令7月4日从市场召回该产品。据此,在欧洲联盟欧洲委员会发表了一份有关该产品的消费者警告。该警告是根据欧盟88/378/EWG玩具安全条例,EN - 71的- 1号玩具安全标准和CE标志和其他法律,法规印发。宁波

据海关统计,今年上半年,宁波港累计超过五十亿玩具出口到欧盟的智力玩具对儿童玩具的滑轮的主要类别出口乘骑玩具和填充玩具动物。 06.8.31

The European Commission issued a warning Yongtaiwen the situation infant toy exports

“the world is living under a leaking partial Fung rain”, from July 1 implementation of the EU ROHS Directive (Restriction of the 10 categories of toys, including mechanical and electrical products appeared in lead, mercury and other heavy metals and four kinds of poly biphenyls, such as two types of resistance flame retardants)impact has not yet been eliminated, China’s toy exports to the EU may be in trouble again. Recently, the European Commission issued a consumer warning: originating in China, six packages of baby toys do not meet the relevant safety standards. City would like to remind foreign trade, the city on the production and export enterprises must be given to this.

7 early Cyprus Trade, Industry and Tourism Ministry informed the EU: Test results show that originated in China’s infant six packages of small parts of toys fell off easily, not in conformity with EN-71-1 No. toy safety standards, such as infant swallowing has been the danger of suffocation. For the protection of consumer safety, Cyprus competent competition and consumer protection agency has been ordered to July 4 recall from the market the product. Accordingly the European Commission within the European Union issued a consumer warning on the product. The warning is based on the EU 88/378/EWG toy safety regulations, EN-71-1 No. toy safety standards and CE marking and other laws and regulations issued. Ningbo

According to customs statistics, first half of this year, Ningbo Port accumulated toy exports to the EU more than 5000 million, exports of the main categories of intellectual toys toys for children of the pulley乘骑filled with toys and toy animals. (06-8-31)

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