NEK挪威电工委员会标准2010年{zx1}目录免费下载阿里巴巴mabingbing87的 ...

DocumentNumber Date Language Title
NEK NEK 87:1985 1985.05.01  Suspension clamps for aerial cable with PE-insulation
NEK NEK 136:1990 1990.09.10  Power cables Pex-insulated cables for 12 to 36 kV a.c.
NEK NEK 144 2004.01.01  Graphical symbols for electro technical documentation
NEK NEK 194:1990 1990.09.10  Power cables with PEX-insulation for 1 kV A.C.
NEK NEK 240-1 2008.01.01  Insulating oils - Requirements, supervision and maintenance - Part 1: Transformers, switchgear and associated oil-filled equipment
NEK NEK 240-2 2009.01.01  Insulating oils - Requirements, supervision and maintenance - Part 2: Cable systems for power supply
NEK NEK 240-3 2004.01.01  Insulating oils - Requirements, supervision and maintenance - Part 3: Test methods
NEK NEK 321 1999.01.01  Documentation used in electrotechnology - Part 1: General requirements
NEK NEK 322:1995 1996.03.01  Documentation used in electrotechnology Part 2: Power supply systems
NEK NEK 325:1994 1995.02.01  Documentation used in electrotechnology Part 5: Installations of buildings and sites
NEK NEK 325A:1996 1996.11.01  Documentation used in electrotechnology Part 5: Installations of buildings and sites Supplement A: IEC-standard 61082-4:1996
NEK NEK 391:1989 1989.01.01  Insulation of overhead lines
NEK NEK 395:1990 1990.09.10  Power cables Test for cables for 36 to 420 kV A.C.
NEK NEK 400 2006.01.01  Electrical low voltage installations
NEK NEK 450-1 2003.01.01  Electro technical terminology - Electricity supply systems - Generation - Transmission - Distribution - Part 1: General linguistic rules
NEK NEK 450-2 2002.01.01  Electro technical terminology - Electricity supply systems - Generation, transmission, distribution - Part 2: Switching devices
NEK NEK 450:1997 1997.07.01  Electrotechnical terminology Electricity supply systems - Generating, transmission, distribution - General linguistic rules
NEK NEK 451-1 2002.01.01  Electro technical terminology - General concepts - Part 1: Mathematics
NEK NEK 451-2 2003.01.01  Electro technical terminology - General concepts - Part 2: Physics and chemistry
NEK NEK 502 2006.01.01  Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Norwegian amendments to NEK IEC 60884-1:2002 concerning plugs and socket-outlets being used in Norway
NEK NEK 503:1991 1991.01.01  Avgreningsplugger
NEK NEK 512:1991 1991.01.01  Endemuffer av plast for bruk p氓 1 kV plastisolerte kabler
NEK NEK 514:1991 1991.01.01  Koblingsmateriell Del 2-201: Utenp氓liggende koblingsbokser, IP 20
NEK NEK 515:1991 1991.01.01  P氓-vegg koplingsbokser i tett og eksplosjonssikker utf酶relse
NEK NEK 516:1991 1991.01.01  Installasjonsbokser i plast for skjulte r酶ranlegg
NEK NEK 517:1991 1991.01.01  Jordingsklemmer for feste p氓 r酶r
NEK NEK 520:1991 1991.01.01  Membrannipler
NEK NEK 523:1991 1991.01.01  Kanaler for fellesf酶ring for gass og elektrisitet i pasientrom p氓 sykehus
NEK NEK 524:1991 1991.01.01  Tinetransformatorer
NEK NEK 525:1991 1991.01.01  M氓letransformatorer for kj酶kkenampermetre, signallamper o.l.
NEK NEK 526:1991 1991.01.01  Tenntransformatorer for oljefyringsanlegg, 2. utgave
NEK NEK 527:1991 1991.01.01  Elektroniske effektregulatorer (inkl. Endring 1) som ikke er dekket av NEK EN 60669-1 og -2-1
NEK NEK 531:1991 1991.01.01  Spesielle norske ledningstyper med isolasjon av olje- og v忙rbestandig gummi
NEK NEK 535 2000.01.01  PVC insulated cables with aluminiumtape and oversheath of PVC, rated voltage up to 500 V
NEK NEK 536:1991 1991.01.01  1 kV PVC- og PEX- isolerte kabler
NEK NEK 539:1991 1991.01.01  Fluorplastisolerte ledninger
NEK NEK 540:1991 1991.01.01  Lysarmaturer for bruk ombord i skip og sj酶redskaper (Tillegg til NEK EN 60598-1)
NEK NEK 548:1991 1991.01.01  Stasjon忙re og flyttbare varmluftsvifter for bruk i visse brannfarlige, ikke eksplosjonsfarlige rom
NEK NEK 554:1991 1991.01.01  Varmeapparater for kupeer i kj酶ret酶yer
NEK NEK 565:1991 1991.01.01  Oljepumper og -l酶ftere
NEK NEK 568:1991 1991.01.01  Fj酶svifter
NEK NEK 591:1991 1991.01.01  Selvslukkende, halogenfrie kabler og ledninger for merkespenninger opp t.o.m. 0,6/1 kV Del 1: Fellesbestemmelser. Del 2: Pr酶vemetoder Del 3: Halogenfrie enleder ledninger for fast forlegning Del 4: Halogenfrie 1 kV kabler for fast forlegning Del 5: Halogenfrie 500 V kabler for fast forlegning
NEK NEK 607:1992 1992.06.01  Forskrifter for klammere for ledninger, kabler og r酶r
NEK NEK 609:1996 1996.11.01  Calculation of mechanical strength of overhead transmission lines
NEK NEK 610:1997 1997.09.01  Stranded overhead conductors XLPE covered alloyed aluminium conductors for 12...24 kV
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