The number of layers to add the feed protein feed suitable sub ...

Category:catering food

layer feed what proportion of protein feed, right? Are what kind of protein feed is appropriate? Tenebrio molitor as a protein feed, add the number of appropriate? Have any specific effect?

chicken feed formula to be consistent with the growth phase in early summer is a sterile egg chicks
good season. Layers from the brood to the opening production, takes about 180 days or so. I engaged in poultry production in the survey found that: Some chicken farmers who behave themselves for a long time prepared using a formula fed to chickens, they did not know their body’s physiological growth stage need to be replaced feed. In this way, and sometimes feed the nutritional content of chicken can not meet the needs of growth, development and egg production, affecting their growth and egg production. Sometimes, excess nutrients in feed, the chicken does not take full advantage of the body, resulting in waste, increased feed costs. To get the chicken a high efficiency, to keep according to the chicken and the egg-laying period of the growth phase of the replacement feed formulas, so that the same feed formula with the growth phase in order to give full play to the chicken production performance and feed their role in promoting the growth of chickens and egg production, improve feed conversion, reduce feeding costs, higher economic efficiency. To this end, now egg laying period of the various growth stages and feed formulations are presented below:
[1 Zhi 3 weeks of age]: 60% of maize, millet 5%, 4% of sorghum, wheat bran 5%, soybean meal 8%, 8% fish meal, blood powder 3%, blood meal 5%, powder 1.5%, salt 0.3%, additive amount.
[4 Zhi 6 weeks of age]: 60% of corn, sorghum, 4%, 6% wheat bran, soybean meal 15%, 3% peanut cake, cotton cake, Aberdeen 2%, 3% blood meal, fish meal 5%, Shell meal 1%, bone meal 0.7%, salt 0.3%.
[7 Zhi 14 weeks]: corn, 60%, 6%, sorghum, barley 12%, 10% soybean meal, fish meal 3%, Shell meal 0.7%, Sophora japonica leaf powder 5%, bone meal 2%, salt 0.3 %, additive amount.
[15 Zhi 25 weeks of age (to open birth)]: corn 65%, 5% of barley, wheat bran 15%, 7% soybean meal, cotton cake, Aberdeen 2%, fish meal 2%, Shell meal 1.5%, bone meal 2%, salt 0.3%, additive amount.
[egg production rate of about 50% when]: corn 60%, wheat bran, 6%, 6% dried sweet potato, soybean meal 18%, 6% fish meal, bone meal 2.7%, salt 0.3%, methionine 0.1 %, additive amount.
[laying rate from 55% to 80%]: corn 57%, 5% dried sweet potato, wheat bran 3%, soybean meal 20%, cotton 2% Aberdeen cake, peanut cake 2%, 7% fish meal, bone meal 3% , salt 0.3%, additive amount.
[egg production rate of 80% or more]: corn 52%, 4% of sorghum, wheat bran 4%, 20% soybean meal, cotton cake, Aberdeen 4%, 4% peanut cake, fish meal 4%, Sophora japonica leaf powder 3.5% and bone meal 3.5%, salt 0.3%, additive amount.
the appropriateness of a variety of chicken feed mix

in the preparation of chicken feed, not only need to consider the nutritional standards for chickens, but also pay attention to the appropriateness of a variety of feed mix.
carbohydrate feed containing mainly starch and sugars, can account for dietary mixture of 70% or less. Corn: It is the highest energy in feed grains to feed, one can account for 45% mixture -70%. Bran: good palatability, protein and carbon content of more, can account for mixture of 5% -30%. Barley: Due to higher crude fiber-containing, dosage should not be too much, can account for 15% mixture -20%. Sorghum: a more astringent taste, and too much will make the chicken constipation, can account for about 10% of mixture. Rice Bran: Chang as accessories, not more than a mixture of 8%.
protein feed such protein-containing feed 30% -65%, which may account for 5% mixture -30%. Bean cake, peanut cake: It is a good plant protein feed, good palatability, nutrition, comprehensive, can account for 10% of mixed feed -20%. Cottonseed cake: due to toxins, dosage should not be too much, generally no more than 7% of mixed feed. Fish meal: It is the highest quality animal protein, can account for mixture of 5% -15%. Should calculate the salinity of fish meal, fish meal used in the content of not more than a mixture of 0.4%.
green feed, the main deficiencies in vitamin supplements can account for mixture of 30% or less. A variety of fresh green vegetables: A mixture accounted for 20% -30%. Leaf categories: acacia, Amorpha fruticosa and other green leaves, can account for 5-10% of the mixture. Mineral feed: The main supplement mixture mineral deficiencies can account for 0.3% of mixture -9%. Bone meal: The main supplement of calcium and phosphorus. Can account for mixture of 1% -2.5%. Pui Fan: The main supplement the deficiencies of calcium can account for mixture of 1% -7%, egg-laying hens should multi-purpose, other chicken should use less. Salt: The main supplement mixture of sodium deficiencies, often accounting for mixture -0.4% to 0.3%. For salt content in fish meal should also be counted. Gravel: Chang Yu-month-old chickens, after a meeting Canada, can improve the utilization rate of feed can account for 0.5% of mixture -1%.


类别: 餐饮食品



  碳水化合物饲料 主要含有淀粉和糖类,可占日粮混合料的70%以下。玉米:是谷类饲料中能量{zg}的饲料之一,可占混合料的45%—70%。麸皮:适口性较好,蛋白质和碳的含量较多,可占混合料的5%—30%。大麦:因含粗纤维较高,用量不宜太多,可占混合料的15%—20%。高粱:口味较涩,过多会使鸡xx,可占混合料的10%左右。米糠:常作为辅料,不宜超过混合料的8%。
  蛋白质饲料 这类饲料含蛋白质30%—65%,可占混合料的5%—30%。豆饼、花生仁饼:是较好的植物蛋白质饲料,适口性好,营养全面,可占混合饲料的10%—20%。棉仁饼:因有毒素,用量不宜过多,一般不超过混合饲料的7%。鱼粉:是{zy}质的动物蛋白质,可占混合料的5%—15%。应计算鱼粉的含盐量,所用鱼粉的含量不宜超过混合料的0.4%。
  青绿饲料 主要补充维生素的不足,可占混合料的30%以下。各种新鲜青绿蔬菜:用量占混合料的20%—30%。树叶类:洋槐、紫穗槐等绿树叶可占混合物的5—10%。矿物质饲料:主要补充混合料中矿物质的不足,可占混合料的0.3%—9%。骨粉:主要补充钙、磷。可占混合料的1%—2.5%。贝粉:主要补充钙质的不足,可占混合料的1%—7%,产蛋母鸡宜多用,其它鸡宜少用。食盐:主要补充混合料中钠的不足,常占混合料的0.3%—0.4%。鱼粉的含盐量也要计算在内。砂砾:常于鸡1月龄后补加,能提高饲料的利用率,可占混合料的0.5%—1%。

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