








2007 nickel and nickel-iron alloy and stainless steel to hold this international conference

2007 nickel and nickel-iron alloy and stainless steel at the International Conference on November 28, 2007 in Qingdao City in Shandong Province huiquan dynasty held a grand hotel. The 3-day conference was organized by the Chinese ferroalloy Network and the International Association jointly sponsored nickel, Yuan Tang stainless steel net as the only take part in this meeting, a stainless steel professional information website, again from home and abroad by many major stainless steel and related great importance to the industry!

this meeting there were about 300 from China, Canada, Brazil, Australia, the Philippines, Turkey, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, and India’s nickel production enterprises, laterite nickel producers and suppliers , nickel iron manufacturers, manufacturers of nickel pig iron, nickel transporters, nickel stainless steel research institutes and manufacturers to participate in this meeting.

this meeting will address whether the nickel pig iron will continue to be applied, the Chinese stainless steel production capacity may have on changes in how the impact of raw material, nickel laterite ore, pig iron and future market changes, such as how to discuss hot issues. Then all participants will gather together to explore the focus of debate is a rare exchange of information, trade negotiations of the industry event. Note

meeting itinerary:

11 morning on day 29 of the first part of an advisory body that is the Association’s report on the nickel market, and nickel by the International Association president Steven ? Mr. Barnet . Related lecture topics include “China’s nickel ore resources supply and demand analysis,” “in harmony and common development of nickel resources”, “laterite nickel ore Research Progress”, “laterite nickel ore smelting technology status quo”, “China’s nickel market conditions and outlook” as well as the “nickel in the stainless steel application value.”

afternoon and that is the second part of nickel ore, nickel, iron manufacturers of the product technology and market analysis report by the Association of International Nickel, general manager of Beijing Office Mr. Zhang Licheng chair. Related lecture topics include “China’s nickel pyrometallurgical smelting iron production conditions, market demand and price analysis,” “nickel metal and nickel market Analysis” and “China’s mining and metals industry M & A: Power, trade, and obstacles.”

11 on On the morning of 30 of the third part of the question that business-to-nickel stainless steel cast iron and stainless steel market analysis reports, and stainless steel varieties by Baoshan Iron & Steel, general manager of the management of Mr. Liu An auspices. Related lecture topics include “stainless steel market development and application of nickel pig iron prospects”, “China’s use of nickel laterite nickel processing of iron status quo”, “laterite nickel ore by blast furnace iron smelting nickel of new technologies on our country and the world a far-reaching impact and development constraints “,” 2007-2012 trends in the supply of nickel “and” China will become the nickel and chromium ore importing Mody. “

The meeting also ad a 2 hour and 30 minutes of commercial time to communicate in order to allow all participants to have ample time and opportunity to interact and conduct trade negotiations. (07-11-29)

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