SACMA先进复合材料供应者协会标准标准2010年{zx1}标准目录免费下载阿里 ...

以下SACMA 国际标准化组织标准信息只供参考,具体情况,请咨询我们--中国标准信息网-发行部
    电话:010-51265117          Skype:中国标准网( Date Language Title

SACMA SRM 1R 1994.01.01  Compressive Properties of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 2R 1994.01.01  Compression After Impact Properties of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 3R 1994.01.01  Open-Hole Compression Properties of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 4R 1994.01.01  Tensile Properties of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 5R 1994.01.01  Open-Hole Tensile Properties of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 6 1994.01.01  Compressive Properties of Oriented Cross-Piled Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 7R 1994.01.01  Inplane Shear Stress-Strain Properties of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 8R 1994.01.01  Short-Beam Shear Strength of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 9 1994.01.01  Tensile Properties of Oriented Cross-Piled Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 10R 1994.01.01  Fiber Volume, Percent Resin Volume and Calculated Average Cured Ply Thickness of Plied Laminates
SACMA SRM 11R 1994.01.01  Environmental Conditioning of Composite Test Laminates
SACMA SRM 12R 1994.01.01  Lot Acceptance of Carbon Fibers
SACMA SRM 13R 1994.01.01  Determination of Mass Per Unit Length of Carbon Fibers
SACMA SRM 14R 1994.01.01  Determination of Sizing Content of Carbon Fibers
SACMA SRM 15R 1994.01.01  Determination of Density of Carbon Fibers
SACMA SRM 16R 1994.01.01  Tow Tensile Testing of Carbon Fibers
SACMA SRM 17R 1994.01.01  Determination of Twist in Carbon Fibers
SACMA SRM 18R 1994.01.01  Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) Determination by DMA of Oriented Fiber-Resin Composites
SACMA SRM 19R 1994.01.01  Viscosity Characteristics of Matrix Resins
SACMA SRM 20R 1994.01.01  High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Thermoset Resins
SACMA SRM 21R 1994.01.01  Fluid Resistance Evaluation of Composite Materials
SACMA SRM 22R 1994.01.01  Determining the Resin Flow of Preimpregnated "B" Staged Material
SACMA SRM 23R 1994.01.01  Determination of Resin Content and Fiber Areal Weight of Thermoset Prepreg with Destructive Techniques
SACMA SRM 24R 1994.01.01  Determination of Resin Content, Fiber Areal Weight and Flow of Thermoset Prepreg by Combined Mechanical and Ultrasonic Methods
SACMA SRM 25R 1994.01.01  Onset Temperature and Peak Temperature for Composite System Resins Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
SACMA SRM 26 1994.01.01  Fiber/Matrix Adhesion of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites
SACMA SRM 27 1998.01.01  Semi-Quantitative Identification of Offgassing Volatiles From Composite Prepreg Materials
SACMA SRP 1 1990.01.01  Printing and Applying Bar Code Labels
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