Ford will be more use of available recycled materials, automobile ...

Xinhua News Agency Information London January 24 (Xinhua Ma Jianguo) According to British newspaper “Independent” reported on the 24th, just announced layoffs 30000 The United States, the second-largest car manufacturer Ford revealed a project called “PIQUETTE Project” of the new environmental repairer scheme, which is primarily aimed at the use of recycled materials could be the future of cars.

claiming to be environmentalists, and devout Buddhist philosophy of the Ford Motor Company CEO Bill Ford said: “The old methods of production cars have will not work. Of course, there are some of our adventure, big risk.” He said, Ford plans to in the manufacture of hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars to invest in environment-friendly vehicles.

Bill Ford also said that in 2010 Ford produced 250,000 hybrid vehicles, accounting for one-twelfth of the total number of North American market cars.

Last year, Ford has introduced a concept car “REFLEX”, its headlights to solar power, while the interior of the insulating material from the old athletic shoes to recycle.






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