烟台市芝罘区二电动自行车商店在销售暂停« oursolo.net



检查发现一TDN222电动自行车和英提尔- 30 -幼功率自行车,汽车配件,由质量监督检验测试中心和山东省,而有些项目不符合国家强制性标准,大大超过了速度构成销售的产品不符合强制性标准的法律事实。为了防止市民手中的产品的问题,与执法人员已责令企业停止销售,退回给制造商的技术处理的规定。

Yantai ZHIFU two electric bicycle store has been a moratorium on the sale

Over the past few days, Yantai Branch of Quality Supervision zhifu electric bicycle market special treatment, as there are two store sales exceeded the speed of the electric bicycle has been investigated and dealt with according to law.

compulsory in accordance with national standards “Electric Bicycle General technical conditions” requirement, production and sales of electric bikes the speed of no more than 20 km / h, the weight of not more than 40 kilograms, but some of the current market for electrical Cycling has speeding, overweight problem.

examination showed a TDN222 electric bicycle and a EF THIL-30-K2 power bicycle, motor vehicle accessories, Shandong Province by Quality Supervision, Inspection and testing center, and some projects do not meet national mandatory standards, significantly exceeding the speed constitute the sale of products that do not meet mandatory standards of the law facts. In order to prevent the issue of products into the hands of the public, in accordance with the law enforcement officers have been ordered to stop selling business, returned to manufacturers for technical treatment. (07-11-30)

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