晋江鞋运动鞋产量占世界产量的20百分之« oursolo.net

从福建省晋江市人民政府获悉,该市目前拥有3000多个制鞋企业,从业人员1900.0万,其中302 - 2006年规模企业,212.610亿元,体育,旅游人数产值国家旅游业总产出的40个输出,世界产量的20%,占百分之运动鞋。

Jinjiang shoes sports shoes production accounted for 20 percent of world production

From Jinjiang City, Fujian People’s Government was informed that the city currently owns more than 3,000 shoe-making enterprises, the number of practitioners 19 million, of which 302-scale enterprises in 2006, output value of 21.261 billion yuan, sports, travel the country’s total output of tourism, Sports shoes for 40% of total output, accounting for 20 percent of world production. (07-11-30)

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