An overview of logistics services « Industry info 工业信息

Category:Logistics and warehousing

an overview of logistics services


Speaking of logistics services, integrated logistics cost must also be considered in , logistics services and logistics costs in order to determine the relationship between the provision of what kind of service.
general, to improve logistics services, logistics costs which represents a rise. At a high level of logistics services, the cost of increased logistics service levels if not a corresponding increase proportionately with the other businesses in a competitive state than in at a very high level of service situation, you want to outperform the competition and put forward and maintain a higher standard of service need to have more input, so an enterprise to make such a decision must be prudent.
Generally the relationship between the cost of logistics services and has the following four areas:
(1) no change in logistics services, to consider the lower costs. Does not change the level of logistics services, by changing the logistics system to reduce logistics cost, which is a cost as possible to maintain a certain level of service, ie, efficiency-seeking approach.
(2) to improve the logistics services, at additional logistics costs. This is the number of enterprises to improve the practice of logistics services, is the enterprise in a particular customer or their particular commodity faces competition, adopted the practice of strategic significance.
(3) a positive response logistics costs, that costs remain constant under the premise of improving service levels. Given under the conditions of the cost of improving quality of service. This is an approach to the pursuit of efficiency, but also an effective use of the properties of the logistics cost approach.
(4) with a lower logistics costs, achieve a higher logistics services. This is to increase sales, increase efficiency, strategic approach.
With this approach, how to choose, should take into consideration the following aspects of the situation before making a decision.
take into consideration commodity strategy and regional marketing strategies; take into consideration the circulation strategies, and competitors; take into consideration the logistics cost, logistics system in which the environment, as well as logistics system for the approach of people and so on.


类别: 物流与仓储




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