糖醋鱼,怎么办? « Live in China 混在中国




Sweet and sour fish, how to do?

sweet and sour fish and how to do?

be yellow croaker (also available grass carp, carp, etc.) 1 (weighing about 750 grams), gold cake, green plum of 5 grams, onions 10 grams, ginger 10 grams, 125 grams of sugar, vinegar 50 grams, 3 grams of salt, cooking wine 15 grams, 10 grams of soy sauce, oil, starch, ginger

the amount of fish to phosphorus, fins, gills and viscera washed the fish on both sides at intervals of 2 cm cut back to the fish bones, and cis-bone cut 1.5 cm, so that fish turn up; gold cake, green Mece Xiaoding slightly with hot water; 7-8 into a clean wok put the oil burning heat, put the fish hanging Weihuo fried starch thoroughly, and fishing Kitchen disk; pan Heat remaining base oil, add onions, ginger until fragrant, spring onions, ginger fish out and put it into soy sauce, sugar, salt, cooking wine, vinegar, ginger, sweet and sour sauce boil water spray starch , poured on fried fish, in the spreading green plum, gold cake can be small.04-12-27

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