The implementation of medium-sized plant at Nanjing sedimentation ...

Jiangxi Nanchang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. has adopted a medium-sized factory workers a “golden idea” to complete the sedimentation tank wastewater recycling technological transformation projects to solve the 500 mill trench oxide clean-up difficult skin problems, one month can save water for industrial use million cubic meters.

this factory 500 mill trench deposition of iron oxide skin, the original use of the cooling pipe of water washing, because water pressure is not enough, resulting in trench plug. In response to this problem, its employees have offered to install the sedimentation tanks rolling wear leak-free pumps, the use of big power, the characteristics of the pumping pressure to solve this problem. The factory according to the “Golden Ideas” implementing a settling tank wastewater recycling technological innovation, will be receiving the wastewater sedimentation tanks rolling mill cooling water pipes and install manually disc valve, such as iron oxide skin can be opened to flush valve disc, thereby to solve the production problems for many years.




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