After the purchase of 80 women to become a new force « Shanghai ...

“women should have their own house. “British writer Virginia Woolf’s famous phrase, has become the motto of many women.

house of a woman What does that mean? Means to have their own independent living space, can freely according to their own ways of life. Have their own house, not just physical possession, or the spirit of independence. Because of these factors, as the post-80 women, buy a house after living out of self.

“her” new forces into buyers

There are many women think that buying a house is their life in the pursuit of a higher level, is alive a taste, I live from. The house was a woman, just like the French aristocracy in the Horse, China金樽in the wine.

reporters regularly in the Department of the sales to see such a scenario: husband and wife buy a house, men in general simply asked about the lots, property, developers and other elements, the rest of the communication entirely in the sales Miss among women, such as discounts, gardens, facilities, units and other details.

such a lot of scenes: some of the girls did not marry the sales came to the Department, asking price, look at apartments, check the certificate, are very professional, and even sales Miss out “shopping “The posture request a discount.

Nanhu waters of the horizon of a property consultant Li, engaged in sales work for many years, she said, the general couple to buy a house, the final decision of the overwhelming majority of the woman. Therefore, under normal circumstances, she would take the initiative to avoid excessive contact with the man, because it is likely to lead to the woman’s resentment, thus the loss of this single sale, while the woman as a primary objective for public relations. Because even though men often hold the pocketbook, women in the purchase decision-making may not be such a big voice, but the woman has the absolute right of veto, if they voted down a project, basically the family may not buy this项目.

reporter interviewed a 10-odd sales Miss, they basically agree with Li said. This validation of a well-known in the industry but seldom mentioned phenomenon: she forces have quietly grown into the areas of Wuhan, the main consumer market.

“She forces” consumption-led real estate

women in the home’s role change is not an isolated phenomenon. The awakening of feminist consciousness, an affirmation of their value, is the home of the original motivation initiative.

journalists in the survey found that home buyers to buy a house, the middle-and high-income women have shown more initiative. Household wealth in a limited time, men may hold the bulk of consumer goods such consumer decision-making power, but when the family wealth accumulation to a certain extent, because the consumer experience and knowledge of the number of women to the home buyers have a unique opinion, they also have this ability to make decisions.

In addition, since in these families, the enjoyment of residential more women and children, they naturally have the right to express their views on housing. Even for single women, with an increase in the accumulation of wealth, but also as the ability to buy their own property and awareness.

reporters found that the emergence of real estate of her forces, there is another meaning: a growing number of female self-reliance self-reliance, they feel that only when they are in their own space, feel comfortable and calm. House for them, it is emotional protection, it is a refuge for the soul, is a release to allow their own feelings of “home.”

Hubei letter Jiahe Chen, deputy general manager of real estate company told reporters that women and men is very different, they are very fond of home, most of the time at home, together with the delicate and sensitive nature, so women in the buyers than men to observe the conduct of broader and more attention to detail and a number of user-friendly package, not just on the house itself, while the living environment of the future will be careful consideration and observation, which gave the real estate development in the details of improving and product construction has put forward higher requirements.

“She forces” to give women more beautiful

poor material in the past years, the size of the house容下only a bed, or three generations live in a crowded room; many families sharing a kitchen, and so on. This was a deputy general manager of Culture Communication Co., Ltd.龚小梅view, this house is not too much of human nature. Therefore, not married, she wanted to have its own independent house, can the economic strength of reasons, before they get married, she had not been home.

龚小梅such as children only have to buy a house of strength, she buy a house to consider the primary problem is that schools, which can facilitate their children to school is the first condition. She saw a lot of house, take a number of model, the final delineation of the location in the valley.

house units designed, space-efficient, more practical. Prior to this,龚小梅husband lived in a unit of一室一厅, the house small, narrow space people become anxiety, irritability. Not the case now, the children have their own place to study, when the manager’s wife can also think in the study, and she can enjoy in the living room watching favorite television programs.

may be the reason for it being a woman, the house has been龚小梅have endless ambitions and dreams. And sometimes quarrels with her husband, so the idea of growing ever louder. She sometimes dream of an independent unit to a room, with toilet and kitchen, barefoot can also visit the toilet, as long as their hearts are not happy to have an independent space for their own joy and gloom on the line.

to buy a small house, but also can do long-term investment. Late last year,龚小梅read six small units sale of units, facilities, geographical location, developer of credit and transport are very satisfied with that is that it all of a sudden, and quickly signed contracts with a.

multiple龚小梅and her sisters also like to buy in the center of the small units, one as an investment, and the other is her as their “home.”

购买后, 80名妇女成为新的力量

“妇女应当有自己的房子。 ”英国作家弗吉尼亚伍尔夫的一句名言,已成为许多妇女座右铭。












记者发现,出现了房地产她力量,还有另外一个意思:有越来越多的女性自力更生自力更生,他们认为,只有当他们在自己的空间,感觉很舒服和平静。众议院对他们来说,这是情感上的保护,这是一个避难所的灵魂,是一个释放,让自己的感情, “回家。 ”


“她势力” ,使妇女更美丽






多个龚小梅和她的姐妹们也想购买的中心小单位,一个是一种投资,另一个是她为自己的“家” 。

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