山东开展创建全国泵类优质产品生产基地调研活动- 中国隔膜泵- 中国隔膜 ...
山东开展创建全国泵类优质产品生产基地调研活动 [转贴 2010-05-18 16:38:38]   

2010年5月8日至10日,山东省质量认证中心、山东省农机研究所资深专家到博山区对该区泵类产业集群的发展现状进行了实地调研,调研采用召开座谈会、现场查看、调查问卷、会议评审等方式进行。博山区副区长宗志坚出席了相关活动,博山质监分局局长马琨岩及相关分管领导陪同调研。 据介绍,此次调研活动由博山质监分局牵头,旨在以此次调研活动为契机,全面细致地了解博山泵类产业发展的现状,确定泵类产业集群提升的方向,从而进一步提升本地区泵类产品的质量水平、增强产业集群的竞争能力,为争创全国泵类优质产品生产基地提供科学依据。 近年来,博山质监分局按照区委、区政府提出的关于大力实施质量兴区战略、xx带动战略和技术标准战略的决策部署,结合地区产业特点,全力争创全国优质泵类产品生产基地。该局通过采取治理、规范、帮扶、提高、创优等一系列措施,使博山泵类产业集群初具规模,产业竞争力明显增强,科技创新能力显著提高,产业整体素质不断提升,质量保证体系健全完善。博山于2006年被中国机械工业联合会命名为“中国泵业名城”;2007年,被科技部批准为“国家火炬计划淄博博山泵类产业基地”;2008年,又被科技部评为“实施国家科技计划(火炬计划)20周年先进管理单位”,2009年,成为全省首批优质泵类产品生产基地。优质基地的创建,带动了全区泵类行业的发展壮大。全区泵类生产企业达到227家,其中规模以上企业35家,主要生产水泵、真空泵、潜水泵、油泵、化工泵等十几大类、120多个系列、1000多个品种、5400多个规格的泵类产品及成套设备,产品应用于北京奥运场馆、温哥华冬奥会、广东大亚湾核电站、南水北调等100多项国家重大工程。产品出口到美国、日本、澳大利亚等80多个国家和地区,每年出口创汇达到8000多万美元,并吸引全球知名制造企业佶缔纳士、日本荏原等公司在博山建立了生产基地。 据悉,调研组先后对山东博泵科技股份有限公司、山东华成集团、山东颜山泵业有限公司等泵类龙头骨干企业、博山精工泵业有限公司、山东博水泵业有限公司等泵类中小型企业,进行了多层次的实地抽样调研。通过对被调研企业研发、采购、制造、营销、服务等方面的考察,调研组了解了博山区泵类产业集群的发展现状,并将以调研报告的形式将此次调研的成果提交给当地政府。

“ Shandong have established production base of high quality national research activities pumps”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

May 8, 2010 to 10, quality certification center in Shandong Province, Shandong Province Agricultural Research Institute senior expert to the area Boshan pump industry cluster development status of the field studies, research by convening seminars, on-site viewing, questionnaires, meetings, etc. for review. Boshan Vice Mayor attended the relevant activities were kin, Boshan Quality Supervision branch in charge of the Secretary Erosion on leadership, accompanied by rock and related research. According to reports, the research activities led by the Boshan quality monitoring stations, aimed at the research activities as an opportunity, a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the status of Boshan pump industry, upgrading industrial clusters to determine the direction of pump, thereby further improve the quality of the region the level of pump products, and enhance the competitiveness of industrial clusters, in order to strive for quality production base in the country pumps provide a scientific basis. In recent years, Boshan Quality Supervision branch in accordance with the district committee and government made great efforts to implement quality to boom on the strategic, brand-driven strategies and technical standards strategy, policies and arrangements, combined with characteristics of local industry, full of good-quality pump products and striving for base. The Council through the adoption of governance, norms, assist, improve, excellence and a series of measures to take shape cluster Boshan pumps, industrial competitiveness will increase markedly, significantly improved scientific and technological innovation, improve the quality of the whole industry, quality assurance system is sound perfect. Boshan in 2006 by the China Machinery Industry Federation named "China Pump city"; in 2007, MOST approved as "National Torch Plan Zibo Boshan Pump Industry Base"; in 2008, has been named Science and Technology "implementation of the National Science and Technology Program (Torch Program) 20th anniversary of the advanced management unit", in 2009, becoming the first provincial production base of high-quality pumps. The creation of high-quality base, led the region pump industry grow and develop. The region reached 227 pump manufacturers, including 35 above-scale enterprises, mainly produces pumps, vacuum pumps, submersible pumps, oil pumps, chemical pumps more than a dozen categories, more than 120 series, more than 1,000 species, more than 5400 specifications The pump products and complete sets of equipment, the product used in Beijing Olympics, the Vancouver Olympic Winter Games, the Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station, the South and more than 100 major national projects. Exports to the United States, Japan and Australia more than 80 countries and territories, annual export of 8,000 million dollars, and attract the world's leading manufacturer concluded Ji Monash, Japan EBARA companies established production bases in Boshan. It is reported that research group has Bo Pump Technology Co., Ltd. Shandong, Shandong China into the Group, Shandong Yan Shan pump Pump Co., Ltd., the leading backbone enterprises, Boshan Precision Pump Co., Ltd., Shandong Bo Pump Industry Co., Ltd., Pump small and medium enterprises, carry out field sampling multi-level research. Through R & D is research, procurement, manufacturing, marketing, and service aspects, we research group learned about the development of industrial clusters Boshan pump status, and will be the form of research reports the results of the research submitted to the local government .

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