IC卡水表用阀门的技术要求及选择方法- guolvqi68 - guolvqi68 - 和讯博客
IC卡水表用阀门的技术要求及选择方法 [转贴 2010-05-18 09:27:15]   

二十一世纪是进入计算机网络化和信息化时代,信息技术已广泛地渗透到社会各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。九十年代以来建设事业中IC卡智能产品发展迅猛并取得了可喜的成绩。 IC卡智能水表从其诞生之日起,至今已走过近十个年头,产品技术不断完善,已被广大用户所接受并大量应用于建设行业,特别是住宅中。但由于IC卡智能水表产品技术还没有达到xx成熟的阶段,各生产厂家产品在技术、结构、工艺上区别仍较大,执行标准不统一,特别是作为控制执行部件的阀门有多种,如先导阀、球阀、陶瓷阀、螺杆阀、电磁阀等,这些阀门特点多异,产品质量良莠不齐,选择时应特别注意。根据目前IC卡水表现状及我公司多年研制IC卡水表的经验,本文重点对应用较多的先导式阀门和球阀的特点及选型提出一些看法,与业内人士及用户探讨。 一、阀门在IC卡水表中应具备的性能 IC卡水表是一种具有计量及控制功能为一体的水量计量仪表,作为计量装置它提供用水数量及收费依据;作为控制装置,它可实现预付费功能并准确控制供水量。阀门是其控制装置的执行终端,高质量的IC卡水表用阀门应具备以下性能: 1、阀门开关应灵活可靠。打得开,关得严,到位准确,且开、关状态应稳定。 2、按国家标准要求,IC卡水表总的结构长度不能超过相同公称通径基表的长度,因此阀门应体积小,结构紧凑。 3、压损应尽量的小,小口径IC卡水表其基表加阀门总压损应小于0.1MPa。 4、从功耗上要求,阀门的起动及运行力矩应尽量小。 5、阀门耐压强度应达到在压力1.6MPa下持续15min(型式试验为2.0MPa下1min)无泄漏和阀体无变形、损坏。 6、阀门密封性能好。在1.1PN下,其密封面不得有渗漏。 7、开闭速度尽量快,且不得有水锤现象产生。 8、按CJ/T133标准,阀门的开闭次数应超过1000次以上,此时阀门关闭后的内泄量不能超过标准要求,阀门使用寿命应超过10年以上。 9、阀门的动作裕度应尽量大,在管道压力为0.02Mpa至其额定压力下,应能正常工作。 10、阀门所用材料应耐腐蚀,且符合饮用水的卫生条件。 二、阀门选型要求 1、IC卡水表用阀门存在的问题 在我国IC卡水表投放市场近十年,为自来水行业从传统的人工收费的管理模式转为预付费管理模式提供了物质条件,实现了城市安全、可靠、准确、方便的供水收费系统。因此IC卡水表受到自来水行业和用户的青睐。但是这种高科技产品的发展并不是一帆风顺,很多厂家见到IC卡水表市场广阔,利润丰厚,尽管没有掌握这项产品的技术,却急忙上马;有些IC卡水表厂家受到利益驱使,不重视产品质量,设计上没有充分考虑产品的可靠性,设计要求不明确,设计方案不充分;生产工艺上控制不严,试验、检测手段缺乏,致使产品质量低下,造成市场上的IC卡水表质量良莠不齐。据我们市场调查,IC卡水表出现的故障中阀门占有较大比例,主要故障为内、外泄,打不开、关不上或卡死等,其中打不开、关不上是十分严重的故障,直接影响用户的使用,使水表失去其最基本的使用功能。 2、选型 阀门选型应从以下几方面综合考虑: 1、首先要全面了解IC卡冷水表标准CJ/T133对阀门性能、技术要求方面的规定,被选阀门是否符合这些规定。 2、阀门的结构特点是否能满足用户要求,包括潜在要求。 3、对IC卡水表生产厂家的技术实力、开发过程、质量保证体系进行调查,详细了解企业产品开发的技术细节,是否有能力并认真研究解决传统阀门存在的弊端,并不断改进产品的性能和质量。 4、进行市场调研,了解产品在其用户中使用情况。 三、对球阀、先导阀门结构原理和技术特点的分析对比 1、球阀 1)结构原理:目前IC卡水表采用的球阀多为电机驱动球阀。它由电机、减速器、阀杆、球体、阀体组成,结构上与普通球阀基本相同。动作原理非常简单,当电机接到控制器指令,启动后经减速器减速,通过阀杆运动带动球体旋转,球体中间开孔,当孔与阀体通孔同轴时,阀门全部打开,当球体再转动900时阀门关闭,实现对水流通断的控制。 2)优点: 球阀结构简单,动作也不复杂,零件少,生产制造容易,成本较低;压损很小。 3)缺点及需要解决的问题 A. 起动力矩及工作力矩大,电机工作电流大,一般在80~120mA范围。阻力主要来源于球体与阀体间的密封面,和阀杆与阀体间的密封面,阻力随着管道流体压力的增大而增大。由于电机起动电流大,压降也很大,严重时会造成单片机低压死机。 B. 开关阀时间长:厂家为提高电机的负载力矩,常采用提高减速器的速比,这样又造成开关阀时间加长,耗电增加。 C. 防泄漏困难:球面与阀体间的密封因开关阀时球体旋转运动而磨损,造成阀门内泄,关不严;阀杆与阀体间的动密封因转动磨损而造成阀门外泄。 D. 阀门动作失灵、卡死:球面与阀体间密封被磨损后,两者间隙增大,当水中有杂质及水垢会将球体卡死,从而造成阀门关不上、打不开。 2、先导式阀门 1)结构原理:当前IC卡水表行业广泛采用的先导式阀门结构形式分为先导活塞式、先导波纹管式和先导薄膜式。驱动方式上多采用直流微型电机驱动,这种阀门我们称其为电机驱动先导式截止阀门(以下简称先导式阀门)。 先导式阀门由主阀、导阀、电机、减速器、阀芯等组成,先导阀门是利用阀门进出口压力差通过导阀放大来控制主阀开关动作。下面以膜片作为压力分区部件的先导阀门为例说明其工作原理。 阀门由阀瓣与阀座、皮膜与上盖将主阀分割为A、B、C三个压力区,通过控制导阀来改变A、B、C三个区域间的压力差,即可控制主阀可靠、平稳开启与关闭。 开阀:打开导阀2,关闭导阀1,阀门C区的水通过泄流管进入B区,C区的压力与B区相等,A区进口压力远远高于C区,阀瓣受向上的压力,使阀芯上移将阀门打开。 关阀:打开导阀1,关闭导阀2,阀门进口A区的水经引流管进入C区,使C区压力与A区相等,由于膜片受力面积大于阀座面积,使阀芯向下移动,直至关闭阀门。 2)优点: A. 阀门的开启和关闭的主要驱动力来源于管道内介质的压力,因此阀门开、关所需起动力矩及工作力矩很小,类似晶体管放大原理或杠杆原理。 B. 阀瓣是橡胶的,属软密封,留有一定压量,因此密封性好,开关可靠,滴水不漏,且使用寿命长。 C. 耗电省,有利于电池供电,甚至公称通径几百mm的大口径阀门,一节3.6V的锂电池都能使其正常工作。 3)缺点: A. 先导孔较小,易堵塞。 B. 结构较复杂。 C. 成本稍高。

“ IC card water meter with a valve of the technical requirements and selection methods”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国过滤器网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。

The twenty-first century is to enter the computer network and the information age, information technology has been widely infiltrated into all areas of society and play an increasingly important role. Since the nineties the cause of building the rapid development of IC card intelligence products and achieved gratifying results. IC Card Intelligent Water Meter from the date of birth, has gone through nearly 10 years, constantly improving product technology, has been accepted by the majority of users and a large number of used construction industry, particularly residence. However, IC Card Intelligent Water Meter Products have not reached full maturity, the manufacturers of products in the technology, structure, process the difference is still large, the implementation of standards are not uniform, especially as control of the implementation of a variety of valve components, If the pilot valve, ball valve, ceramic valve, screw valve, solenoid valve, the valve more different characteristics, product quality varies greatly, choose with caution. IC card water meter according to the present situation and development of our company many years experience in water meter IC card, this paper focuses on the application of more Pilot valves and valve characteristics and selection has made some comments and discuss the industry and users. A valve in the IC card water meter should have performance IC card water meter is a kind of measurement and control instrumentation for the measurement of body water, as water metering device that provides the number and charges basis; as a control device that enables prepaid and accurately control the water supply function. Valve controls the implementation of its end, high-quality IC card water meter valves shall have the following properties: 1, valve switch should be flexible and reliable. Played opening and closing were strict, accurate and in place, and opening and closing the state should be stable. 2, according to national standards, IC card water meter can not exceed the total length of the structure of the same nominal diameter base length of the table, so the valve should be small and compact. 3, pressure loss should be small, small-caliber water meter IC card plus the base table the total valve pressure drop should be less than 0.1MPa. 4, from the power consumption requirements of starting and running torque of the valve should be as small as possible. 5, the valve should be achieved in the pressure of 1.6MPa compressive strength under sustained 15min (type test for the 2.0MPa under 1min) without leakage and body without deformation, damage. 6, the valve seal. At 1.1PN, its not a leak sealing surface. 7, opening and closing speed as fast, with no water hammer phenomenon. 8, according to CJ/T133 standard, the valve opening and closing times should be more than 1000 times over, this time inside the valve closed can not exceed standards on discharge, the valve should be more than 10 years service life. 9, the valve action due large margin, the pressure in the pipeline for the 0.02Mpa to its rated pressure should be able to work properly. 10, the valve should be corrosion-resistant materials used, and meets drinking water sanitation. Second, valve selection requirements 1, IC card water meter with a valve problem IC card water meter in our market in recent years, for the water industry from the traditional manual management fee to prepaid management provided the material conditions for the realization of the city safe, reliable, accurate and convenient water charging system. Therefore, IC card water meter by the water industry and users. But this was not always smooth development of high technology products, many manufacturers see the IC card water meter market a broad, lucrative, although there is no control of the product technology, but quickly start; some of the interests of IC card water meter manufacturers were driven, not of the product quality, the design did not adequately consider the reliability of the product design requirements are unclear, inadequate design; production process strictly on the control, testing, lack of detection means, resulting in poor product quality, creating a market on the quality of good and bad IC card water meter. According to our market research, IC card water meter malfunction in the valve account for a large proportion of the main fault is, the leak, does not open, or card does not die off and so on, which does not open, off is not very serious fault, directly affect the user, so that the use of water meters lose their most basic functions. 2, selection Valve selection should comprehensively consider the following: 1, the first IC card cold water to form a comprehensive understanding of the standard CJ/T133 on valve performance and technical requirements of the regulations, the valve is selected to meet these requirements. 2, the structural characteristics of the valve is to meet user requirements, including the potential requirements. 3, on the IC card water meter manufacturer's technical strength, the development process, quality assurance system to investigate, to learn more about the technical details of enterprise product development, ability and serious effort to solve the drawbacks of conventional valves, and continuously improve product performance and quality. 4, to conduct market research to understand the product in its users use. Third, the ball valve, pilot valve structure principle and technical characteristics of the analysis and comparison 1, ball valve 1) The structural principle: the current water meter IC card used for the motor-driven ball valve and more. It consists of motor, reducer, valve stem, ball, body composition, structure is basically the same with ordinary ball valves. Action principle is very simple, when the motor controller receives commands activated by the reducer reducer, driven by stem movement rotating sphere, the sphere with a central hole, and when the hole coaxial with the valve, the valve fully open, when when the valve ball 900 and then turn off, to achieve control of water flow off. 2) Advantages: Valve structure is simple, action is not complicated, less parts, manufacturing is easy, low cost; pressure loss is small. 3) shortcomings and problems to be solved A. Starting torque and working torque, and motor working current, generally in the range of 80 ~ 120mA. Resistance mainly from the sphere and the body sealing surface, and the stem and the body sealing surface, the resistance with the pipeline fluid pressure increases. As the motor starting current, voltage drop too much, and in severe crash caused by low voltage single chip. B. Switching Valve a long time: the motor manufacturers to improve the load torque, often used to improve the speed ratio reducer, this has caused longer time off valves, power consumption increases. C. Anti-leak problems: sphere and the body sealing off valve when the ball by rotating the wear and tear, causing the valve inside the vent, off strict; stem and the body of the dynamic seal wear caused by rotating valve outside vent. D. valves fail to operate, stuck: spherical and the body seal is worn, the two gap increases, and when the water has impurities and scale the sphere will be stuck, causing the valve is not on, not open. 2 Pilot valve 1) The structural principle: the current IC card water meter widely used pilot-valve structure is divided into pilot piston, bellows, and pilot pilot diaphragm. Drive way more than DC micro motor, this valve we call cut-off valve motor drive Pilot (hereinafter referred to as pilot-valve). Pilot valve from the main valve, pilot valve, motor, reducer, valve, etc., pilot valve pressure difference is the use of import and export through the valve guide valve to control the main valve to enlarge switching. Pressure area below to Film as part of the pilot valve an example how it works. Valve from the valve flap and valve seat, diaphragm and cover the main valve is divided into A, B, C three pressure areas, by controlling the pilot valve to change the A, B, C the pressure difference between the three areas, you can control main valve and reliable, smooth opening and closing. Open valve: open the pilot valve 2 to close the pilot valve 1, valve C, the water through the discharge pipe into the B zone, C zone pressure and B, equal, A Area C, far higher than the inlet pressure, valve by valve upward pressure on the valve spool opens the Move. Off valve: open the pilot valve 1 to close the pilot valve 2, valve A district imports water from drainage pipes into the C zone, so that the pressure and A, C, equal to the force as patch area larger than the valve seat, the valve core moves down until the valve is closed. 2) Advantages: A. Valve opening and closing of the main driving force comes from the pressure medium inside the tubes, so the valve opening and closing torque required to start a small torque and work, similar to the transistor amplification principle, or leverage. B. is a rubber disc, is a soft seal, leaving a certain amount of pressure, so good seal, switch reliability, leak, and long service life. C. grocer, is conducive to battery-powered, or even a few hundred mm nominal diameter of large diameter valves, a 3.6V lithium-ion batteries can make it work properly. 3) Disadvantages: A. small pilot hole, easy to plug. B. structure is more complicated. C. higher cost.

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